If you are paying attention to the news, you might have heard that we are having some “weather issues” here in Southern California. You may be in your own house, because you are snowed in, or the roads are closed. But here, we have some rain. It’s like a National Crisis here in Orange County. We are on “storm watch”. It’s pretty funny, because I have friends who laugh at me when I tell them about this.
But really, we aren’t prepared for this much water. I keep seeing flash floods, mini tornadoes, property damage, and messes all over the news. We’ve been pretty lucky though. Our house sits up pretty high, our driveway is properly sloped, and our backyard is draining. Angry Kid loves it. He likes splashing around in the puddles and running around in the rain. He actually took my umbrella away from me the other night. Not nice, but pretty funny. He’s excited to wear his Batman rain boots every day. Seeing Angry Kid in his rain boots had me thinking. How come I don’t have rain boots? Why not? I need them, right? I mean, I usually wear my Converse, and they are getting soaked.
So in typical “Julie-Style”, I ordered some rain boots. Now, if you know me, I get a little creative with my wardrobe. I have often been told, “only YOU could get away with something like that.” Yea, well…someone’s gotta do it, right?
So I ordered these on Tuesday night, and got them early Wednesday morning. I’m a total impulse buyer and I love that Endless does overnight shipping. I can only imagine how many people were at the mall this week looking for rain gear. While, I sat on my butt, and clicked “order”.
You are jealous, aren’t you? Everyone loves Hello Kitty. I think they are quite fabulous. I may have even wore them to work last night. I took a picture of my foot yesterday while wearing my new awesome boots and my work pants. I sent the picture via text to a few friends. I got back some funny comments, but mostly, “love the boots”.
I may not always go with wardrobe choices that are very trendy, but for some reason, they work for me. I’m going to Blissdom at the beginning of February. I’m pretty excited for this conference. I will get to meet tons of my bloggy friends. I am already thinking about what wardrobe items, I will be bring with me. I will have to do a post about “my clothing” styles and choices. I’m pretty random.What works for me, might not always work for everyone else. I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just my style.
Oh yea, this is a photo from BlogHer 09′. YES, it was for a theme party. But you can understand “Julie Style” by this picture. I had to represent the “Angry Julie” with the shirt. This is not typical “conference wear.”