I’m Going to BlogHer..The Angry Julie Edition

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This week I will be attending the BlogHer Conference in Chicago. This will be my first time attending the conference. Yes folks, I’m a BlogHer Virgin. I wanted to go last year when it was in San Francisco, and in my home state, California. I felt that my blogging was not good enough, and that I couldn’t compete with the “good bloggers“. Well this year, I paid for my ticket in February, because I knew it would sell out quickly, as it did.

I have no idea what to expect, as I’m quite overwhelmed. I know that many people are overwhelmed and not sure on what to expect. I’ve been reading posts about BlogHer on blogs for at least two weeks now. I’ve seen what parties people are going to, what they are wearing, what sessions they are attending, or what touristy places they are going to visit. I love seeing everyone’s comments and posts on Twitter. There was even a hashtag started today that said, #amgoingtoblogher.

I’m really not that nervous or meeting or interacting with people at the Conference. I work in the public sector aka law enforcement, so I talk with people first hand forty plus hours a week. I can start conversations very easy, almost too easy. I tend to talk a lot, and really fast. So please do not think I’m a freak if you meet me, it’s the ADHD talking, not Julie being obnoxious. If you judge me by my blog title, you might think I’m Angry, but really, I’m not that Angry. I have an opinion on anything and everything, just start a conversation and I will give you it. I read a lot and I’m online a lot, so I have a wealth of random information in my head. Seriously, it’s scary!

I can really thank my college sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, for my excellent conversation skills. It’s all those summer workshops that we spent hours in, practicing for Fall Formal Rush. I’m sure all the sorority girls will know exactly what I’m talking about. I can have a conversation with almost anybody, without even asking “what’s your major, or what high school did you go too”. I like to start with “What your blog name, and what’s your genre?” I like to categorize people, it makes me remember them better.

I’ve been trying to work on an outline or a schedule all day today. I like to be organized. It makes things easier for me. I tend to over program myself and then I get overwhelmed. I showed Angry Husband my quasi schedule. The days were filled from six am to midnight. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “well this is a once a year event, you really want to get the most out of it that you can.” Oh my, did Angry Husband really agree with me? Say it ain’t so. I spent a good twenty minutes with my BlogHer roommate, Shannon, on the phone earlier. We discussed our RSVP’s and schedules. We pretty much agreed to go to all the same events. Yay, I will have a partner in crime…did I say crime, oops this may be a little bit out of my jurisdiction.

Now, the wardrobe. Everyone is really freaking out about what to wear. Angry Julie wears a uniform four days a week. This will be a nice change for me, to wear normal clothes, that are not navy blue. I have a ton of clothing, and most of it is brand new with tags. Although I doubted my own wardrobe and headed out to the stores today. I’m actually thankful that I did. I found the perfect “little black dress” at TJ Maxx for only $39.99. I also tried on a dress new tags with tags from Ann Taylor Loft courtesy of “The huge closet of Angry Julie aka Wasteland of Never Worn Clothes”. I think I have a pretty hip wardrobe and will be sporting it daily in blogger land aka Chi-Town.

I can’t wait to meet everyone and experience BlogHer. I hope you forgive me if I don’t remember your name. I may appear to be rude, but really it’s my un-medicated ADHD.

Oh, and you probably want to actually see those dresses I mentioned above, don’t you…well guess what..I’m going to show you anyway!

The TJ Maxx Dress

The Ann Taylor Loft Dress

P.S. I was one of the 20 winners of The Johnson and Johnson BlogHer Scholarships!!! Thanks to Splenda, I’m receiving $1200 to pay my way! I’m pretty excited~

A Night at the Circus “Zing Zang Zoom”

Last night, we were able to attend Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s “Zing Zang Zoom” circus courtesy of Mom Central and the Feld Family Activators. When I say, “We”, I mean Stacey (The BFF), Stella (BFF’s daughter), Angry Toddler and myself. Angry Husband has been very busy doing work-type stuff lately.

We started the night off with a Special Event for the Activators. We were treated to a buffet of wonderful “circus-type” foods (i.e. hot dogs, soft pretzels, all you can eat cheese dip for the pretzels). We then had a great show put on by Magical Zingmaster Alex. Stella was chosen as his helper. She was very excited.

They then brought in the clowns and goofed around with the kids. They loved the clowns and thought they were very funny, and not so scary. Ever since Poltergeist, Julie has not been a fan of clowns. Stacey and I agreed, that these were not scary clowns.

*All Access Pre-Show

At 6:30, we went down to the floor of the Honda Center for the “Clown College” show. We got to meet more performers up close, along with getting autographs, seeing the elephants, and even miniature horses. This is event is FREE to everyone with a ticket to the Circus. Several hundred people “flooded” the floor for this. Angry Toddler seemed to get lost in the shuffle. He is used to Daddy putting him on his shoulders. Ya, a 45 lb. kid on my shoulders was not too comfortable.

*Main Event

It was then time for the “Main Event”. We went up the stairs and took our seats. Stacey and I were very excited because our seats were on the end. Yes, we are big dorks. Angry Toddler and Stella requested more cotton candy. We obliged, because really, we wanted some of the sugary goodness also.

We saw acrobats, elephants, horses, zebras, and even dogs perform some fabulous acts! Angry Toddler and Stella really loved the show. I didn’t even tell Angry Toddler that we were going to the Circus, until we got there. He talked about going to the Circus all day today. He was very excited to tell his preschool friends this morning.

And a little video I took of the dog acrobats…please no comments on my bad videography!

I really want to thank Mom Central and the Feld Family Activators for such a fabulous event!

The Circus will be at the Honda Center through July 26th, and then will be in Ontario from July 29th-August 2nd. Use can use promo code: MOM, when purchasing tickets on Ticketmaster.com. With this code, you can purchase a 4-pack of tickets for $44.

Disclosure: I was provided with tickets to this event by Mom Central and Feld Family Activators.  These opinions are mine and I was not influenced in any way.

Angry Julie on a Budget-Introduction

Angry Julie is a very frivolous person when it comes to spending her money. She is used to working overtime, when she wants, needs, or desires something. It’s how she rolls? Where do you think the Louis Vuitton comes from? Yea, ok, my mom buys that, but anyway…

Angry Julie has taken on several bills throughout her early 30’s. They are catching up to her. Pretty teeth ain’t cheap, I’m just sayin’. And the latest and greatest? Angry Julie is taking a 5% cut in pay and possibly furloughs at work. Also, the overtime has drastically been cut! YIKES!!

Angry Julie and Angry Husband have had several discussions on how to cut costs, be more frugal, pay our bills, etc.

Here are some things that we have done:

1. Re-Evaluate all of our bills. What can we cut?
*HBO is gone.
*Second DVR is gone.
*Open all the doors and windows. Try not to turn on the air conditioner.
*Got rid of Salt Water fish tank-125 gallons at about $125 a month in electricity.
*Re-evaluate our cellphone plan. Analyze the bill.
*Cancel Netflix.
*Cancel our cleaning lady. Angry Julie will have to scrub toilets.

2. Started eating at home more. We tend to eat out A LOT. We’ve stocked up at the grocery store and are making easy meals. Well Angry Husband is making the meals. I just sit there and surf the Internet, which is what I do best.

3. Enrolled Angry Toddler in City Parks and Recreation Classes. We knew that we wanted Angry Toddler to take swim lessons this summer. Our options were: private swim place, Homeowner’s Association, and City where we live. I had to get on some wait lists, but we went with the city. We are $56 a session. Which is not bad. I know some people who are paying $80-$100 a week for lessons.

4. Looking for deals and coupons at the grocery store. We shop at Ralph’s. Mostly because it’s like almost across the street. I hate the parking lot, but it’s local. We use their Ralph’s Club Card. We get points and rewards for our purchases. I try and use newspaper coupons also, when I remember. I’ve been averaging a savings of at least $30 a week.

5. Use our available resources for entertainment that were under utilized.
*Disney Season Passes
*Homeowner’s Association Pool
*My 24-Hour Fitness Membership. I started it years ago. I now only pay $49 a yr.
*Local museums, parks, and beaches.

This is just an introduction post from me. I’m going to try and do something at least once a week on this topic. I’m also going to have some guest posts. I have tons of bookmarks saved about “living frugally” and “being on a budget”. So stay tuned!

Are you an expert on one of these topics? Do you want to do a guest post? Let me know!

And for now…here’s some sneak peek links!!!

For The Mommas
My friend, Shannon, started her blog to provide moms with helpful saving tips. Shannon went from working a full-time job to working part-time. She realized that she had to cut her budget. Her blog, For the Mommas, is a wealth of information. She posts several times a day sometimes too! You will want to bookmark her site!


Aracely from Daytripping Mom is a local Orange County Blogger. Her site is dedicated to finding local Southern California fun places to visit for families. She knows that everyone is on a budget right now also. She always posts about the current deal, or specials going on.

Top photo is from Flickr.

So I Married a Nerd

Angry Husband always like to remind me that I could have it much worse. He could be spending all his money on beer and strippers. Ya, not in my house. But alas, he’s a nerd. Angry Husband would rather play games on the computer, watch movie previews on AppleTV, or hang out with his best friend, Eric. Eric has been around in our life since very early in our marriage. Angry Toddler calls him “Uncle Eric”.

Angry Husband and Eric are mentoring Angry Toddler in all things nerd..oh yes!! Angry Toddler knows all of the Star Wars characters. He watches “How It’s Made, Myth Busters, and Future Weapons”. Angry Toddler would much rather hang out with them than watch cartoons.

Last week, Angry Husband put a movie called “Fan Boys” on our AppleTV. I was bored and decided to watch it. I was busting up, because really I could see Angry Husband and Eric being actors in this movie. They would fit right in.

This is what the movie is about:

It’s the Halloween party they’ve all been waiting for, to have fun with friends and hang out with fellow Star Wars fans and partners in crime. However, events take a turn when one of their bunch who long ago outgrew his old gang and took on adult responsibilities is suddenly in their midst again. Reconnecting is not easy. But soon, Eric, Windows, Hutch and Zoe realize that Linus will not live long enough to experience what’s been on their minds for ages: The long-awaited theatrical release of Star Wars – Episode I, which is still several months away. Linus once again suggests to his friends what he’s been scheming since fifth grade: Breaking into Skywalker Ranch, this time to steal a print of the movie. Crazy, right? But it might be the only way for Linus to see the movie before he dies. So as insane as it sounds, they take Hutch’s van and embark on a mission to drive across half the country to the Ranch.

I’ve gone through a lot with Angry Husband and Eric. They always have some kind of hobby that they are into; remote controlled cars, remote controlled helicopters, paintball, computer games, and Warhammer 40K. Angry Husband and Eric had ventured into the land of Warhammer 40K twice. I shall call it “hobby of summer 2009″, until something else comes along. This is all they talk about.

What is Warhammer 40K?

Warhammer 40,000 (informally known as Warhammer 40K or just 40K) is a tabletop miniature wargame produced by Games Workshop, set in a science fantasy universe. Warhammer 40,000 was created by Rick Priestley in 1987 as the futuristic companion to Warhammer Fantasy Battle, sharing many game mechanics. Expansions for Warhammer 40,000 are released from time to time, often to facilitate a certain sort of game, such as Cities of Death, Planet Strike and Apocalypse, which give rules for urban, planatary siege and large-scale combat, respectively. The game is currently in its fifth edition.

Angry Husband and Eric were setting up their “game table” last week in our house. I had to “roll my eyes”. I of course, grabbed my camera. Eric made some comment about asking his permission to take/post pictures. I told him that he needs to read the disclaimer. Anytime, you enter the Angry House, you are subject to being photographed and/or your conversations might end up on the blog. So of course, I started taking pictures, to show what true “nerds” they are.

But do they know they are “nerds”? YES. Eric actually texted me this: I prefer nerd, it implies intelligence. A nerd is technically the guy who does well in school and builds girl robots. A geek dresses up like a storm trooper. Eric went back to school recently and is studying engineering, go figure.

There’s one thing for sure, they have never been WOW player aka World of Warcraft. It’s not their thing. But, Angry Husband did send me this video the other day. I giggled because we had some issues a few years ago when he played Everquest. He told me that he was never as bad as this kid. That’s up for discussion.

oh, and I told Eric about this post. He told me that I have to include this video also.

Hot Diggity Dog

Today I was invited to participate in a teleconference and twitter with Phil Lempert, which was sponsored by Hebrew National. Phil Lempert is known as the “Supermarket Guru”.
Did you know that National Hot Dog Day is July 23rd? Well you do now!

This was my first teleconference as a blogger, so I had no clue on what I was doing. I had a notebook on the table, my Macbook, my cordless telephone, and Angry Husband nearby. Angry Husband is a big fan of Hebrew National Hot Dogs. They are the only kind that he will buy. He usually rolls his eyes when I’m talking about blogging, etc..but this time he actually somewhat participated.
I had TweetChat open to follow the discussions hashtag #HNLempert along with my cordless telephone to my ear. Phil Lempert was talking about summer, BBQ’s, and cooking hot dogs. I wrote notes and tweeted along with the other participants.
It is interesting to hear about how other people cook their hot dogs. It vastly differs in different states. We are a mustard and ketchup household. We BBQ the hot dogs, toast the buns on the grill, and use these somewhat simple condiments. In other regions people use cheese, baked beans, onions, relish..as condiments and toppings. I would tell Angry Husband this along the way, and he would make a face.
Along with recipes and discussions about condiments for hot dogs, we received some great tips about budget friendly BBQ’s!
*Plan a money-saving trip to the grocery store.
  1. Make a list of everything you need before you leave for the grocery store.
  2. When making your list, check your pantry, cupboards, fridge and freezer for what you already have.
  3. Do you research. -Check out the store circulars and compare to see which products are on sale at which store.
  4. Buying your meats at one store and your produce at another could save you big bucks.-Check your Sunday newspaper, magazines and online for coupons.
  5. Surveys say that using coupons could save you 15-20% on your bill.
  6. The average value of coupons today is $1.29.-Join your stores’ frequent shopper card clubs for additional savings that can be combined with coupons.
  7. Never go shopping when you are hungry.

*Best techniques for shopping once in the grocery store.

  1. Don’t follow the path that the grocery store lay out for you.-Stores try to steer customers to the produce department or bakery section first with their selective smells. They are designed with alluring deals on products you never thought about buying.
  2. Start shopping in the middle aisles were all of the unemotional foods are (boxes, cans and jars of food). You can more easily avoid the store’s marketing tactics there.-Once you’ve hit all of the aisles, the temptation of the produce and bakery won’t be as strong.
  3. Don’t always trust that the promotions at the ends of the aisles are the best deal.-Take chips for example, a staple for your BBQ. I have seen huge displays of the large size at $3.99 a bag. But just around the corner on the regular shelf was a comparable brand, same ingredients, same nutritional and same size bag that were just $2.19.
  4. Dairy case vs. cheese table.-Every BBQ must include cheeseburgers but cheese can be quite expensive. Keep in mind that cheese is sold in two different locations in the supermarket, in the dairy case and on the cheese table. An organic mild cheddar goes for $6.99 for 8 oz. on the cheese table, while the same-sized package of the store’s private label brand, which is also growth-hormone free is just $3.29 a package.

Check out a great website, Simple and Delicious. It has great ideas for simple, quick, and budget friendly meals.

I’m trying to learn new ways to save money and to be a little more frugal. I’m going to start a series now with the all the tips I’ve been learning along with some things that the Angry Household is doing. It’s going to be titled, “Angry Julie on a Budget”. Stay tuned!

Photo from Hebrew National’s site!

Maloof Money Cup 2009-Day 3 (Sunday)

Yesterday was the last day of the Maloof Money Cup. I was able to catch it late in the day, about an hour before the awards ceremony. The crowd was in full effect..it was a huge turnout. There were so many people, you had to push your way through. The sun was blazing also. I was seriously sweating and it was 5pm. Not pretty at all.

I was trying to get some great pictures, but alas there were so many fricken people…it was hard. I hard to push my way in through all of those “professional media types”..go figure.

I saw several of the pros posing for autographs and signing autographs. That was very nice. The little kids were stoked. I even saw a Sheriff’s Deputy getting a shirt signed for her kid.

This was a great event and I can’t wait for it to come back next year.

Oh, and I can say now that I’ve been there and got the t-shirt. I left with a black Maloof Money Cup shirt in my hand.

Here are the final results (from etnies’ blog):

Men’s Pro Street

1. Chris Cole – $100,000
2. Tommy Sandoval
3. Nyjah Huston
4. Torey Pudwill
5. Ryan Sheckler
6. Sean Malto
7. Greg Lutzka
8. David Gonzalez
9. Paul Rodriguez
10. Mark Appleyard

Women’s Street

1. Leticia Bufoni
2. Lacey Baker
3. Elissa Steamer
4. Amy Caron
5. Marisa Del Santo

Men’s Pro Vert

1. Alex Perelson – $75,000 with a 900
2. Pierre-Luc Gagnon
3. Bob Burnquist
4. Andy MacDonald
5. Bucky Lasek
6. Adam Taylor
7. Rob Lorifice

Best Trick

Adam Dyet – $10,000

Zumiez Destroyer Award

* Torey Pudwill – $10,000
* Alexis Sablone – $2000 after a trip to the hospital

Maloof Money Cup 2009-Day 2 (Saturday)

Yesterday was Day 2 of the 2009 Maloof Money Cup. I wasn’t able to spend as much time there as I did on Friday, but I ventured around a few different areas.

Not only can you see top notch skateboarding at the Maloof Money Cup but they had a great vendor’s village too. I was able to walk through there and see some fabulous brands like, etnies, World Industries, Tech Deck, Oakley, Panda Express, and many more. They all had some great booths set-up. I saw that all the kids were hanging out at the Tech Deck booth, because they had some great mini-skateparks set-up. Plus, World Industries had some giveaways they were doing.

You can view yesterday’s results here.

Oh, and while I was there…I just happened to see Snoop Dogg walk in. He was doing a little special concert for them. He sang some of his old school songs, which totally reminded me of my “younger days”.

So on with the pictures….

Maloof Money Cup 2009-Day 1 (Friday)

The Maloof Money Cup is the premier showcase for professional skateboarding. The event was founded by Joe and Gavin Maloof, owners of the Sacramento Kings franchise. The three-day festival, and WCS sanctioned U.S. Skateboarding Championship, takes place July 10-12, 2009 during the opening weekend of the OC Fair. The Maloof Money Cup boasts the largest purse in the history of professional skateboarding with over $450,000 in prize money, while setting the benchmark at each prize level.

I went and checked out the MMC last night around six-ish. Every since attending The Clash at Clairemont in March, I have a instant love for skateboarding and skateboard contests. I headed over there with my camera, with the hopes that I could capture some great pictures before the sun went down. I’ve found that my best photos are taken during daylight. I have a slave flash but it’s not fast enough for what I want to do at these shows.

I mostly concentrated on taking some good photos to share with my readers, and skateboard enthusiasts who want to check out MMC, but are not geographically close. I’m going to try and head out there again tonight also.

So here you all go, my photos of the Maloof Money Cup:

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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