United States Marine Corps 234th Birthday

Today is the 234st Birthday of the United States Marine Corps.
If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you would know that I met Angry Husband while he was in the Marine Corps. I was just an eighteen year old girl, on a night out with my wild sorority sisters. Who would have thought, fifteen years later, we are still putting up with each other.

I endured two six-month deployments while he was on Active Duty. We were only able to attend one Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I was trying to find the pictures from that, but it’s a no-go. Ever other year, he was deployed during the Annual Birthday Celebration.

To the Marines, Past and Present-HAPPY 234TH!
Photo above is Angry Husband, overseas, during a deployment.

Blogger Tip: Tag Your Posts

I’m going to throw out a little tip to people today. This is mainly for bloggers, or people whom have blogs. Try and “tag” or “label” your posts with as many terms or search words as possible. It makes things easier to search on the Internet, if you want it searched, that is. Plus, when you are trying to look for one of your own older posts, it makes things much easier.

*I use my “labels” a lot when working on blog posts. Sometimes, I want to link back to old posts and/or sometimes, I want to see if I’ve blogged about something before.
More tips about this subject:

Pink in a Sea of Black

Tanya from Design Action Studios and Angry Julie
I went out for a little retail therapy with the bff, Stacey, last week. Lately retail therapy could be called, “let’s look and not buy, cause we are poor and/or Christmas is coming”. We hit the usual places…Pottery Barn, Z Gallery, and one of my favorite boutiques. I always look for some great finds in this boutique, but most of the time, their things run a tad small. I saw a sale rounder with a 50% sign on it, whoppee..

Well of course, a bright pink coat was screaming my name. I didn’t even look at the price and tried it on. I squeeled, because it fit. Talk about exciting! I hadn’t even looked at the price yet, which was $56.99 by the way. It was mine, all mine!!

I knew that I was going to a Twitter meet-up or otherwise known as Tweet-Up (I loathe that word) that same night. I questioned the weather and if I could wear the coat. I put my hands in the air, and said why not! So I paired the coat with a black shirt, jeans, and black shoes.

When I arrived, I saw that most everyone was wearing black. I stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd, it was a sea of black. It was a good thing that I chose to wear the coat, because the event was on an outside patio at a restaurant. And yes, talk about being noticed, everyone came to introduce themselves, to the girl in the pink coat.

Erin from Boutiquing and Angry Julie

Text Message of the Day: Legos

From Angry Husband:

“Kid comes in and says his nose hurts. I ask why and he says because there is a Lego stuck up there. I asked why it’s in there and he says, cause it fit at first.”

Happy Birthday BFF!!!

Who is Stacey?
P.S. Doesn’t she look like an awesome mentor. Teaching Angry Toddler and Stella, the power of the iPhone.

Who isn’t she?

Sorority sister, met through alumna messes
Preggo Partner 2004-2005
Baby Mentor
The person who answers my fifteen phone calls a day with “WHAT NOW”?
Co-Eater/Co-Weight Watcher
Rainbow Sandal Wearing
Starbucks Drinking
Best Friend
Almost Birthday Twin, by One Week

and the BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!

Happy 34th BFF!!

I promise not to rub it in, that you are one week older.
Moment of silence for 2002…inside BFF joke.

It’s Turkey Time!

I’m trying to be a bit more organized lately. I love decorating for the Holidays, but sometimes I need a bit more organization. We recently got a new dining room table, which I need to post about soon. Maybe I’ll post once I get an awesome centerpiece for it. But I saw this display at Pottery Barn yesterday, and swoon, isn’t it lovely. Not that I would decorate this extravagant, cause Angry Toddler would probably thrash it, but it did give me ideas.

We usually have Thanksgiving at our place, with just my immediate family. I’m an only child, so it’s just my parents, Angry Husband, and Angry Toddler. My stove/oven are unpredictable and we are quite lazy. We have pre-purchased a Thanksgiving meal at Claim Jumper for the past two years, and it’s quite delicious. It’s also cheaper than preparing everything on our own. We do add some extra side dishes, like this Watergate Salad. And really, is it considered a salad when there’s marshmallows in it?

In 2006, we headed to Disneyland for Thanksgiving. They have the BEST Buffet EVER in their Grand Ballroom at The Disneyland Hotel (call (714) 781-DINE for info). Angry Toddler was eighteen months old at the time. My friend, Ruth, suggested this event, as we were looking for something fun to do. The food was to-die-for, the desserts were over the top. I could have feasted all day long. One of the best parts of that day, was the character interaction. They had a ton of characters there where you could take pictures. They also had beautiful decorations, but of course they did, it’s Disney! Angry Toddler was a bit skeptical of the Chip and Dale. Would you be too? Chipmunks aren’t supposed to be six foot tall.

Oh la la..I love..Rue La La

I hate wearing socks on my days off. I wear thick socks when I’m working, and they make those awful lines around my ankles. You know what I’m talking about.

So on my days off, I lean towards my Rainbow Sandals, Birkenstocks, and now these beautiful shoes, Keen’s Berkeley in Seal Brown. I love shoes like these Keen’s because they cover my toes. Sometimes, I wait a few weeks to get a pedicure, and my toes are not so pretty on those in-between weeks.

But these retail for $85 plus tax. Quite expensive, even though they are super comfy.

I didn’t pay $85 for them. I paid $45 plus shipping. The shipping was $10. You get shipping on everything all day long for $10.

Where did I get them for this awesome price? Rue la la

What is Rue la la?
Rue La La is… an exclusive, invitation-only online destination where Members discover premier-brand, private sale Boutiques, each open for just a brief window of time. Our focus is a well-edited collection of sought-after offerings from the best brand names in the world – combined with helpful service.

Membership is free. It’s also invitation-only. Members shape the community by inviting new Members – and getting a $10 Rue La La Credit when each new friend places their first order.

The discovery of something unexpected, something that imbues the day-to-day with a little magic – these are the “ooh la la moments” we long for. And you’ll find them here.

I was able to get a personal link for invites, you can go here and sign-up!

The brands change daily. I get an e-mail from them every morning. I’ve seen some great brands.

But really, aren’t these shoes cute! Oh and the cropped pants I’m wearing. It’s very sad, but they are supposed to be capris, but my legs are short, so they become clam diggers.

My Current Home Makeover Project

I walk by this door, several times a day. I cringe when I open it. The contents may look simple, but they give me anxiety. I know that this space has a bigger purpose. I have several ideas for it. My best friend, Stacey, came over last week and helped me start the remodel process. I can’t wait to show the finished product to everyone.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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