Little Sausages and Cox

Guest Post from my BFF, Stacey:

Stacey, has some funny stories to tell. I can’t always remember everything we talk about, so I asked her to type this up.  My damn ADD makes me wacky. I should probably change my blog title to, “Inappropriate conversations with a four year old”.

Here are two of the latest stories from Stacey:

My Brother-in-law is an amazing cook. It truly is his passion, and he’s great at it! He’s taken many classes in through community college in the culinary arts and even tried his hand at Le Cordon Bleu culinary program, which he unfortunately couldn’t finish, because that place is really expensive and his financial aid didn’t come through. He had to leave the program after one semester. We were all really sad for him. He’s worked in catering and restaurants since high school (15+ years). Since the end of Le Cordon Bleu experience, he’s had a child and worked random jobs to support his son, but his passion is in the kitchen. I’m so proud of him for recently returning back to community college to pursue his culinary talent! The college held a tasting on campus about a month ago and he was invited with a few select other advanced students to participate in a tasting with investors, local foodies and area restaurants to show off their culinary skills. He made a couple different dishes and decided to make one of his favorites of his tasting menu for Christmas Eve when I was up there. It was an Orzo with 3 different sausages. Knowing that I’m a foodie he asked what I thought. I had no idea which sausages were which. So I told him what I was about to say was going to come out inappropriate, he looked at me oddly (which I’m used to) and said, “I really liked the dish, it was amazing, I love the big sausages, but I don’t like the little sausages”. And yea, a few people walked away from the table with red faces.

Holiday Sausage

On a completely different note but still things that aren’t meant to be inappropriate but somehow are: I was on the phone with Angry Julie the other day complaining about how my iPhone isn’t compatible with Cox (my local internet/phone/cable provider) and, that if I move by her I’m still going to have Cox. I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and change my email address. Well Angry Toddler was in the back seat overhearing her and I talk about Cox Communications and he, oh so innocently asks, ” Mommy, what’s Cox?” I died laughing for a good minute or two and Julie and I both agreed that Cox Communications is the most ill named internet provider out there. I swear that every time I give out my email address …, I giggle a little bit in my head, and feel a little like Beavis and Butthead.

Future Gynecologist?

I had a doctor’s appointment last week. I have to go every month for my crazy, I mean ADD meds. Angry Toddler was complaining that his ear’s hurt.  Great, well we all know that means, ear infection, or something stuck in there.  Luckily, my doctor also works within an urgent care center.  Plus, his pediatrician was out of town. We had a quick wait, and we  were plopped down in a room.

Angry Toddler has a history of destroying waiting rooms. He usually spins himself around on the doctor’s stool or stands on it to approach the sink. He then promptly turns on the faucet spraying water everywhere.  The roll of paper, well is usually unraveled. But, he hasn’t done that for at least a year now. I thought we “outgrew that”. Ohh, I was wrong.  He immediately went looking through drawers for “books” and could not locate any “kid’s books”.  I had brought his Nintendo DSi with us, but I guess that wasn’t good enough.

Angry Toddler at The Doctor's Office

Oh yes, he hit up the box of gloves and pulled out the umm yea, stirrups. He proceeded to say, “Momma, you put your feet in these metal things like this, seeee”. Yea dude, I know. I do it once a year, cringing. He seemed very happy about those stirrups, they were almost magical to him.

Do I have a future gynecologist?

but oh look, the stool…it’s soo much fun..WEEEEEEEEEEE

P.S. He did have an ear infection. I got my meds. And we both left with H1N1 vaccines.

Wordless Wednesday and a New Meme

Trees at Downtown Disney, California

I know that this post is supposed to be Wordless. But I have some words to say this week. This will be my last official “Wordless Wednesday Disney”.  We go to Disneyland and California Adventure often. I will post pictures when we go.  But I’m starting a new weekly meme.  I see so many people doing “Wordless Wednesdays” on the Interwebz.  I have some places that I link up to, but I want to provide a place for everywhere else to link.

So starting next Wednesday, January 6, 2010, I will have a linky up! Feel free to post on my linky.  We can all link up to each other.  I’m going to try and get a button made for this.  Will this have a theme? I’m thinking, a photo from the past week. So this week, take pictures, well how bout’ every week, take pictures. And post one of your favorite pictures of the week next week! I will post a reminder about it, earlier in the week! I can’t wait. I hope to do this all year!

Girl’s Night Out

Earlier this month, I headed to San Diego with my carpool partner, Ciaran.  We were going to a Girl’s Night Out and/or Tweet-Up in Solana Beach at the Pacific Coast Grill.  I had never met any of the women that we are meeting up with, but I’ve chatted with them online. We sat on the 5 Freeway, for quite a while, but we eventually made it there.

I’m usually pretty shy at first.  Seriously, I am. I’m always hesitant to talk to people, but I warm up.  I had some good food in me, and then got to gabbing with the girls. We talked about our blogs, Twitter, our children, and life.  I found things I had in common with the other women, besides being Angry.

The Big Chill

The best part of my night? You want to know?  I won an OgieKanogie coat from @rockonmommies. I had some recent “coat issues” just the day before.  It was definitely a karma coat for me, perfect timing. After a long and fun night, we headed home towards the “Orange Curtain”. I can’t wait till the next event!

Shown in photo:
@hipmamaB (far left, shiny tank)
@carriejs (front left, red/silver/black blouse)
@gingeranderson (front, just left of center, black shirt)
@muffintinmom (front, center, bright pink shirt)
@lolagoetz (front, right, black shirt, glasses)
@picklesugarplum (front, right, pink shirt, glasses)

@lajollamom (left back, black shirt)
@sitsgirls (left, back, blue shirt)
@mrsnatalie (just left of center, middle row, white blouse, yellow jacket)
@diprofio24 (Center, middle row, purple cardigan)
@cathynguyen (center, middle row, black shirt)
@momfluential (just right of center, middle row, white cardigan over black shirt)
@sugarjones (middle row, right, red shirt)
@angryjulie (middle row, right end, black cardigan over dark shirt)

@rockonmommies (far back, center, blonde hair, black shirt)
@iizliz (far back, center, black hair, black shirt)
@robynwitt (towards right end, on very back/up high, black shirt)
@3wordtweets (far right, back row, glasses)

P.S. Since this event, I’ve already chatted with several of these women, more in-depth via blog comments and Twitter. How awesome is that. Oh, and a huge thanks to @SugarJones for organizing this event.

Love cupcakes?

Elise @CupcakeActivist displaying a fab cupcake!
Do you love cupcakes?

Do you live in Orange County, CA?

Well if you don’’re missing out on Divine Desserts. I went there for a VIP Media Event yesterday with Elise and Kelly. Check out my post about them on my Review Site.

Divine Desserts

Divine Desserts

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being invited to Divine Desserts in Laguna Niguel, CA. The owners, Todd and Leslie Lewis, had a media day and baked up some tasty cupcakes for us “media peeps” to sample. How cool is that! After some drama with Angry Toddler at home, I headed over there.

I immediately saw a familiar face when I arrived at Divine Desserts, Elise, or better known as The Cupcake Activist. She was there with her brother, Eric, whom she brought along as a cupcake taster. He obliged her for the opportunity. She also brought along her friend, Kristina, because she’s a foodie too.

I went and checked out their kitchen while I was there. It was soo pretty and clean. Lots of stainless steel, not so good for camera flashes though. Isn’t it pretty? I don’t know if I would want to clean that though.
Divine Desserts Kitchen

After taking a little tour, we settled down for some cupcake tasting. I felt like such a foodie. We placed the cupcakes on plates, and dived in with a our forks and knives.  We each cut pieces of the cupcakes to sample. I loved all the different flavors, but I was quite partial to banana.  Elise had her brother, Eric, take this photo. Perhaps, I borrowed it from her blog. It was the only photo taken of me. It’s probably a good thing. Not always good to see pictures of yourself, stuffing your face.


After we took a break from our taste testing, Kelly from Just Spotted and According to Kelly, arrived with her kiddos.  I actually saw them earlier in the morning as we went to breakfast together.  They got super excited when they saw all the cupcakes. And baby Charlie, well she got to have some Pina Colada frosting.

@According2Kelly and her Kiddos

Divine Desserts also sells frosting shots, cookies, and muffin tops also.

Goodies from Divine Desserts

How cute is Elise with this cupcake? She a natural born cupcake model!

Elise @CupcakeActivist displaying a fab cupcake!

While we there, Greer Wylder, From Greer’s OC, was filming a video for her site! If you pay attention, you might see me on there. Scary!! Must get on treadmill after eating those fabulous cupcakes and Holiday food! My co-workers did enjoy the dozen cupcakes I showed up with last night though!

But what’s the 411 on Divine Desserts?

Located in Plaza de La Paz

27261 La Paz Rd. Suite G

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

(949) 305-3355

Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-7:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm,

Monday by appointment only.

Disclosure: I was provided samples of cupcakes, and some cupcakes to take home.  They were delicious, so  I’m blogging about them.

And, of course, can’t forget the presents

I did my after-Christmas posts the last two days. I talked about food and family. But really, can you really take the present part out of the Holidays at our house? My son is four.  This was the first year that he was ALL ABOUT SANTA.  He even tried to put out cookies and milk two weeks before Christmas. But when it came down to it, he was asleep at 5pm, on Christmas Eve. Yes, he feel asleep on Christmas Eve and did not wake up until 6:30am on Christmas morning.

He came shrieking down the hall, and opened up his presents with such glee and excitement. The Angry Household is all about Legos and Star Wars this year. But I bought the Lego Duplos. Yes, he’s 4, and almost half way to 5, but I’m tired of stepping on regular Legos. But really, I think normal Legos are too advanced for him, and the parts are too small.  It started on his birthday.

He got at least five Lego sets. These were from his preschool friends. Really, do you buy your kid a Lego set that states “For Ages 9-13″? Well these parents did. So we had teeny tiny parts everywhere. Angry Husband would put together the set, and about ten minutes later, it would be broken. Way too much disappointment going on here. So one day, I saw Angry Toddler building complicated structures at school with Duplos.  That confirmed it for me. They were not too babyish. And he didn’t think so either. He loved the castle and dinosaur sets that he received from Santa.

Peeking in the stocking

Did your house look like this after unwrapping everything? Well mine did. Angry Toddler ripped right through all his presents. Angry Husband not opened anything yet, and our living room looked like a storm had hit it. We made Angry Toddler fetch a trash bag from the kitchen. Ok, well maybe I’m still scared about the mouse situation in there. But he came back with a fresh bag, and helped clean up all the wrapping.

Christmas Morning Chaos

We’ve been dealing with a broken toy since Christmas toy, hello Hasbro’s Star Wars Republic AT-TE Tank Vehicle. One of the legs was broken upon removal from the box. Now more legs have started breaking.  This is a $100+ toy. There’s no way we can return it. Angry Toddler is addicted. I’m hoping to get some resolution with this after the New Year.  Angry Toddler keeps asking me if we are “going to fix the broken legs”?

But a true classic toy was received from Angry Husband’s parents. They usually mail us a UPS box of gifts. Angry Husband and I received a restaurant gift certificate and Angry Toddler received this Amaz-N-Marbles toy.  He loves building all kinds of levels and moving the marbles through the wood blocks. What a classic toy.  He has a plastic version that he plays with at school all the time.

Marble Maze

I still need to put all the toys away. They are everywhere. I’m lazy like that. I’ve taken the tree down. The decorations are gone.  I still have the cards up, because I’m enjoying all the great moments captured on those cards.  I love to see how the families change every year, the kids are growing up.  Angry Husband scored with some new techie gifts.  I scored with a plane ticket to Blissdom, and some other great things.  But next year, I swear I’m going to shop earlier. I can’t stand this last minute running around.

Monster Jam is coming to Orange County

-1Did you know that Monster Jam is coming to Orange County?

Well now you do! Angry Toddler has no clue that we are attending this, but I know that he will be super excited. He loves Monster Trucks. Everytime we go to an off-road show, he obsesses over the HUGE Monster trucks.  He’s going to be stoked for this. I can’t wait to surprise him!

Do you know want to know more about Monster Jam?

The Monster Jam Tour stops at the Angel Stadium of Anaheim on the following dates:

  • January 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
  • January 30, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
  • February 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Monster Trucks have come a long way in a very short period of time.  What began as fun and games for a few four-wheeling friends has turned into a multi-million dollar industry that entertains millions each year. Over the years, the Monster Jam World Finals, held in Las Vegas, NV each year has become the pinnacle of the exciting Monster Jam season with television cameras, fireworks, glitz, glamour, spills, thrills, and chills that rivaled some of Hollywood’s best movies.  But it wasn’t always like that.

The Monster Jam Series – widely recognized as the premier monster truck events – serves as the most popular monster truck racing series. At Monster Jam events drivers compete in both freestyle and side-by-side eliminations. The freestyle competition allows drivers a limited amount of time and an open floor to show off their skills for fans that serve as judges. Side-by-side competition is traditional bracket racing, where the first truck across the finish line with the least amount of penalties is the winner.

Monster Jam is the world’s premier monster truck series that performs to over 4 million fans yearly at the world’s most prominent arenas and stadiums.  Tickets for the 2010 Monster Jam events at Angel Stadium start at just $10 for kids ages 2-12 and are available for purchase at the Angel Stadium Box Office, participating Ticketmaster outlets, online at or charge by phone at 1-800-217-1700.  For more ticket and event information visit

Disclosure: This is a designed as press-release for Monster Jam At Angel Stadium.  I will be receiving tickets to attend this event, and a review will be written after we attend.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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