One Lovely Blog Award

A couple of weeks ago, I was given this award by Migraine Mom. I’m such a dork. I completely forgot to post about it, I swear. I have tons of things to reply to in my inbox, but I’ve been a total slacker lately. She’s a runner and will soon be a Middle School Counselor!

There are a ton of lovely bloggers in my life, well actually my reader. But I read them daily so I feel like they are a part of my life. So let’s highlight their loveliness.

Here are the rules:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Leslie at Lambert’s Lately. I found Leslie through Kelly’s Korner. Leslie is going to be starting her first year as a teacher soon in her very own classroom. She is also a blog designer. She whipped up an awesome design within a day for my family blog. I love reading Leslie’s posts and especially about her dog, Hardy. P.S. She’s having a giveaway right now also..a free blog makeover!

Kelly from Just Spotted and According to Kelly. This woman is super mom. She is very active on her blogs, she Twitters, Facebooks, and has (3) kids, including a newborn. Plus, she actually finds time to workout. She’s very inspirational to me. Hopefully soon, I will get to meet Ms. Kelly since she lives in the O.C.

Danica from Chic Runner. Danica is a crazy runner girl. She just completed her first marathon last month. She has a ton of followers on Twitter and her Blog. I read Danica’s posts to mostly motivate myself. Ahh to be young again…Oh, and I’m totally jealous cause Danica is now rocking her blog on WordPress. I’ve been thinking about going to WordPress, I just can’t commit quite yet.

How We Saved $65 Yesterday

Our dog, Bruiser is a Maltese/Chihuahua mix. He was the most adorable puppy. He was snow white and cute as a button. Bruiser is still cute. Although he’s crazy hyper and has this wild hair. His hair is definitely a cross between a Maltese and Chihuahua. He gets these odd long curly hairs all over. He then has a goatee and wild hair above his eyes. It’s not pretty.

We usually take him to the groomer to get shaved. He looks so much better after he gets shaved and groomed. But we are cheap and poor right now, so I grabbed the clippers yesterday. I was walking out to the backyard yesterday and Angry Husband asked what I was doing. I told him that I was going to shave Bruiser, with the clippers, duh.

He came to the rescue and helped me. Because really, I had no clue about what I was doing. Bruiser kept moving, but we were able to trim/shave most of his wild hair. We then gave him a bath with some dog shampoo and the hose in the background.

I think this is what we are going to do, from now on. He really needs to be shaved about once a month. His hair grows so fast. I’m sure we will get better at this shaving thing, eventually.

Oh, and I had to take a picture of Wolfie too. She stayed far away from our shaving party. Smart dog. She is a Chihuahua mix too. We got her from a rescue.

What a Week

We started off the week with Angry Toddler getting a cold. Because of Angry Toddler’s history with bronchitis, asthma, and those lovely febrile seizures..we freak when his nose starts running. I swear our kitchen and bathroom cabinets are like a mini pharmacy. I should buy stock in the over-the-counter medications that we buy for Angry Toddler.

Angry Toddler also gave me his cold. Which really sucked. I had issues all week. I’m finally feeling better.

Angry Toddler missed preschool on Monday and Tuesday. Thankfully Mr. XBOX and Ms. Wii were able to babysit in lieu of preschool. I had to take Angry Toddler to the doctor on Tuesday, because he was not getting any better. She diagnosed him with an ear infection, which equals prescription medications.

So Angry Julie heads to Target pharmacy and throws down the debit card for $95 (YES, ninety-five dollars) worth of medications. The only positive thing about my Target visit is their kick-ass prescription bottles. When we use other pharmacies (cough, cough CVS, you suck), you have to pour the liquid meds on a spoon and hope that you don’t spill it everywhere, will convincing the kid to lick the spoon. Target has these plastic lids on top of the prescription bottle, where you insert this plastic syringe and suck out the meds. Angry Toddler loves the syringes and he happily takes his meds. Yes, I know you can buy the syringes, etc. But I love how Target has these automatically built-in.

Wednesday came…Angry Toddler went back to preschool. Can I get a YIPPEE! And I got a wonderful delivery from the Fed-Ex man. The PR peeps from Sonic Drive-In sent me a $25 gift certificate and some goodies for Angry Toddler. They saw my post about Sonic and wanted to thank me for it. I also felt a little better and worked out Wednesday night. I did a TKB (Turbo Kick Box) class at 24Hour Fitness. It literally kicked my butt.

Thursday, I had to go to the dentist and get two crowns done. I’ve had the temporaries for 2 months. I should have gone back to the dentist within 2 weeks. I just hate sitting there. It really wasn’t that bad.

On Friday, I cleaned the house. I haven’t cleaned that much in a really long time. It actually still looks clean. I’m very proud of Angry Husband and Angry Toddler for keeping it that way.

Today, well Saturday, so now yesterday…I took Angry Toddler to his sports class and a birthday party. Angry Toddler’s sports class did track and field today. He loved running around. I didn’t like the misty rain that was coming down on us. And of course, I dressed my son inappropriately again. He was wearing shorts, while everyone else was wearing pants.

Father’s Day..well I ran around and picked up some things tonight while working. I’m not as prepared as usual. BUT I spent $10 on CARDS. Seriously, I should have just drawn some or something. I’m really anti-card right now, because they are like $4.

Hopefully I will get to sleep in this morning…and maybe I can dream about some really good blog posts for next week…maybe…

Show Us Where You Live Friday-Laundry Room

Welcome to the latest installment of Kelly’s Korner “Show Us Where You Live Friday”. Today, she is featuring play rooms, bonus rooms, and laundry rooms. I will be featuring my “laundry room”, or better known as “the laundry area in the garage”.

In our old house, we had the laundry room on the second floor near the bedrooms. It was very convenient. In this house, the laundry room is in the garage. Our house is a small one story, so it’s not a very far walk to the garage. Although sometimes, I get lazy (this week), and forget about the laundry. I know we all have those days where we’ve washed the same load of laundry three times, because we forgot it was sitting in the washing machine. Don’t tell me that I’m the only person who does this, because I know EVERYONE does this.

Here’s the tour:

Overall view of the laundry area. It’s the front, right side of our garage. The bike is hanging over the dogs area (bad fur parents). The washer and dryer with cabinets overhead. The washer and dryer are LG brand. The lovely water heater in the corner. Oh, and I’m white trash like that, see my black bra in this photo!

Close-up view of the washer and dryer. After five years, I’m still not completely sold on this front loading washing machine thing.

My fancy drying rack. I hang dry most of Angry Toddler’s clothes and my running gear. All the junk behind the drying rack is Angry Husband’s. He needs to clean it up! Notice my lovely black bra again! Oh, and see Angry Toddler’s awesome new bike!
Cabinet near the washer and dryer. This is where I store all the hangers. I’m OCD and have all of our clothing on wood hangers. I hang dry Angry Toddler’s clothing on the plastic hangers. The boxes below the hangers are for e-bay, etc. I sell most of Angry Toddler’s clothing on parenting forums. We have all of our cleaning products stored up high. Angry Toddler likes to get into things.

I hope you all enjoyed the tour of my tiny laundry area. I can’t wait till next week when we do “Master Bedrooms”. That’s probably the best decorated room in our house. I’m very excited!!

I can’t wait to tour everyone’s houses this week!!

The Circus is Coming to Town

I’m very excited that the Circus is coming to town. We are taking Angry Toddler and his bff, Stella, to the circus in July. This will be their first time at the circus.

The circus will be at the Honda Center in Anaheim, in Los Angeles, and also Ontario. You can arrive at the circus at 6:30pm, at which time you can enter the All Access Pre-show. You’ll head down to the circus floor to get autographs, clown around, walk the low wire, meet the stars of the show (again!), try on a costume and even meet an elephant that paints! This is FREE to all ticket holders for all shows.

If you want to buy tickets for the Circus in Southern California, here is a discount code: MOM. You can purchase a 4-pack of tickets to the circus for $44 on

I can’t wait to see Angry Toddler’s face when we go!

Wordless Wednesday: Contents of my Purse

An AD on Craig’s List, Here in Orange County…

This is a real of my Junior League gals e-mailed this out yesterday. The responses we all gave were awesome…

Recently separated O.C. male 32 years in age, in need of a part time confidant and friend for conversation, affection and a shoulder to cry on. Not into the whole process of dating and finding someone. It just gets too tedious & complicated. This is a business arrangement where you will serve as someone to help ease the stress of daily life and brighten my days.

Like I said I am single male out of The OC and part time in North L.A. County & a working professional. YES I work a lot, but like everyone, there comes a time when even I need to be shown a little affection, compassion, kindness, care. You will also be assisting me with domestic duties like pick my dry cleaning, walk the dog and so on and so forth.

Who am I looking for? Qualifications? An affectionate, passionate, caring and loving young lady. She must be between the ages of 18-25, be white or hispanic and attractive. If I’m paying someone to do this she may as well be attractive right? LOL.. Be well spoken and able to hold a conversation. Be fit, toned or of average weight. Be at least 5’2″-5’6″ in height. I am looking for nothing more than just someone to share some good times with, some who is ready at a moments notice, someone who is willing to listen and lend an ear, someone who knows how to show affection. Someone who can appreciate the “compensation” I can offer. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. You make me Happy and I make you Happy. Why am I advertising in the jobs section, well because I think this would be a perfect job for someone who is attentive, a good listener and someone to act as my partner in everyday life and needs a little extra cash. Picking up dry cleaning, groceries, and driving me to church. All expectations will be presented on the table ahead of time with no questions to what is expected and not expected before your tenure with me begins. Personal transportation is a plus but not a must. Must live within a 15 mile radius of Orange County and have a stable living situation. ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS.

Hours: Some Days and Mostly Evenings Averaging 10-20 Hours A Week

Compensation: Will Vary Upon Availability and Experience but average pay will be more than McDonald’s but way less than JP Morgan

Anyone ready to apply?

Winner: ECOSTORE USA $25 Giveaway

My giveaway ended at 12PM PST on Monday, July 15th..Yes that was officially yesterdays news. I’ve got a winner!!!! My winner is comment #8 by EVILMOMMY!!!!!

She commented the following:


“I would love to try the laundry powder. I just replaced my washer and dryer with front loading ones. We recycle as much as possible, we each have several re-fillable water bottles, I try not to use plastic bags for storage and reuse them when I receive them from someone else.”

EVILMOMMY….I see that your blog is private. I’m going to try and contact you, by adding you. If you see this, please contact me!!!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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