Show Us Where You Live Friday-Yards and Garages

We moved in this house 3.5 years ago. Our front planter was a mess of random plants. We found out that every one of the plants was in the wrong area. There were full sun plants, no sun plants, tropical plants, etc. We had the entire front planter removed from our front yard last year by a landscaper. We had it replaced with an English Garden theme. It was all done in a day. We didn’t want to take the time to get permission from our HOA. Yes, we are bad. These are pictures that were taken the day everything was planted. It has all filled in now. It looks great and it so easy to maintain.

When we were looking for houses, I had to see ten houses in one day with my realtor. The was the last house that I saw. After seeing the garage, I immediately knew that it was “the one”. We’ve always had issues with storage and we were looking for a house with storage. I saw the cabinets and the floor in the garage and knew that Angry Husband would like my choice. He never saw the house until the final home inspection.

This is an overview of the garage taken from the door that connects from my house to the garage.
This is the right side of the garage. My treadmill is hidden in there. There is also a TV on the shelving unit. It looks like Angry Husband’s tools threw up all over right now. He tends to do that. Then I freak out and he organizes it all.
The left side of our garage. See all the lovely cabinets. Plus all those totes on top of the cabinets are full of stuff too. What stuff? I have no clue.
The ceiling of the garage. Ladders, more ladders..oh and all of our Christmas crap. Angry Husband got all giddy last year and thought he was Clark Griswold. Umm, we barely put up any lights. Although we have enough for the entire block.
Our shelving unit next to the door to the house. I tend to jump all of my junk on the unit. Plus the bottle two shelves are full of shoes, mostly mine. These are my everyday shoes. And the white baskets are full of Wii accessories.
Ahhh, and the mecca of our garage. The surround sound, entertainment system. Why is it in our garage? When Angry Toddler was just a little babe, he was into EVERYTHING. So everything got moved to the garage. It stays here now. Plus, really, it isn’t pretty.

Thanks for touring my garage. This is where we store everything. Angry Husband and I are very jealous of “you” people whom have basements. Well more him than me… Seeing these pictures makes me want to do a big ole’ giant purge!

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s house this week!!!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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