Five Seconds of Fame, and Now It’s Over

I posted on Tuesday about being in the audience for Dr. Phil. I stood up and spoke, but did not know if I would be edited out or not. Although, Dr. Phil airs at 4pm, here in Southern California, but it airs much earlier in other places. I started getting e-mails and text messages mid-morning, that yes, my five seconds of fame, aired.

I’m not going to post my opinions or arguments about the episode because I pretty much laid them out here, in August. I know that the show was edited, because good editing makes ratings. I knew that when the show aired, there would be lots of discussions and controversy.

I was shaking and stumbling. If you know me in real life, you can tell I was extremely nervous. I have a really bad habit of talking too fast. Maybe that’s why I had to take Public Speaking 100, twice in college. I tried to talk slow. Even a friend noticed that I had slowed it down. She said that it was very unlike me, because “I used actual sentences”.

My friend Suzanne went with me. She actually drove us. She also got her five seconds of fame. She posted about it here, on her blog. She gave me the idea to take some pictures of myself, from the TV, cause she’s good like that.

I watched the drama unfold on Twitter once it started being shown through the U.S. People were speaking out and discussing their opinions. If you do some searches, there are some intense debates going on. Erin, Blue Eyed Bride, did a great post on it yesterday, right after she watched the show. I read some of the comments, and they were all very civil.

Oh, and because I’m a drama ho, like that. I video-taped my TV. Please don’t mind my camera action, I’m not a professional videographer. I had to save my five seconds of fame.

Oh, and some friends told me that there was a close-up of me at the end. Yes, those are my usual “looks” that I like to give out. Angry Julie at my finest.

So my final thoughts. I don’t think I will make it as a TV Spokesperson. I get very nervous under the lights. And after seeing that, geez, I need to get my highlights done. My hair is way too brown. Oh, and unless I can make $40,000 a month blogging, I guess I better keep my job.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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