Check Their Pockets

I do all the laundry in my house. I have laundry OCD. Well really, I have a whole system for it. I separate clothing by color, and then the towels also get their own cycle. I also use the cold water soap. When Angry Husband does laundry, he shoves the entire washer full. Well we all know what happens. It doesn’t cycle properly and the stains stay.

While prepping for laundry procedures, I check pockets. I washed Angry Husband’s iPod a few months ago because I got careless and didn’t check.

When going through pockets I’ve found cash, pens, Lego figures, home theater parts, wire, tools, notecards, chapstick…ok maybe some of those things were left by me. But you get my point.

After I picked up Angry Toddler from school, he was digging in his pocket. He wanted to show me something. He pulled out a very small tomato, some green beans, and some snap peas. They have a garden at school. Angry Toddler likes to point out what they are growing. I would have never thought to check his pockets for vegetables.

So be sure and check the pockets before doing laundry. You might just find the ingredients for a salad.

What strange things have you found in your laundry bin? Or family member’s pockets?

I Was That Mom

With the crowds dying down a little, we’ve been using our Disneyland Season Passes more lately. Sometimes we’ve gone two to three times each week. But you can do that, when you live fifteen minutes away.

Last Thursday, my mom and I took Angry Toddler to Disneyland. We got there around 5pm. The park closed at 9pm. When we go to Disneyland, we let Angry Toddler make all of the ride choices. After all, it’s his gig, let him pick. We went on The Jungle Cruise, The Haunted Mansion, and It’s a Small World. He danced in Tomorrow Land. He got a Buzz Lightyear toy. Gotta love that birthday certificate that he received in May. I still had $20 left on it.

And then…it was time to leave.

We were walking down Main St. We peeked through the store windows as usual. Because there’s no way we were going to actually take him in the store. This kid wants anything and everything. But he didn’t even beg for a balloon like he usually does. Shocking, because now they even have Mickey-head shaped balloons that light up.

We hit almost the end of Main St. We are right by the Emporium. And then we have the “sit down”. As a parent, you should know the sit down, by now. Where out of nowhere, their body goes limp, and they just sit down. The tears start to roll down. They become dead weight. He was fine two minutes ago. So I ask him, “what’s wrong?” The tears and sniffles start. He replied, “I want to go on one more ride. I don’t want to leave.” I point to the crowd storming down Main St. and I nicely tell him, “Disneyland is closing soon. See everyone around us. They are leaving too. It’s time to go home. And we are going on one more ride, the tram to the parking lot.” He gets up and slowly starts walking. We go over to the Emporium because I wanted to look at the Halloween goodies. I should have known better. He lost it again by the sucker display. And this is what he had to say. “I NEVER get suckers, I NEVER get ANYTHING”. Yea ok, I believe you had a churro about 30 minutes ago.

He turned into a limp bowl of jelly again. They my mom tried to pick him up. She even tried the under the armpit carry. My kid is heavy. He’s like almost 45 pounds at 4 years old. He doesn’t look that big, but the kid is solid. She couldn’t get him up. I could see the anxiety starting. We finally made it out of the store and onto the tram. He sat down on the floor and would not sit on the seat. I was trying to fold the stroller and get onto the tram myself. My mom was persuading him to get up. He was not budging. So I then became that mom, at the “Happiest Place on Earth” in front of all the tourists. I screamed, “Sit up, sit up now. You will sit on the seat. The tram is leaving. Do you want it to leave without you? Because it will. Then you will have to walk back to the car.” I said a few more words too, don’t judge me, we’ve all been there. He finally got up. Once again, the tears were flowing. We made it to the car. Mr. Cranky was super tired, we get that. Yet the week before, we left Disneyland at 11pm. He was fine.

I got home and posted this as my Facebook Status:

I got (5) likes and 12 comments on that Facebook status. They were some of my favorite comments. Because as a parent, I think we’ve all BEEN THERE.

Lisa-“I know that look well…from the receiving end, of course.”

Ruth-“I was that parent Feb 7, 2007 by the Pirates of Caribbean.. It was so horrible that date is etched in my mind.. I feel for you!”

Robin-“I was that parent last September at Walt Disney World. Food court in Land pavilion- sorry if I scared anyone! Someone decided to pitch a total melt down fit over……….Cheetos. I feel for you Julie!”

Amy-“End of July 2009 at 11:56pm…ALL the way down Main St…but mine was a 10 year old…that looks like she is 15. Good times.”

I’ve had many moments like this as a parent of a four year old. I will have many more. Thankfully, I know that all the other parents out there understand. You’ve been there, done that, and will do it again!

e.l.f. Cosmetics Party

Last week I had the opportunity to attend an e.l.f. Cosmetics Make-up at Home party. My best friend, Stacey, has tried e.l.f. before and she loves it. I definitely needed a new make-up routine so this was great event for me to attend.

I arrived at the party, which was held at Ciaran’s house. There were several women there that I knew, and there were also some new faces. We enjoyed some great appetizers and some conversation. We watched a video and then went to check out the make-up. Ciaran had the make-up all set-up by the different collections. We all went and started playing with it.

It was a great party, and I got to try on several different styles of make-up. Their “Mineral Collection” was my favorite. I brought some home with me and I’m eager to wear it again. I love their prices too. It is very affordable compared to Department Store make-up.

Ciaran also created a story on Whrrl about the party. Check it out below!

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Kogi BBQ…An Adventure

Last weekend, the Kogi Korean BBQ truck was in Orange County. I just happened to be around when it was here. The truck was scheduled to be at there from 10pm-1am. I think that I actually received my food around 11:15pm-ish. I got the pork sliders and pork burritos. I ate two of the sliders and gave the rest of my food to my co-workers. I’m usually a pretty bland white-bread type of eater. But I went for it this time. The sliders were sooooo good. There were lots of onions in them, but they were so small I overlooked them. There was a huge line when I left and there were cars parked everywhere. If they are in Orange County again, I might have to chase them down.

Rocky the Squirrel

Yesterday was my first day back on day shift. Did that make sense? I’ve been working nights for four months, and now I’m back on days. When I went outside, I saw this crazy little squirrel running around the back parking lot. I couldn’t tell if he was hungry, thirsty, or just plain nuts. And why was I trying to figure out what the “needs” of a squirrel were? Because it was HOT! A co-worker and I tried to feed him dog food. I think he just wanted water and some shade though. The silly squirrel kept going under the cars. Umm, not a smart move.

I ended up following this little dude or dudette around for like 15 minutes trying to feed him and get him to drink some water. It’s pretty sad. I think it’s because he can’t talk back. I finally left him alone, which probably made him happy.

How Facebook Messes Up Your Relationship

A friend posted this on her Facebook. I think it’s hilarious. I heard about so much drama on Facebook lately. Really people, Facebook is what you make of it. Step away from the drama. Oh, and enjoy this video!

Pre-Fall Retail Therapy

Angry Husband took Angry Toddler to hang out with him on Saturday. My mom was coming over to watch Angry Toddler. So we (mom and I) decided to hit the local outdoor mall. We ate lunch at Red Robin. I completely freaked out because they now have a list of their menu items with the actual calories on the tables. Luckily, I was already eating a small salad.

I then took my mom into Anthropologie. I don’t think she has ever been in there. We both found many things that we liked. I tried on two dresses, and a skirt. They were all fabulous. I ended up getting the skirt because it was more practical, and well, umm cheaper. But I have to share these items with you.

The Slice-Of-Lime Dress. You can’t tell but the inside lining is pink. This is a perfect classic dress. They didn’t have my size. I “could” order it online. Still trying to justify the price though. Adorable on though. And the bow, perfection!
The Storm-of Shapes-Dress, was a great brown dress. It actually had pockets on it. I usually go for an a-line style, but this actually looked decent on me. I had a great 1960’s theme to it. I really don’t know how practical it is for me, though. I think the dress above would be a little more practical.
The Trompe L’Oeil Stitchery Skirt was the only thing that I walked away with from Anthropologie. It’s a classic a-line and there are so many colors in it. There are so many outfit combinations that I can make with this skirt. I think I might wear it to our first Junior League Meeting this month.

Oh, and one of my favorite places, Harvey’s Seatbeltbags had a discount code this past month. Of course, I waited till the last minute on Monday the 31st, to decide. I ordered this wallet, the Patchwork Clutch. It is currently sold out, but they are going to send me one when they are available at the end of the month.
I can’t wait to find more goodies for the Fall. Although, Fall shopping is really hard to do when it’s 100 degrees outside. I need to buy some things for Angry Toddler too. I don’t think he will want to try on pants and long sleeve shirts right now.

P.S. All of my photos were borrowed from Anthropologie and Harvey’s sites.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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