Official Delurker Day 2010

I see all the people coming to my blog every day via ip addresses and Internet Providers.  I think, hmmm, I wonder who that it is? Are they commenting? Do I know who you are? Why do you come back? Does the chaos of my life entertain you? Do you make a point to read my blog when you have time. Have you never commented on my blog, or other blogs? Well today is the day!!!

lurkI also read blogs. Some of these bloggers intimidate me.  I think gosh, I just have this little ole’ blog where I talk about my family and random stuff. I see all these men and women pour their hearts out with wonderful stories, questions, angst? What do I have to offer them? Well a comment, a “me too, I agree”.  People love that they have readers on their blogs.  Believe me, bloggers love comments.  It justifies what they are writing. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be public. I’ve been very brave lately, and left tons of comments. Believe me, this is something I used to never do. Even Angry Husband has said, “stop lurking, leave a comment…” He knows me too well.

So feel free to comment today! If you have a question for me, let me know. If there’s something you want to say, do it! Also, if you want to e-mail me, you can always do that.  My e-mail address is  I might not get to you right away, but I will as soon as I can.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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