On Saturday, we went to Disneyland for my birthday. It was the second day of the “Holiday Season” at the Disneyland Resort. Stacey, the BFF, wanted to experience everything “Holiday” related while we were there. She doesn’t go very often, and she wanted the “Disney Experience” sans child. We decided to sit down and wait for the Christmas Fantasy Parade. We never wait for the parades, because honestly, Angry Toddler won’t sit still. We waited about fifteen minutes, and the Parade was great, it really put you in the Holiday mood.
Stacey and I headed towards Space Mountain after the parade. We were very eager, like little kids, giggling. We waited in line for about 45 minutes. Stacey made me laugh, because she told a teenager off. He was being quite annoying, and she told him that she left her 4 year old at home. Angry Husband called us while we were in line, he was on his way to join us.
After getting off Space Mountain, we met up with Angry Husband. We headed toward the Matterhorn. It was a quick 15 minute wait. We saw some interesting people. You can fit two people in the seats on the Matterhorn. It’s a pretty tight fit, when I’m in Angry Husband’s lap area. It was even more interesting to a see a large teenager, think 400 lbs., try to squeeze another person in his lap. They stopped the ride and made them get out before it made it too far. CRAZY and sad at the same time. We then headed over to It’s a Small World. I’m sure you’ve seen those fabulous commercials. Well, it is beautiful. The exterior of the ride was covered in multi-color lights. The actual ride was closed down due to the fireworks show which was in less than an hour. But we were able to snap a few pictures while there.
After playing with my camera for umm, about 20 minutes, we headed towards Main St. USA, to prepare, ok more like stake out, our spot for the “Believe in Holiday Magic Fireworks” show. People were everywhere. We were lucky that we didn’t have strollers as we could pretty much squish in. The fireworks show was amazing, and ended with snowflakes….how cool is that! Well the uncool part, was the people were stopping dead in their tracks and making out on Main St. Ok, people move along now, there are children here, we do not want to see your tongue kissing. It’s fake snow…this is not Central Park.
After the Fireworks, we headed over to The Haunted Mansion, we got on that relatively easy. Stacey had never seen it decorated for the Holidays. After the ride, we parked our butts down to prepare for Fantasmic. We had never scene the show with the new dragon.
After all was said and done, it was almost midnight, and we were freezing. Angry Husband didn’t have a jacket with him. But we got to see everything that we wanted too. Next time we go, I’m totally hitting up the Holiday desserts. Oh yes, there will be a next time. We are Annual Passholders. And yes, you can go to Disneyland without your children. It’s not weird. You have to be able to enjoy the Magic of Disney, as an adult before you can enjoy it with your children. I mean really, I would not go as much as we do, if I didn’t like the place. Who tortures themselves that much?