My parents had Angry Toddler overnight on Halloween. Angry Husband and I both had to work early this morning. We had an exciting night of putting together our new kitchen table, eating pizza, and handing out candy to greedy teenagers from our garage. My mom said that Angry Toddler had a blast and that they took him to a local neighborhood. We had already done Disneyland twice this month, the Pumpkin Patch, and a school party, I’m ok with not trick or treating on Halloween night. Does that make me a horrible parent? I hope not. So that is why you won’t see any trick or treating pictures from us, because sigh, my mom still can’t work her digital camera after two years.
But I’ve been trying to organize things on my desktop. I had some new/old Halloween pictures on there from this post. YIKES!!!! What happened to me? I found a picture from 2005, where Angry Toddler was five months old. I was 29. I compared it to this year’s picture. It looks like I’ve aged ten years! I think I have aged for the better, for the most part, but yikes, scary to see in pictures…my youth, oh my youth!