It started over a week ago…
I was sitting at the computer table at our dining room table. I have this fabulous office, yet I sit here at the dining room table to blog. Why? Because I can see the TV from here, duh.. Ohh shiny things, there goes my ADD again. Anyway, I heard this weird noise coming from the kitchen. It was a tiny noise, almost a scratching really. I got a little paranoid as we had a severe rat problem a few years ago. Apparently, the jerks behind us have palm trees that they do not maintain, so rats climb them, and end up on our roof. Yes, over $500 and several traps later, the rats were gone. So you know what I was thinking…
I told Angry Husband about the noises. He gave me that look.
Then, a few days later, he was home alone. He was also working the dining room table as a home office action. He actually saw, Mr. Mouse. He said that the mouse ran across the family room when the cleaning lady was here. I guess they scared Mr. Mouse, and he ran behind the couch. Angry Husband called me on my cellphone. I did the eye roll, because he didn’t believe me before.
Well the past few days, I’ve heard the scratching noise..
This was today’s text message to husband (I censored it, a little) ” F-ing mouse iz going ape shit. I have stove on”…
He called me right away, and told me that he was bringing traps home. He brought the traps home, and placed them accordingly. Once again, I sat here and listened…scratch, noise, scratch. They were all coming from the stove area. I told Angry Husband earlier that I think the mouse is in the drawer under the stove.
I finally got him up from the couch, and said “listen very carefully”. Well Mr. I’ve-Gone-Deaf-After-Four-Years-in-the-Marine-Corps finally heard the noise. He tip-toed through the kitchen and pulled out the drawer from the stove. He then started screaming at me, “open the sliding glass door, quick”. He yanked the drawer out onto the patio, and Mr. Mouse was in there. Or, I would like to say, Mini Mouse. He was sooo tiny…a baby…
We gave him freedom. Soo humane of us.
Then husband tells me, “Umm, that’s not the mouse I saw the other day. That one was much bigger.”