From Love to Hate

I headed out to dinner with Angry Toddler and my parents tonight. They got over here late, as usual. Late is 6pm for us. Angry Toddler is literally crawling the walls by then. And he had not eaten. You can only imagine what this 4 yr old was like when they got here. But we headed to dinner.  It was a place where you order and sit down  to wait for your food, type place.  Angry Toddler immediately refused to eat his food. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. I just let it go.  We eventually finished eating and then we walked around. We ended up at Nordstrom, because my mom wanted to look at some boots. She ALWAYS buys boots, yet she complains how they hurt her feet.

I got bored and saw this little area set-up for Santa. Apparently, Santa is there on the weekends. Well we pushed their sign to the side and had some fun.  After the 4th picture, he gave up playing with me. He then proceeded to tell my parents that he “NEEDED to go look at some shoes”.

Holidays at Nordstrom

We ended up in the extensive children’s shoe department. Well not so extensive. Angry Toddler began to look at shoes. He picked out a few, and the employee got the boxes in his size.  She doubted me, I guess, and began to measure his feet.  His one foot measured a 10.5 and the other foot measured an 11.  What size shoes did he walk in wearing? He was wearing a 12.  He has wide feet, I know that. I requested a 12. She finally let Angry Toddler try on the shoes. Of course, what shoes does he pick? Yep, that’s the right, the almost $75 Geox Light-Up Shoes. Did Julie pay for these, hell no! Nana and Papa politely obliged for the shoes.

While the salesgirl was ringing up the shoes, and helping another person at the same time. We played some more. Cause it’s really hard to avoid meltdowns after 8pm.  He started trying on coats and hats. He actually requested a coat. Umm dude, you have plenty. But he did try on this hat. He looked quite dapper in it actually, but the price $45, meh…

Trying out hats at Nordstrom

After five minutes after this photo was taken, all hell broke out. He wanted an umbrella, a raincoat, anything, and everything.  He finally gave up and left the shoe department walking towards the exit doors.  We thought he was fine.  He then hit the outside, and ran, and ran. My dad went off to chase him.  My mom and I just stood there shaking out heads.  We finally caught up with my dad, who was holding Angry Toddler.  My dad gave him a new nickname, “El Diablo”, which means “The Devil” in Spanish. He (my dad) put him down, and he ran again. I had to drop my purse and chase after him.  I finally got him, and we shoved him into the car.  He did the classic movement in his carseat. He crossed his arm tightly. He crossed his legs. He tucked his chin into his chest.

And then he said it, “I hate you mama”….

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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