Blog was Down, but now Back Up!

My blog was down for a little over twenty-six hours. I have pretty much been freaking out for at least twenty of those twenty-six hours.

I could log into my Blogger Dashboard and type posts, edit posts, and see my reader. But I could not change my layout or see my actual blog. Every time someone would view the blog, they would get an error code from Blogger. I thought it was my domain host, it was not.

The only way to get it fixed was to post on the Blogger Help Boards. I think I posted at least ten times. There were several other people having the same issue. There is no other way to get things fixed with Blogger. No person to e-mail. No phone number to call.

Having this happen has put some thoughts in my head. I’ve been thinking about changing to WordPress for awhile now. This incident might facilitate me to make the change. I had this discussion with another person using Blogger last week. If we make the change to WP, would our followers come on over. It is very easy to follow “Blogger Blogs” right now. All you have to do is click “Follow Blog” at the top of the page.

I just don’t know if I want to make the switch, quite yet.

But seriously happy right now, cause the blog is back up!! I can be a functioning human again. Not someone is staring at the computer, and keeps hitting “refresh”.

The Honest Scrap Award

Honest scrap award? Huh? When Kirsten Wright gave me the award, I got to thinking, oh gee. What do they not know about me? I’m an open book. “This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.”

Thanks Kirsten!

Now, onto the rules of how it works:

1. “Nominate” seven more bloggers to spread the happiness.

2. Tell ten honest things about yourself.

  1. I have Adult ADD. I was diagnosed a few months ago.
  2. I’m totally OCD about making sure everything is locked at our house (i.e. doors and windows before we got to bed and/or leave the house.
  3. I hate when Angry Toddler’s hair starts getting long. I get his hair cut every month.
  4. I know the clerks names at several convenience stores in the city I work in.
  5. I will only drink Aquafina bottled water.
  6. I wear flip flops daily now. The only time I wear socks is at work.
  7. I wear hair short, otherwise it would be in a ponytail every day.
  8. I probably wear make-up like one time a month.
  9. I have more running clothes than normal clothes.
  10. I don’t have a favorite restaurant that I like to go too. I’m good with whatever.

Discovery Science Center

Last Friday, my BFF and I, took the kiddos to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. It was my first visit to the Discovery Science Center. Angry Husband took Angry Toddler a few years ago, but thought that Angry Toddler was a little young at that time. Stacey also took Stella a few times, years ago too. I think that the kids were the perfect age this time, at four.

We started off our visit at the DSC by entering an approaching the Dynamic Earth Exhibits.

In the Dynamic Earth Gallery, YOU command the forces of nature as you explore ways the Earth changes. Make clouds, climb a mountain wall,walk through a tornado, and more! Most of the time, the changes happen so gradually that they are almost impossible to detect, even over the course of a lifetime. The mountains in our area grow a little every year as the plates in the Earth’s crust force them upwards. At the same time, these mountains are worn down by the effects of rain, wind and other forces. Scientists must use sensitive instruments to record changes like these.

Angry Toddler and Stella stayed in this area for at least 20 minutes. They were fascinated with it all. We then moved on to the Robots and Us Exhibit.

Angry Toddler loved the Robots Exhibit. He’s way into electronics, just like Angry Husband. He was fascinated with how everything worked. He made sure to make his way through every station at the Exhibit.

We then headed upstairs to explore The Science of Hockey. Angry Toddler and Stella got to drive the Zamboni, shoot for the goalie virtually, and measure themselves up against some real life hockey uniforms. Angry Toddler really doesn’t know much about hockey, so this was all new to him.

Protecting our Earth and its many Ecosystems was another limited edition exhibit.

Join Smokey Bear, Woodsy Owl, the Ranger and their forest friends at Discovery Science Center this summer to learn about protecting our precious Earth and its many ecosystems. Woodland, urban and river settings encourage families to spend time together outdoors and inspire children to discover and care for the natural resources that sustain our world – our home sweet home. Hands-on activities in each of these three areas demonstrate the importance of protecting ecosystems and highlight ways to reduce, reuse and recycle resources.

This was another special limited edition exhibit. Angry Toddler loved this one. It was more play, than science for them. It’s a great one for the 4 and under crowd. There were a lot of hands on things for them to play with and explore.

There were soo many more exhibits that I could blog about, but it would take me all day. The kids loved the KidStation which was for the 5 and under crowd, and their huge outdoor exhibit, Dino Quest.

We will definitely visit Discovery Science Center again. Especially since Angry Toddler is way into science.

I found out that they have a membership program, which is pretty much like a season pass.

Plus, they have summer day camps for kids ages 5-13. This is very helpful to know since Angry Toddler will be 5 next year, and I’m already looking for fun things to do next summer.

You can also follow the Discover Science Center on Twitter.

BlogHop Tuesday: Favorite Picture

Welcome to Angry Julie Monday and thanks for visiting! I’m a married, working mom (law enforcement), with one son. We live in Orange County, California. I’ve been blogging for two years now and I love every minute of it.

We’ve probably taken thousands of photographs since our son was born. I have many favorites.

I thought that I would post a “recent favorite photograph”. I took this last Friday, July 3rd. Angry Toddler (my son) had just gotten a fresh haircut the day before. I love when he gets a fresh haircut. He made the barber leave it longer on top, so that he could have a “mohawk”.

He also was wearing a button-up shirt. He has probably worn a button-up shirt less than ten times since he was around two. I put the shirt on him and he did not fuss at all.

He got a little silly, since I was interrupting him while he was playing the Wii!!

Please feel free to stay awhile and check out my blog. I’m really not that Angry, only sometimes..

MckLinky Blog Hop

What a Long Weekend

I was off work this past week for five days. It was a nice break from my hectic schedule. Angry Toddler has been in swim lessons for the past two weeks, so we’ve spent most of our free afternoons driving him there. On Friday, Angry Toddler and I went to the Discovery Science Center with my BFF, Stacey and her daughter, Stella. I will blog about that tomorrow.

On the 4th, I started my morning off with doing the Surf City 5K in Huntington Beach. I’ve done that run the past three years at least. It’s a fun run, not a race. I have declared it “not a race” because they don’t use timing chips and my time is never accurate. This year, it was off by at least six minutes (epic fail). The good thing about the race is the costumes that people dress up in. It gets very patriotic. I wore some blue shorts, and a red tank top. It was soo hot during the run. But I finished. I came home and took a nap after. Angry Husband wasn’t too happy with my nap, but I was.

In the early afternoon, we went to my BFF’s parent’s house. They have a pool, plus Angry Toddler’s BFF, Stella would be there. The days of getting totally wasted on the 4th are gone. Now I all I want to do is look for events that will entertain Angry Toddler.

I got my entertainment very early that afternoon. My BFF’s 50 year old aunt decided to a wear a thong bikini at the small family BBQ and pool party? Ummm, small children were present. We did not want to see that. She paraded around like nothing was going on. I made Stacey take a picture with her iPhone. I had to capture the moment. I TwitPic’ed it can find it somewhere on my Twitter account. I don’t want to post it directly to the blog, so that everyone can find it. She left the party later that evening, but before that, she put some mesh pants over the thong. How nice of her.

Anyway, we had a good afternoon. Angry Toddler was able to show off what he learned at swim lessons. He’s an expert at going under water. The kid who doesn’t want his hair washed, will happily dive under, go figure.

Stacey’s parents have a turtle pond, which Angry Toddler loves. Me not soo much..turtles kind of creep me out…plus they have a small swing set.

After leaving Stacey’s parent’s house, we headed to another party. My parent’s friends were having a party at their house. We had to do a drive by and hang for at least an hour..Angry Husband and I were sooo tired.. We eventually left and made it home for our HOA’s fireworks show.

I didn’t take any fireworks pictures, because last year Angry Husband told me that my pictures sucked. I didn’t even bother bringing a camera this year.

Show Us Where You Live Friday-Yards and Garages

We moved in this house 3.5 years ago. Our front planter was a mess of random plants. We found out that every one of the plants was in the wrong area. There were full sun plants, no sun plants, tropical plants, etc. We had the entire front planter removed from our front yard last year by a landscaper. We had it replaced with an English Garden theme. It was all done in a day. We didn’t want to take the time to get permission from our HOA. Yes, we are bad. These are pictures that were taken the day everything was planted. It has all filled in now. It looks great and it so easy to maintain.

When we were looking for houses, I had to see ten houses in one day with my realtor. The was the last house that I saw. After seeing the garage, I immediately knew that it was “the one”. We’ve always had issues with storage and we were looking for a house with storage. I saw the cabinets and the floor in the garage and knew that Angry Husband would like my choice. He never saw the house until the final home inspection.

This is an overview of the garage taken from the door that connects from my house to the garage.
This is the right side of the garage. My treadmill is hidden in there. There is also a TV on the shelving unit. It looks like Angry Husband’s tools threw up all over right now. He tends to do that. Then I freak out and he organizes it all.
The left side of our garage. See all the lovely cabinets. Plus all those totes on top of the cabinets are full of stuff too. What stuff? I have no clue.
The ceiling of the garage. Ladders, more ladders..oh and all of our Christmas crap. Angry Husband got all giddy last year and thought he was Clark Griswold. Umm, we barely put up any lights. Although we have enough for the entire block.
Our shelving unit next to the door to the house. I tend to jump all of my junk on the unit. Plus the bottle two shelves are full of shoes, mostly mine. These are my everyday shoes. And the white baskets are full of Wii accessories.
Ahhh, and the mecca of our garage. The surround sound, entertainment system. Why is it in our garage? When Angry Toddler was just a little babe, he was into EVERYTHING. So everything got moved to the garage. It stays here now. Plus, really, it isn’t pretty.

Thanks for touring my garage. This is where we store everything. Angry Husband and I are very jealous of “you” people whom have basements. Well more him than me… Seeing these pictures makes me want to do a big ole’ giant purge!

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s house this week!!!


(no reason for this particular photo, just wanted to share a photo of little ole’ me, while in college! Look I had hair!!)

This is my 500th Post!!! Last week was my TWO Year Blog Anniverary!!! I can’t believe I’ve rambled so much in the past two years!!! I just want to say a big thank you to my readers and followers!!!

4th of July-Some Ideas

The 4th of July is on Saturday. What a fabulous day for the 4th. I’m off work on Saturday, along with Angry Husband and the rest of the family. On Saturday morning, I’m doing the Surf City Run in Huntington Beach.

Everywhere I go online, I see that people are posting about things to do on the 4th, food to make, or desserts to take. I’ve found some great items online and wanted to share with my readers.

Cupcake Kabobs
Kristin from the Meringue Bake Shop has done it again. She posted a tutorial on how to make these awesome cupcake kabobs on the OC Register’s Mom Blog today.

Star*Spangled Fun

Disney’s Family Fun Magazine has a list of 4th of July crafts on their website.

Celebrate Independence Day with clever party invitations, easy-to-make crafts, and star-spangled decorations.

Look at their site to find out how to make this Musical Stars and Stripes Patriotic Wind Chime.

Spinach Salad with Strawberries

Are you serving the usual hamburgers and hot dogs for the 4th. Do you want some unique and different ideas to go along with all that protein? What about a spinach salad with strawberries and raspberry vinaigrette?

This salad was featured in the Kansas City Examiner. It looks delicious and simple to make. All of the ingredients are listed on their site.

Rosemary Peach Lemonade

Would you like a non-alcoholic drink that you could serve to anyone? Something different than the usual lemonade? I found this Rosemary Peach Lemonade on the Food Network’s site.

I hope everyone has a great 4th this weekend. I have a big post coming up…500, yes 500 posts!!! My next post will be my 500th!!!!

The first photo picture is from Flickr.

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Angry Julie Monday


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