We are slowly turning into an Apple family. I got a Macbook in March and now we have (2) new editions. Yes, we jumped on in. We are iPhone people now too. I loved my Blackberry. It was pretty much my BFF, sorry Stacey, but you know my addiction to my phone. But Angry Husband’s phone broke for the third time. He told me that there was no phone from Verizon that he desired. He was a very strong advocate for getting iPhones. You would think that I would be excited to get an iPhone. I’m a blogger right? I am into technology. But I was addicted to the keyboard on my Blackberry. I’m not a big fan of touch screens. We use them at work, and I get extremely frustrated.
I really had no choice but to go with Angry Husband’s decision. We are on a family plan with a corporate discount. We would have huge bills if we stayed with two different cell providers. So we jumped on it. We went to the AT&T store two weeks ago. We walked away with two brand new iPhones.
I haven’t been tweeting or blogging as much, because I’m completely overwhelmed. Yes, overwhelmed. I use my phone for everything. It’s been a hard transition for me to the iPhone. I have (3) e-mails addresses, (2) twitter accounts, Facebook, and my calendar to manage. I’m losing e-mails because of my Mac Mail and the iPhone syncing. It’s hard to figure things out.
My biggest frustration is the texting. I’m a super huge texter. I’m used to speed texting on my Blackberry. I got so frustrated now that I just end up calling people. Because it’s easier.
I know that I will come to love this phone, but right now I’m frustrated.
One of the big bonuses for me is that the iPhone has solved some of my OCD issues. I used to jump for my Blackberry when I saw the red blinking light. Since there’s no light on my iPhone, I don’t stalk it as much.
So I’m pretty conservative with my choice of apps. I have the basics…
Which apps do you recommend? Any great tips?
Photo from Apple.