Happy 101 Award

This is kind of ironic that me, Angry Julie, is posting about a Happy Award? It’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? Well Ms. Courtney over at Coco’s Cuckoo World bestowed this on me. It’s been a while since I’m given out awards, etc. etc. etc. I’m busy, being tired. I’ve been playing catch up with work, home, family, and everything else since the Holidays! Courtney is from Texas. You know how those Texas people are, right? Loud!! Well Courtney is loud, you can tell from her blog, but really, she’s hilarious. I read something in every one of her posts, and go, seriously, this woman is so much like me, it’s freaky.  It’s probably good that she lives far away, because we would be in the mall fighting over the perfect jacket or something.

Anyway, I’m supposed to point out ten things that make me happy! So here is goes! Oh, and pay attention, five of you reader-type people are getting tagged at the end.  That is if you are still reading my nonsense.

1. Glee

EVERY time I watch this show, I smile. I sing along to everything. I look forward to it so much that I do not watch it live.  I wait until the next day, when I have peace and quiet with no interruptions. I have to admit, sometimes, I watch it several times before I hit that “delete” button on ye’ole DVR.

2. WordPress

I fought change for almost a year.  I’ve been using the Blogger platform since October of 2005. I was scared, I admit it. I was afraid that I would have this blog and not know how to use it.  I needed to realize that I know more about html, blogging, and all this interwebz stuff than I thought. Silly Julie! I’ve had some issues, more like questions. Thankfully, I’ve had some friends, cough cough Shannon, help me out. Ok, it did take some long distance phone calls, but totally worth it!! It’s not scary, I promise! Best blog thing I did in 2009, was to change to WordPress.

3. Skype

Do you Skype? I do. You are probably thinking, “Isn’t Skype for video conferencing?” Well yes it is. But there is also a chat function. How many times have you gotten pissed off because AIM, GChat, or Facebook chat locked up and shut down? Right when you were in the middle of a gossip session! Well I’ve been chatting on Skype a lot lately, and it NEVER has locked up on me. Oh, and yes, I’m quite chatty!

4. Aquage Transforming Paste

I use Aquage Transforming Paste every day on my hair. I have naturally curly hair. Yes, my hair is short, but it gets all funky when it’s completely dry. I start to look like I have a mushroom on my head. Now who wants that look? I prefer my hair a little slicker. This stuff is the best, but soooo hard to find.  I have my people with hair supply connects get it for me.

5. California

I’m very happy right now that I live in Southern California. I keep reading about all these freezing temperatures.  We had a few highs fo 75+ degrees this week.  I don’t do cold weather well, and I think I would be a little stir crazy right now if I was snowed in, or something.

6. Monster Energy Drinks

I have a slight addiction to caffeine. Leave me alone. I know it’s a bad habit.  But I can’t go a day without my Monster. It’s my trademark drink.  Angry Husband drinks Monsters too. I think it’s something that we can actually agree on.

7. Stacey

What a great BFF. She brought me cupcakes today, to work! She also took a birthday gift and my laptop back to my house, just cause I asked her too, ok maybe I begged. I appreciate you Stacey!

8. Disneyland

We’ve had Season Passes to Disneyland for 3 years now.  We go several times a month.  I’m happy that we live fifteen minutes from there.  Angry Kid also never gets bored there, and he sleeps when we get home. How perfect is that!

9. Sundays

We had shift change today. I have Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays off. I’m telling you this in case you want to stalk me or something. I can’t tell you the last time I had Sundays off. It’s been quite awhile. I really don’t know what to do with myself. You have no idea how exciting this is.

10. Angry Kid

Yes, he drives me insane most days. But really, everyone kinda pushes me over the edge.  I took Angry Kid to the dentist last week, because HE BEGGED me to make him an appointment. He was soo excited to go. What a weirdo!

So now it’s your turn!!! I’m tagging these FIVE BLOGGERS to be Happy!

1.  Working Mommy-I commented on her blog, and now she’s over here commenting on mine! That’s how it works! Comments make us bloggers happy!

2.  Lee-Ann-Crazy girl lost me in my Blogger to WordPress switch. She’s found me again. We met through a parenting forum.

3.  Sasha-A devout lover of Sephora and all things make-up! We found each other on BabyCenter. Her Wild Child is just like Angry Kid.

4.  Shan-Fellow member of MomDot forums. She is also switching to WordPress, and I think she might be loosing her mind in the process.

5. Bringing Up Burns-Erin is quite the crafter! We actually went to High School together.

So now my top FIVE, it’s your turn to post about TEN things that make you Happy, and umm tag, some other victims…

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