Two weeks ago, I was on my way to the Marshall’s Red Carpet Event in Los Angeles. It was the very first day of some awful weather here in Southern California. Luckily, the had arranged to sent a car for us. I was driven to Los Angeles with my Orange County blogging friend, Caryn from Rockin’ Mama. We arrived right in time for this fabulous and very educational event. How is shopping educational? Well, we learned so many awesome facts about Marshall’s and TJ Maxx. Did you know that both of these stores are part of the same parent company?
A group of us (see below) met with Alison Deyette. Alison told us about Marshall’s and TJ Maxx’s philosophies. She introduced us to the Off-Price Model. The Off-Price Model is that Marshall’s and TJ Maxx have the same items and same season styles at the major department stores. This particular Marshall’s that we were in, has 20,000 items arrive every week. The buyers for TJ Maxx and Marshall’s are out looking for items, 40 weeks of the year. Also, 90% of the items are in-season. The never say what brands are in the store, on the commercials, advertisements, etc. It is the thrill of the hunt. They also bring you into the store, with the surprises you may find in the store.
We learned how committed Marshall’s and TJ Maxx are, on finding the best brands for the lowest prices. I’ve been a shopper of both stores for years. I love going there. It’s like a treasure hunt. You never know what you may find in the store. I used to find tons of Ralph Lauren clothing for Angry Toddler when he was a baby. In this economy, I think everyone is out to find the best deals. My mom has always told me that she would rather spend a little more and get something that lasts. Well, I’ve educated my self on brands and their prices. Now I can look for the better brands, but for less of a price tag.
Are you stumped for gift ideas still? I have a few left. I will probably hit up TJ Maxx tomorrow. I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. I’m going to look at some scarves for gifts. I need new picture frames for my house, since I’ve recently printed out some pictures. And, Angry Husband was complaining about new socks.
But really, this store was huge, and there were a ton of things to look at. I’m pretty chatty, so I chatted with some awesome women while I was there. I immediately forgot that we had run out of time, so I barely looked around. Silly me! It gives me an excuse to shop more!
The following people attended this event with me:
Mommin’ It Up
The Shoe Goddess
The Shopping Mama
Jolie Nadine
Champagne Living
Rockin’ Mama
Some Notes on Napkins
Savvy Sassy Moms
Soy Fashionista
The Recessionista
Disclosure: I would like to thank Marshall’s and TJ Maxx for this awesome presentation. I was provided transportation to the event. I also received gift cards to both stores as a gift.