Angry Toddler and I went to dinner with my parents last night. He was a busy little bee, which in real life, I would tell you, he was obnoxious. Luckily, we just went to a casual place, Wahoo’s, to be exact. My dad wanted to watch the Angels’ game, and well, I wanted to eat. After dinner, we headed to the pet store, where Angry Toddler wanted to bring home several cats and dogs. We settled on some fancy dog treats for Bruiser and Wolfie.
We saw that the outdoor ice skating rink was almost open. Angry Toddler wanted to go skate. I already have a visual of this event in my head. My visual consists of me with holes in my jeans and covering Angry Toddler with lots of bandaids.
But then, he wanted to go to Nordstrom. My dad gave my mom that look, and she shrugged. Angry Toddler has been going to the mall since he was a baby. He loves Nordstrom.
Well, of course, he couldn’t miss these shiny and yet, beautiful Batman Rainboots. Aren’t they pretty? Nana and Papa gave in. They bought him the boots. I was trying to ignore the whole situation while looking at purses. And FYI, there were no good purses. Angry Toddler proudly marched around Nordstrom with the boots, and we were on our way.
I got the third degree from Angry Husband this morning about leaving the boots out. Umm, he should know our child better. If I would have hid the boots, Angry Toddler would have thrown a fit looking for them. So Angry Toddler went to preschool in his shorts and rainboots. Of course, he was the coolest kid in class. Angry Husband brought his tennis shoes for later. And even better, it’s supposed to be 85 degrees today.
P.S. I’m not really a sports fan, but YAY! The Angels Won!!!