Twelve Months of Great Design with IKEA: January

A few weeks ago I attended an online webinar with Janice Simonsen, an IKEA Design Expert. Janice has served for the past ten years as a design spokesperson for IKEA U.S. Janice presented 12 Months of Great Design with IKEA.  She has great ideas for every month. Rather than highlighting all the months, I will be doing a post every month giving the tips I learned from Janice.


January is the time of the year for resolutions, goals, and of course, organizing.  Doesn’t everyone want to start off the year, organized? I know that I do.  Angry Husband and I recently organized our garage, providing more usable space for us.  We have some great storage cabinets and containers, but they can always be used more effectively.  We eliminated a ton of clutter, and also filled up our trash cans.

I love unique ways of organizing. Sometimes, I can’t come up with everything on my own.  I search magazines, and online for storage containers, pictures, and solutions that other people have come up with. Sometimes, you have to think outside of the box.  IKEA has provided some great ideas, by using some of their already fabulous products in different ways, than they were originally intended for.

Lacking Storage for Organizing?

*Try a magnetic strip made for the kitchen as a home office organizer for paper clips, tacks and other small supplies.


You can use the GRUNDTAL magnetic knife rack and GRUNDTAL containers for sleek organization of your office supplies.  Who would have thought a knife rack and containers made for spices, could provide storage for your office also? They are inexpensive, and  are great modern accessories for your office.

*Shoe organizers being used for other types of storage possibilities.

IKEA Shoe Storage

I rarely think about vertical storage.  I’m consumed with maximizing space with the cabinets and dressers in my house.  Re-purposing shoe cabinets and holders provides endless opportunities for your garage, home office, and even a baby’s room.

The TRONES shoe storage and the SKAR shoe cabinet were used in these projects. You can also remove the doors on the TRONES.  They are also a simple white color and easy to clean.

Sometimes you need to think outside your comfort zone and try something new.  Just because it says “shoe storage” or “kitchen” doesn’t mean that you can’t use it in your home office or garage. I can’t wait to shop at IKEA for more ideas.  I could spend hours in there.  On a recent trip, I was there for two hours.  I even got the “are you still at IKEA” call from Angry Husband while there.  I made some simple purchases that Angry Husband was pleased with.

Next Month, February, I will be featuring “Customizing Your Sleep Experience”.

Disclosure: Images provided by IKEA Design.  I was provided a small item from IKEA for attending their online webinar.  I was not compensated with cash. I shop at IKEA. They did not persuade me to write this post.

Late Nights For This Working Mama


Please forgive me if I have been out of it for the past few weeks.  I did a complete flip with my work schedule.  That is good news, and bad news all at the same time. Do you want to hear the good news? Well I’m off Mondays, till May.  I won’t be Angry on Mondays. The bad news, I’m working nights, which is the swing shift.  I also get off work at almost 3am most nights.

My sleep and eating schedule is completely messed up right now.  I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.  I flip my phone to silent when I get home, which turns my alarm off. People are afraid to call the house, in case they might wake me up. People start calling at 9am, CALL! I do not want to sleep all day. What a complete waste.  I mentally think of all these things I’m going to do during the day, but they never get done.  I can barely do laundry.

I’ve had to deal with this type of work shift for seven years now.  It used to be the preferred shift for me. This was pre-child.  But now, I try and work it only four months out of the year. It’s very hard to be up in the morning with a wild child.  It’s also hard for me to stay up this late. I don’t know how people do it, for years and years.  I’ve had to also manage the caffeine, because you can’t drink too much, or too little.

Angry Husband is also quite good about sending picture texts of Angry Kid.

And of course, I had to lose my debit card again. I was completely stressed out all night about my debit card. It was in the pocket of my hoodie. The hoodie, I was wearing when I walked in today, wearing. I’m loosing my mind. Please help!

P.S. I took a shower early today, just so I could go to the store and get some caffeine…

P.P.S. The advantage of working nights….I get to take photographs like this at sunset. Seriously, this is barely edited.  I just edited the exposure mostly. The sky was this beautiful.

iCharge, Do you?

I’ve had my iPhone since September.  I use it a lot. Don’t get me wrong.  But seriously, I feel like the phone is always charging.  If I’m out an about, I’m using it.  If I’m in the car, at work, or in the house, it’s charging. Angry Husband has the same issue too. As a matter of fact, he told me tonight, “I didn’t answer the phone because I only had 13% of my battery left.” He called me from the house.

Because we are both so mobile, we’ve acquired many iPhone chargers.  We also have an iTouch that belongs to Angry Kid. He mostly watches movies on it. We use it as a pocket DVD player. Well, we’ve acquired quite a collection of chargers and/or charging cords. We have NINE, yes 9 cords.  I actually counted 10 at first, but I went around and counted today.  I even did an informal charger poll on Twitter and my Facebook account today.  I think the average person had three cords for each iPhone.  That can get quite expensive.

Why am I talking about cords and charging? Well I watched many webcasts today about Apple’s new iPad. What a horrible name. Seriously, I would have much rather preferred the iTablet, like the rumors. But they did say that the battery lasted 10 FULL hours.  As an iPhone owner, I let out a loud chuckle.  I have an iPhone and a Macbook.  Neither of these devices last as long as Apple says they do. Don’t get me wrong, but these battery time frames are totally wrong.

IPhone Charger Collage 1. Angry Julie Work Van 2. Angry Husband Work Car 3. Angry Tahoe 4. Angry Truck 5. Kitchen Charger 6. Bedroom Charger 7. Macbook Charger 8. PC Office Charger 9. Angry Julie Work Office Charger

Do you have an iPhone? Do you charge it a lot? Please don’t say we are the only ones with this issue? How many chargers do you have? Is nine, an excessive amount of chargers?

You will laugh at this one, though. Angry Husband bought the bedroom nightstand charger for one of my Christmas presents.  I take my baby (iPhone) with me to bed every night.  I sit there and go through my reader or go on Twitter. This is how I relax.  He was tired of hearing me bitch about my battery dying.  Because I also use it as an alarm clock.

Oh, and the iPad? For $499, you get 16 GB of storage, with Wi-Fi built-in. For $599, you get 32 GB of storage. For $699, you get 64 GB of storage. What do you think? Are you sold? Are you pre-ordering.  Meh, I wasn’t that impressed. Angry Husband wants one. But he was annoyed about paying more fees to AT&T. Because well, that’s another thing, we have like no cell service in our house right now. It’s ridiculous.

Wordless Wednesday: Hawaiian Cupcake

Whole Foods Cupcake 2

Welcome to  “Angry Julie Monday’s Wordless Wednesday MckLinky”! If this your first time here, HELLO! I’m am doing a link-up every Wednesday! Post a picture that you took in the past week and link back to it here.

Pacific Waters Spa, A Day of Pampering

On Sunday, I was treated to a special event at the Pacific Waters Spa.  The Pacific Waters Spa is located in the Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach, CA.  I was graciously invited to enjoy a day at the Spa along with several other fabulous mom bloggers from Los Angeles and Orange County. How did they know that I needed a spa day?

Pacific Waters Spa

As a busy working mom, it is hard to find time to pamper myself.  I sometimes go a month or more between pedicures.  You make think that’s not bad, but you haven’t seen my toes. I can’t even remember how long it has been since I’ve had a spa day, or even a massage.  When we arrived at The Pacific Waters Spa, I was greeted by wonderful staff members.  I had carpooled with Ciaran, and was intrigued to see what other mom bloggers would arrive.  I was thrilled to see some Orange County Mom’s and Los Angeles Mom’s that I already knew.  I also got to meet some new friends. Everyone was great.

Carol McIntire, The Pacific Waters Spa Manager, greeted us, and told us about Pacific Waters Spa and what it has to offer.  We were then broken up into groups and given tours around the facility and mini treatments.  I was treated to a facial, massage, and hand treatment.  I felt so relaxed after the treatments. I probably should return to the facility soon, for a Deep Tissue Massage.  I have so much stress in my life, and I can totally feel it in my back and shoulders.

In between receiving treatments, they showed us some simple ingredients to prepare some at-home spa treatments.  The ingredients can be found at your local grocery store.  Here’s an example of one at-home treatment.

Mocha Latte Wrap

2 Tbsp Ground Coffee

1 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

3 Tbsp Coconut Butter

Plastic Wrap

Mix food ingredients in a small bowl.  Apply in light circular motion on desired area (hands, arms, or foot).  Wrap area lightly in plastic wrap for approximately 10 minutes.  Remove plastic wrap and rinse treated area throughly in warm shower. *Test small area first in case of allergies or skin sensitivity.

Mom Bloggers @ Pacific Waters Spa

The Pacific Waters Spa offers 20,000 square feet of pampering, including a full-service spa, a salon, and a a 24-Hour Fitness Center. They have women’s and men’s locker areas and relaxation rooms, sauna, steamroom, whirlpool, and showers. They also have a coed outdoor patio, complete with a bonfire and trickling fountains.

They recently started a Membership Program which has a Seasonal Member for 3 Months and 6 Months. The Seasonal Memberships  include Spa Services, Spa Amenities, Use of the Main Resort Pool (blackout days apply), Valet Parking, 20% Discount on Full-Priced Spa Services, 20% Retail Discount at The Spa and Aesthetyx, and 20% Food and Beverage Discount. The Seasonal Membership Fees start at $375.

Doesn’t this sound relaxing and inviting?

Well, I have something to offer my readers!

Join Pacific Waters Spa Facebook Fan Page

Write on their wall “I became a fan of Pacific Waters Spa after reading Angry Julie Monday”

You will receive a 20% discount off any 60 minute treatment.

Be sure and call (714) 698-1234 to make an appointment at the Pacific Waters Spa, and to also find out more information about their Membership Package. They are located at 21500 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA 92648.

Disclosure: I thank Pacific Waters Spa for the pictures used in this post.  I may have borrowed them from their Facebook page.  I received mini spa treatments, some good food, and a tour of the facility while there, free of charge.  I was not paid any cash for this post.  Receiving these treatments, and food did not persuade me any way in writing this post.

Watch out for those Legos

Lego Store

We recently made a trip to the Lego Store at Downtown Disney.  When I purchased some of Angry Kid’s Christmas presents there, I received a treasure box.  I saw that there was instructions on the box to come back at the beginning of the year. I showed Angry Kid the box, and he was excited to fill it up with more Legos.  The best part, they were free. The worse part, more Legos.

I swear, we have thousands of Legos at our house.  Our house is exploding with them.  I have to find more places to store them.  Most of our Legos are the gray and black species.  If you are a mom or dad of a boy, you will understand.  The gray and black Legos signify something, the dreaded Star Wars Lego kits. We are huge Star Wars fans in our house.  Angry Husband and Angry Kid live and breath Star Wars. But when it comes to these Lego sets, they are exploding all over our house and our cars too.

I think Angry Husband gets excited when Angry Kid gets a new kit. They take the time to build it together. They play with it. They ohhh and ahhh… And then, about three days later, it is in a million pieces on the coffee table, in the cup holders of my car, and in the bath tub. Angry Husband will let out a big sigh, and say, “I should have glued that together”.

My mom was with Angry Kid and I at the Lego Store.  He was eye-ing the Death Star. My mom was intrigued.  I started giggling to myself. You know the giggle. The one you get when Grandma looks interested in buying a toy that the kid wants, and you don’t have to buy.  Then I told her. Yea,  um mom, The Death Star costs over $400.  Her eyes got really big.  I said, ohh but Angry Kid says he “neeeeeeeds it”.

Tonight, Angry Kid was playing with his Legos in the family room. He was doing a great job of putting them away.  But at one point he stepped in the box of Legos. He yelped out, “Owwww that hurts”. I laughed at him, and replied back, “Now you know how we feel. Legos hurt when you step on them. Now put them away.”

Dressing Julie 101

Last week, I did a post about my fabulous new rain boots.  I’ve also made a few other purchases recently. I always have a love/hate for fashion.  I try and get a few new pieces each season, but at the same time, I’m quite picky.  When you wear a uniform 40+ hours a week, you don’t need as many clothes as the person who works in an office.

I’m not a big fan of the skinny jean trend right now.  I have thick short legs, and the “skinny” look does not flatter me at all.  I am starting buy the darker washes, which seem somewhat dressy to me at times, but they are quite slimming. I picked up two new pairs of Gap jeans when I was shopping with Stacey, the BFF, a few weeks ago. I have to buy petite or ankle length jeans, so I always have to try on a million pairs to get the length right.  I’ve tried all the brands (expensive, mid-range, and even cheaper brands). But I’ve found that the length on Gap jeans is always the perfect length for me.  I was lucky that it was Tuesday also, because Gap gives 10% off for their cardholders.

Sexy Boot Jeans (saturated dark wash)

Sexy Boot Jeans from Gap

Curvy Jeans (saturated dark wash)

Curvy Jeans from Gap

I think the perfect pant or jean can be a great foundation.  I buy a ton of basics and mix and match my shirts and/or accessories with them. I do buy some bolder stuff from time to time, a girl has got to be a little wild and trendy.

When it comes to shoes, I’m a total tennis shoe girl.  I am that person, who will wear my Converse, with just about anything.  I think I have at least five pairs.  But, I had to get some girly shoes.  I love the ballet flat trend, but I try and avoid toe cleavage.  Seriously, I’m just weird like that. But, I don’t like any part of my toe showing.  I was super excited when I found these Born ‘Lovely’ Flats from Nordstrom.

Born 'Lovely' Flat

So I wrote about buying basics, but I do wear some non-basic things. I do buy many things that are denim, black, navy blue, and other dark colors. But I try and mix in some color to make it pop.  If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you will remember my awesome pink coat.  I bought this in November at a local boutique.  I am still in love with it. But I’ve also found some great patterned shirts that are on my mental wish list.

Field of Fancy Blouse

Anthropologie-Field of Fancy Blouse

Lush Rosette Top in Eggplant

Lush Rosette Top from Nordstrom

INC Embroidered Jersey Tunic

INC Jersey Tunic from Macy's

I do buy dresses and skirts from time to time. I just don’t wear them all the time.  I bought this skirt from Anthropologie earlier in the Fall. I also have new newer dresses that I haven’t worn yet.  But I have fallen in love with these dresses lately, and I think they are very classic.

Blooming Sapphire Wrap Dress

Blooming Sapphire Wrap Dress from Anthropologie

Longing-For-Yellow Dress

Longing-For-Yellow Dress at Anthropologie

I could do an entire post about earrings, necklaces, and hair accessories.  But I mostly find these items at random places. I’ve found things at local boutiques, Target, and in clearance baskets at some of my favorite stores.

It may look like I only buy expensive clothing.  I’m a budget too.  I have tons of solid colored tees from the Gap and Target, that I wear daily.  But sometimes, you need something nicer.  I also try and figure out cost per wear.  I may spend a little more on a pair of shoes or a dress, but if I know that it has a classic look, and I will get several wears out of it.

You are probably wondering, why is Julie talking about fashion today? Well next week I’m leaving for the Blissdom Conference in TN.  I need to start thinking about what I am going to pack.  I completely over packed for BlogHer.  I actually had to pay a ton of money on my way back from Chicago.  I do not want to let that happen again.  So I’m trying to evaluate my closet, and make the most out of my outfit choices.

It may look like I have my act together on what to wear, but I don’t.  I’m always so unsure.  I see great outfits put together in the store, and I think to myself, “I could never do that”.  I see the current trend of mix and matching different patterns and colors.  I just can’t seem to do that.  I may always be one of those preppy matchy-matchy people.

When You Need A Good Laugh


I love to read and look at things online. I go on news sites, forums, webpages, blogs, and shopping sites. But sometimes, I need some humor in my day. I always know that these sites are good to click on for an instant laugh. Is there a site that makes you smile and giggle?

Cake Wrecks-When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong

FML-Your everyday life stories

People of Walmart-Candid photographs taken at Walmarts

Texts From Last Night-You can even select them by area code

Awkward Family Photos-Strange, humorous and disturbing family portraits

Stuff On My Cat-The funniest and cutest kitty pictures you will ever see

Shit My Dad Says-A tale of a 29-year old living with his parents

Cats That Look Like Hitler-Does your cat look like Hitler?

There I Fixed It-Epic Kludges +Jury Rigs

I Can Has Cheezburger-Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures of Cats

Fail Blog-Epic Fail Pictures and Videos

Autocomplete Me-Funny Search Suggestions

Failbooking-Too funny to unfriend

Picture is from ICanHasCheezburger

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Angry Julie Monday


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