Getting My Fit On

I kicked butt in 2008 and early 2009. And then I hit the wall.  Seriously, life can get quite hectic, and you start forgetting what is important.  I get so caught up in family life, working, and hobbies (cough, cough, cough…blog) that sometimes, I forget about me.  I need to remember that my health, and really mental sanity is more important than all of this. Because if momma’s not happy, no one is going to be happy.

“Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.”
~ Carol Welch

I recently switched to a different work schedule that has me completely out of whack.  I went from working normal hours i.e. daytime of 6am-4:30pm to night owl hours of 4pm-2:30am.  I have been dragging myself home at night, and depositing myself into Angry Kid’s bedroom. It’s easier this way, because no one will wake me up in the morning.

Before switching my work schedule, I attended a fitness class at 24Hour Fitness every Thursday.  I slacked a little during the Holidays, but most of the past year, I attended.  I was all set to attend it yesterday, when my down comforter called my name.  Slacker!


For my 2010 Goals, I list ten races in 2010 as my #2 goal. Well, I can’t really run all those races if I’m not running, right? So yes, I need to run more. Honestly, running is quite boring.  I can only listen to my music for so long. I’m a chatty-type and it kinda looks weird if I’m talking to myself.  I have totally flaked on my running partner, Pesha.  We used to do runs like at least once a week. Do you see this Pesha, call me!!! I also need to dust off that treadmill in my garage. Angry Husband re-arranged the garage last week, and now it’s not covered with tools. My race partner, Monique, sent me an e-mail that she signed up for a race training/prep class, so jealous and I wish I had the time.

Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred

I also have Jillian Michaels “30-Day Shred” DVD. Have you heard of that? Awesome workout that you can do at home, in front of your TV. This is especially nice if you have small kiddos and have to deal with nap times, etc. All you need is some tennis shoes and some light hand weights.  Seriously, this workout kicks my butt!

Do you have a gym membership that you barely use? Does it have childcare? I started taking Angry Kid to the gym with me last year. I personally waited until he was completely potty-trained.  He loves that place. I kid you not, he asks to go to 24Hour Fitness every time we drive by.  I can work out for an hour while I’m there and take 30 minutes to take a shower, etc.  Then I don’t have to worry about what trouble he’s getting into while I’m showering at home.

I really increased the use of my gym membership last year by diving into their group fitness classes.  I’m always been timid about jumping into things.  I tend to feel a little lost, and get that feeling “that everyone knows each other, and what happens in the class.” Well a good time to start is in January. There are a lot of other new people, looking to try something new. Most gyms (especially national ones) have their class schedules online.

Doris Dodge-Thews

My friend, Doris, is teaching what she calls “Triple Threat Thursday”. She starts at 8am with TKB (Turbo Kick Box), 9am is 24Lift, and 10am is PIYO (Mat pilates and yoga mix).  I’m not saying that I’m going to attempt all 3 of these classes. I’m not that nuts. But I may try and do that TKB and 24Lift, that is, if I can get up in time.  Doris is really inspiring too. She’s been teaching fitness classes for years…and she’s a personal trainer too. And on top of all that, she’s training for her second Boston Marathon and she’s an ambassador for lululemon. She also has a nickname for me, umm “cupcake”.

So with all these things? I should be fit, right?

I start my day off pretty good. I usually have either a protein drink, oatmeal, or some kind of yogurt.  I really need some kind of protein early in the day, because I tend to get fatigued easy if I don’t.  I try and have either a salad, some kind of soup, or something chicken-oriented for lunch. And well, dinner, four days of the week, I will be at work. This is always a challenge.  I also need to focus on drinking more water. I’ve actually done pretty good with my caffeine lately, but my water consumption needs to increase.

Wish me luck!

For more weight loss tips and fitness posts, be sure to check out Kelly’s Korner. She’s hosting a carnival today to inspire others and to share your knowledge.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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