I do all the laundry in my house. I have laundry OCD. Well really, I have a whole system for it. I separate clothing by color, and then the towels also get their own cycle. I also use the cold water soap. When Angry Husband does laundry, he shoves the entire washer full. Well we all know what happens. It doesn’t cycle properly and the stains stay.
While prepping for laundry procedures, I check pockets. I washed Angry Husband’s iPod a few months ago because I got careless and didn’t check.
When going through pockets I’ve found cash, pens, Lego figures, home theater parts, wire, tools, notecards, chapstick…ok maybe some of those things were left by me. But you get my point.
After I picked up Angry Toddler from school, he was digging in his pocket. He wanted to show me something. He pulled out a very small tomato, some green beans, and some snap peas. They have a garden at school. Angry Toddler likes to point out what they are growing. I would have never thought to check his pockets for vegetables.
So be sure and check the pockets before doing laundry. You might just find the ingredients for a salad.
What strange things have you found in your laundry bin? Or family member’s pockets?