Because of this, Angry Husband calls me on his way home every day. We have the usual conversation, “I’m on my way home, do we need anything from the store?” We live very close to the store and tend to shop European style, as in shopping for a particular meal, not for the week. We are lazy like that, and we constantly change our minds. We do keep snacks in the house, but we don’t plan meals in advance. Our schedules fluctuate so much and we never know if the entire family is going to be home at the same time.
You should see me when I’m in the grocery store. I wander around the isles, clueless. I just throw random things in the cart. I do shop with coupons, when I remember to bring them. Thankfully, Angry Husband does most of our shopping.
I thought I would tempt fate on Friday night. Angry Husband was working late, so I attempted to run some errands with Angry Toddler after preschool. We went to the bank (he drew his name on deposit slips), we went to a surf store (had to purchase some shirts for family pictures), and then…well the grocery store. Angry Toddler was being sooo good, I mean beyond normal good. He had a great time at the surf store, well maybe the pretty female employee who “watched” him for me, was a good start. And then it started.
I went to the pricey, very pretty grocery store. That store with the higher prices, but oh my gosh, it’s so beautiful, I want to eat off the floors displays… I asked Angry Toddler if he wanted snacks. He agreed and we put the specific things, that HE WANTED, in the cart. It was all about him. I even asked what he wanted for dinner. He told me spaghetti, which he pointed out the expensive service deli kind, fine. We then hit the produce department, oh the shiny beautiful polished exotic fruits and vegetables.
What did I do? I reacted. I yanked my purse out of the cart, and took off after him. Perhaps, I screamed several four-letter curse words during my chase. I finally caught up with him, and promptly marched him towards my car. I gave the lecture, “What the hell were you thinking? Why did you run?” I knew it was fruitless. He was done. I left the cart standing in the middle of the produce aisle, stranded.
The next morning, out of the blue. Angry Toddler comes up to me and says, “I’m sorry for running off at the grocery store. I will never ever do that again. I promise to be good. I will be good mama”. It was completely random. Angry Husband had left the house prior to that. Angry Toddler knew he was wrong.
And why, do other people do this to themselves too?