Show Us Where You Live Friday: Home Office

Since last weeks post of Children’s Rooms, I’m posting the “before” pictures of the rooms in our house. We bought the house in November of 2005.

Our home office had a white wood built in. I think this built-in was original to the house. The built-in looks like it has lots of storage, right? But it was falling apart. Plus Angry Toddler loved to climb it when he was just a baby.

Here are the pictures:
(These were taken at the home inspection, previous owner’s stuff).

I love the French doors. I think they are the only thing that we kept in this room. You can see the built-in on the left side of the picture.

This is overall view of built-in taken from the French doors.
The desk.

Here are the “afters”:

We got a custom built-in desk put on the opposite wall. We have it framed around the window. We also took out the pink carpeting and put in wood floors. The wood floors in the office aren’t an exact match to the rest of the house, but they are pretty close. The A-Z rug is from Pottery Barn Kids. I bought it pretty cheap on ebay.

A closer look at the big wall of the built-in. The paint on the walls is a blue-gray color. It’s really not this bright. It just looks bright in the photos. Eventually there will be something on the big blue wall. Right now it’s blank. We got this done when Angry Toddler was into EVERYTHING. If you look closely, you can see the “keyed” locks on all the cabinets.

This is the wall that the old built-in was originally on. The shelves are from Pottery Barn. The little table and chairs are from Pottery Barn Kids. Angry Toddler is going to have a computer on this desk. Angry Husband’s friend is currently building the computer. I’m sure that he will be in high school by the time that it is done.

My lovely bulletin board from Target. I put odds and ends on there. My favorite thing is Angry Toddler’s artwork. Did you notice the black sheep? I had to save that. I just thought it was hilarious that Angry Toddler made a black sheep.

This is our office. If you want to see “MY” real office, you should check our dining room. I use my MacBook on the dining room table. The computer in our office is actually Angry Husband’s Dell. He uses it for “gaming”.

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Angry Julie Monday


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