Wordless Wednesday: Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice

Tis’ The Season At South Coast Plaza

What is South Coast Plaza? Where is South Coast Plaza?

South Coast Plaza is the third largest mall in the United States, with the second-highest sales volume in California.  It is an upscale luxury mall located in Costa Mesa, CA, which is part of Orange County.

But why am I writing a post about the mall? Duh, I’m a consumer, silly…I love the mall. I blame my mother for that. I swear she raised me at the mall. Angry Toddler even loves the mall. I can’t tell you how many times I strolled him around as a baby. But during the Holiday Season, it’s all about the decorations.  I have quite an obsession with the decorations.  You can ask my co-worker, Nicole.  She laughed at me tonight, because she saw that I finally got my reindeer picture. These reindeer, sitting on an ornament, are scattered throughout South Coast Plaza’s exteriors, and on street corners. I think they are hilarious, don’t you?


Every year, I seriously giggle when I see these? I took this photo at 6 in the morning. I’m crazy, I know…

These deer are frolicking outside another area located in the general area of South Coast Plaza, it’s called Metro Pointe.  They look so happy. I love the round lights in the trees. They look very similar to the ones at Downtown Disney.


I finally went into the main area of South Coast Plaza tonight. I really haven’t had the need to go there. I did a ton of shopping online this year.  I haven’t felt like fighting the crowds, and I actually got a ton done on Black Friday. I ventured around the stores, and made my way to the tree inside. I took a photo of it with my iPhone, but isn’t it beautiful?

Tree at South Coast Plaza

I started a little story last week about the decorations at South Coast Plaza. Check out my whrrl story here for more photographs.

I also went to Walmart recently with my friend, Kelly.  We did a little story while we were shopping at Walmart. Check it out here, we had way too much fun!

Marshall’s Red Carpet Event

Marshall's Red Carpet Event

Two weeks ago, I was on my way to the Marshall’s Red Carpet Event in Los Angeles.  It was the very first day of some awful weather here in Southern California.  Luckily, the had arranged to sent a car for us.  I was driven to Los Angeles with my Orange County blogging friend, Caryn from Rockin’ Mama. We arrived right in time for this fabulous and very educational event.  How is shopping educational? Well, we learned so many awesome facts about Marshall’s and TJ Maxx.  Did you know that both of these stores are part of the same parent company?

Marshall's 3

A group of us (see below) met with Alison Deyette. Alison told us about Marshall’s and TJ Maxx’s philosophies. She introduced us to the Off-Price Model. The Off-Price Model is that Marshall’s and TJ Maxx have the same items and same season styles at the major department stores. This particular Marshall’s that we were in, has 20,000 items arrive every week. The buyers for TJ Maxx and Marshall’s are out looking for items, 40 weeks of the year. Also, 90% of the items are in-season. The never say what brands are in the store, on the commercials, advertisements, etc. It is the thrill of the hunt.  They also bring you into the store, with the surprises you may find in the store.

Marshall's 2

We learned how committed Marshall’s and TJ Maxx are, on finding the best brands for the lowest prices.  I’ve been a shopper of both stores for years.  I love going there. It’s like a treasure hunt. You never know what you may find in the store. I used to find tons of Ralph Lauren clothing for Angry Toddler when he was a baby.  In this economy, I think everyone is out to find the best deals.  My mom has always told me that she would rather spend a little more and get something that lasts. Well, I’ve educated my self on brands and their prices. Now I can look for the better brands, but for less of a price tag.

Are you stumped for gift ideas still? I have a few left. I will probably hit up TJ Maxx tomorrow.  I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. I’m going to look at some scarves for gifts.  I need new picture frames for my house, since I’ve recently printed out some pictures. And, Angry Husband was complaining about new socks.

But really, this store was huge, and there were a ton of things to look at.  I’m pretty chatty, so I chatted with some awesome women while I was there.  I immediately forgot that we had run out of time, so I barely looked around. Silly me! It gives me an excuse to shop more!

The following people attended this event with me:

Mommin’ It Up
The Shoe Goddess
The Shopping Mama
Jolie Nadine
Champagne Living

Rockin’ Mama
Some Notes on Napkins
Savvy Sassy Moms
Soy Fashionista
The Recessionista

Disclosure: I would like to thank Marshall’s and TJ Maxx for this awesome presentation. I was provided transportation to the event.  I also received gift cards to both stores as a gift.

My Favorite Things in 2009

I wanted to share some of my favorite things that I have received or purchased within the past year. I’m a total consumer, I admit that. But almost all of these have helped me make my life easier, more relaxed, and helped with time management.

My Macbook

I should have switched to Apple over a year ago.  I’m in love with my Macbook.  I got rid of my Dell laptop on Craig’s list and saved up money to buy my Macbook. One of the best things I’ve done in 2009. I have no clue on what I was doing at first, but took some great FREE classes at the Apple store.

My iPhone 3gs

Angry Husband’s cellphone died in September.  He could not find any Verizon phones that he wanted.  He had been begging for an iPhone for months.  I really really really loved my Blackberry Curve. But since we have a shared cellphone plan, I agreed to switch.  I love all of the FEATURES that the iPhone has.  I’m not really sold on AT&T’s service though. Plus, it’s a lot harder to text message. But overall, the pro’s outweigh the con’s.

Rainbow Sandals

Rainbow Sandals
My BFF, Stacey, is an avid Rainbow Sandal wearer.  Really, these are the only shoes that Stacey wears. She hates shoes.  I’ve always been a Birkenstock girl. I’ve had Birkenstock’s since 8th grade.  My friend, Londie, bought me my first pair of Rainbow Sandals.  I’ve been an addict ever since then.  I have two pairs. I like the WestCape style. They are a bit wider. I usually buy the men’s style.

Oakley Vertical Computer Bag 3.0
oakley computer bag

After buying my Macbook, I wanted the perfect bag to carry it around in.  I searched high and low for weeks. I wanted something durable, yet stylish.  I selected the Oakley Vertical Computer Bag 3.0. It comes in titanium and black. I have the titanium one. Angry Husband covets this bag. He borrowd it recently for a business trip, and he has raved ever since about this bag.

Chicago Metallic Mini Cheesecake Pan
Mini Cheesecake Pan

I recently purchased this pan to make these brownies. I’ve had cheesecake pans before, but I think they got lost in the pan graveyard.  I was amazed at how easy the brownies came out of this pan.  Angry Husband was just as impressed as I was.  I can see many more treats being made with this pan.  I don’t think I will ever make square brownies again.

Harvey’s Seatbeltbag in Convertible Style Tote-Forever Blue Jeans
Harvey's Seatbeltbag

I got this purse in the Spring. I use it all the time.  I like the fact the it’s big, but not huge. I can fit my wallet, my cellphone, keys, and many other things in it. I also am able to fit my DSLR camera (Nikon D60), when I need to. I don’t have to carry two bags anymore (camera bag and purse).  The strap adjust so you can wear it messenger style or you can make it smaller and put it on your shoulder.

Expedit Shelving Unit

I was introduced to the Expedit Shelving Unit by my BFF, Stacey. She used these in her business.  I recently did a project in my hallway closet using this shelving unit.  We have begun a makeover on Angry Toddler room also.  I have this shelf turned sideways in his closet for toy storage.

Oakley iPhone Case V.2


This was the first case, and probably only case I will get for my iphone. Yes, it is huge, and industrial looking.  But it’s also solid, and very easy to remove. It is made of rubber.   I’ve dropped my iPhone many many many times, and this case has protected it perfectly.

lululemon Flow Y Bra IV

I’m a runner, I swear! I just haven’t had a ton of time lately to run, and to also post about it.  I haven’t done a race since the 4th of July. Ye gads, that’s a long time. But race season is coming up.  I purchased the lululemon Flow Y Bra IV earlier in the Spring. It is my official race sports bra. I love it.  It also has removable cups that you put inside it. Trust me, the cups make a difference.

Apple TV


Apple TV was actually Angry Husband’s Christmas gift last year from my mom.  I use it as much as he does.  After asking around, not that many people know about Apple TV.  It has really changed our life. I use it mostly for turning on my iTunes with our surround sound, and/or putting on movies for Angry Toddler.  Angry Toddler can visually see what movies we have on Apple TV, and tell me what he wants to watch.  I love Angry Toddler watching Apple Tv, because we don’t have to forward through all the commercials. I’m sure you’ve bought a DVD lately, and seen that code for “digital copy”. Well you can input the code into Apple TV. I promise to do an instruction vlog about Apple TV soon.

*If you have any questions about any of the things I posted, please let me know. Ask away!

Why I Got Carded for Sudafed

It started around 2pm yesterday. I was working. My nose started running. Ok, so big deal, I got some tissue. It continued to get worse last night. We were going to a party, so I took some over-the-counter-whatever-I-found-in-the-cabinet.  It took like two hours to kick in.  I was miserable at the party last night. Not only did I feel like crap, but these were Angry Husband’s friends. Angry Husband started feeling bad too, while at the party. We came home at 9pm or so, but headed to CVS first. We knew that we both needed to stop our sniffles, and I needed to get rid of my headache.

We headed for the cold medicine aisle. It’s been awhile since I’ve bought cold meds for myself. I’m usually buying stuff for Angry Toddler. We immediately noticed that the  aisle was tiny, and that there were place cards, where the medicine should have been. I’ve heard of the Federal Laws, but didn’t know it was really this bad. I grabbed the card for Sudafed and headed towards the pharmacy. Apparently, we were not the only ones trying to get our fix, I mean cold meds.

My Ephedrine Experience

I had two boxes of Sudafed in my hand. One was for Angry Husband and one was for me. I knew that we had separate boxes because Angry Husband would probably lose his. The problem was, the amount of grams in the box.  Each box had 1.08 grams of pseudoephedrine, which made  for a total of 2.16 grams.  I was ok to buy both boxes, because I hadn’t exceeded my limit of 3.60 grams. This was all new to me.  I had no idea that buying cold meds was this hardcore.  I also had to swipe my Driver’s License, and sign an affidavit on their computer, about acknowledging the Federal Laws.

I was seriously dying inside at this entire process. It seems a bit ridiculous.  I understand the reasoning for the laws.  People use ephedrine to manufacture methamphetamine. I get that. I know that. I live that, daily at work, seriously.

But for someone, me, who takes an amphetamine (Adderall XR) on a daily basis for ADD, this was way too much drama and paperwork.  I know that there are rules to get my Adderall filled. I lost my prescription paperwork last month, and it was cute an adventure to get a new one. I have since learned that doctors can’t fax in this prescription. But when filling my prescription, I drop it off, wait, and pay for it. I sign the usual acknowledgements about knowing how to take it, doses, etc.

I’m home sick today, still dealing with this. My mom is watching Angry Toddler. She told me that he is not feeling well now. I hope I don’t have to get him medication. I might exceed my weekly, or monthly allotment.  I might have to ask a stranger to buy my son some cold meds. Is this the new shoulder-tap?

The Best of Angry Julie 2009

I’ve been blogging for a little over 2.5 years now, well as Angry Julie.  I’ve had my family site for 4 years.  Which reminds me, I need to update it asap! I need to clone myself to get time to do that though. Anyway, back to Angry Julie. I thought I would feature some of my better posts from 2009.  Plus, it might help to get some new victims, I mean readers over here!


January-Why Spelling Is So Important (Hilarious picture from a child)

February-Surf City USA Race Report (My first race of 2009)

March-The Ultimate Leprechaun (St. Patrick’s Day Tribute)

April-When Life Gives You Lemons, You Drink Wine (BFF, Stacey, and her wine issues)

May-How The Economy Hit Me This Weekend (My car getting burglarized)

June-How We Saved $65 Yesterday (Home grooming our dogs)

July-I Went To BlogHer And All I Got Was This T-Shirt (BlogHer Conference 2009)

August-Yes, I Am A Sorority Girl (How sorority life helped me as an adult)

September-No, I Won’t Join Your Mafia (Facebook stuff)

October-Five Seconds Of Fame, And Now It’s Over (Dr. Phil Show)

November-Do You Take Your Kids To The Grocery Store? (Grocery Shopping with kids)

December-Our “Real Simple” Closet Makeover (Re-doing our hallway closet)

Check out Scary Mommy’s Best Blog Posts of 2009 post to see other awesome posts!

From Love to Hate

I headed out to dinner with Angry Toddler and my parents tonight. They got over here late, as usual. Late is 6pm for us. Angry Toddler is literally crawling the walls by then. And he had not eaten. You can only imagine what this 4 yr old was like when they got here. But we headed to dinner.  It was a place where you order and sit down  to wait for your food, type place.  Angry Toddler immediately refused to eat his food. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. I just let it go.  We eventually finished eating and then we walked around. We ended up at Nordstrom, because my mom wanted to look at some boots. She ALWAYS buys boots, yet she complains how they hurt her feet.

I got bored and saw this little area set-up for Santa. Apparently, Santa is there on the weekends. Well we pushed their sign to the side and had some fun.  After the 4th picture, he gave up playing with me. He then proceeded to tell my parents that he “NEEDED to go look at some shoes”.

Holidays at Nordstrom

We ended up in the extensive children’s shoe department. Well not so extensive. Angry Toddler began to look at shoes. He picked out a few, and the employee got the boxes in his size.  She doubted me, I guess, and began to measure his feet.  His one foot measured a 10.5 and the other foot measured an 11.  What size shoes did he walk in wearing? He was wearing a 12.  He has wide feet, I know that. I requested a 12. She finally let Angry Toddler try on the shoes. Of course, what shoes does he pick? Yep, that’s the right, the almost $75 Geox Light-Up Shoes. Did Julie pay for these, hell no! Nana and Papa politely obliged for the shoes.

While the salesgirl was ringing up the shoes, and helping another person at the same time. We played some more. Cause it’s really hard to avoid meltdowns after 8pm.  He started trying on coats and hats. He actually requested a coat. Umm dude, you have plenty. But he did try on this hat. He looked quite dapper in it actually, but the price $45, meh…

Trying out hats at Nordstrom

After five minutes after this photo was taken, all hell broke out. He wanted an umbrella, a raincoat, anything, and everything.  He finally gave up and left the shoe department walking towards the exit doors.  We thought he was fine.  He then hit the outside, and ran, and ran. My dad went off to chase him.  My mom and I just stood there shaking out heads.  We finally caught up with my dad, who was holding Angry Toddler.  My dad gave him a new nickname, “El Diablo”, which means “The Devil” in Spanish. He (my dad) put him down, and he ran again. I had to drop my purse and chase after him.  I finally got him, and we shoved him into the car.  He did the classic movement in his carseat. He crossed his arm tightly. He crossed his legs. He tucked his chin into his chest.

And then he said it, “I hate you mama”….

A Quick & Easy Gift for Movie Lovers Under $20


My best friend, Stacey, posted this on her Facebook account yesterday.  Stacey is way more creative than I am. I proudly admit that.  She also lives in a very family oriented neighborhood in San Clemente, Ca.  I responded with this, “I think you are becoming one of those Talega Stepford Moms….you drank the Kool Aid, didn’t you?” She thought I was hilarious, as usual.

Stacey told me that her daughter’s preschool always asks for a donation of money, also known as CASH, for the teacher’s gifts.  She openly admits that it would be easier to give the cash to the mom in charge. But, Stacey, slacker like me, forgot to turn in her money. So she came up with a great little gift for the teachers, and she made it look adorable too!

I asked her for a picture, so that I could post about it.  I think this is a great idea for anyone looking for a last minute teacher gift, a hostess gift, or even for a friend or family member.

Stacey used the following items:

Popcorn bucket

Large box of candy

Movie ticket coupons

Filler fluff aka gold grass stuff



I will try and post more ideas as I get them.  I’m totally shopping last minute right now. Thankfully, a lot of stores have their deadlines posted online.  I have many many many gifts to finalize still. At least I got my cards out, right?

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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