The Honest Scrap Award

Honest scrap award? Huh? When Kirsten Wright gave me the award, I got to thinking, oh gee. What do they not know about me? I’m an open book. “This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.”

Thanks Kirsten!

Now, onto the rules of how it works:

1. “Nominate” seven more bloggers to spread the happiness.

2. Tell ten honest things about yourself.

  1. I have Adult ADD. I was diagnosed a few months ago.
  2. I’m totally OCD about making sure everything is locked at our house (i.e. doors and windows before we got to bed and/or leave the house.
  3. I hate when Angry Toddler’s hair starts getting long. I get his hair cut every month.
  4. I know the clerks names at several convenience stores in the city I work in.
  5. I will only drink Aquafina bottled water.
  6. I wear flip flops daily now. The only time I wear socks is at work.
  7. I wear hair short, otherwise it would be in a ponytail every day.
  8. I probably wear make-up like one time a month.
  9. I have more running clothes than normal clothes.
  10. I don’t have a favorite restaurant that I like to go too. I’m good with whatever.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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