A few weeks ago I attended an online webinar with Janice Simonsen, an IKEA Design Expert. Janice has served for the past ten years as a design spokesperson for IKEA U.S. Janice presented 12 Months of Great Design with IKEA. She has great ideas for every month. Rather than highlighting all the months, I will be doing a post every month giving the tips I learned from Janice.
January is the time of the year for resolutions, goals, and of course, organizing. Doesn’t everyone want to start off the year, organized? I know that I do. Angry Husband and I recently organized our garage, providing more usable space for us. We have some great storage cabinets and containers, but they can always be used more effectively. We eliminated a ton of clutter, and also filled up our trash cans.
I love unique ways of organizing. Sometimes, I can’t come up with everything on my own. I search magazines, and online for storage containers, pictures, and solutions that other people have come up with. Sometimes, you have to think outside of the box. IKEA has provided some great ideas, by using some of their already fabulous products in different ways, than they were originally intended for.
Lacking Storage for Organizing?
*Try a magnetic strip made for the kitchen as a home office organizer for paper clips, tacks and other small supplies.
You can use the GRUNDTAL magnetic knife rack and GRUNDTAL containers for sleek organization of your office supplies. Who would have thought a knife rack and containers made for spices, could provide storage for your office also? They are inexpensive, and are great modern accessories for your office.
*Shoe organizers being used for other types of storage possibilities.
I rarely think about vertical storage. I’m consumed with maximizing space with the cabinets and dressers in my house. Re-purposing shoe cabinets and holders provides endless opportunities for your garage, home office, and even a baby’s room.
The TRONES shoe storage and the SKAR shoe cabinet were used in these projects. You can also remove the doors on the TRONES. They are also a simple white color and easy to clean.
Sometimes you need to think outside your comfort zone and try something new. Just because it says “shoe storage” or “kitchen” doesn’t mean that you can’t use it in your home office or garage. I can’t wait to shop at IKEA for more ideas. I could spend hours in there. On a recent trip, I was there for two hours. I even got the “are you still at IKEA” call from Angry Husband while there. I made some simple purchases that Angry Husband was pleased with.
Next Month, February, I will be featuring “Customizing Your Sleep Experience”.
Disclosure: Images provided by IKEA Design. I was provided a small item from IKEA for attending their online webinar. I was not compensated with cash. I shop at IKEA. They did not persuade me to write this post.