Jen Johnson Photography

A couple of weeks ago, on the day of Angry Toddler’s 4th Birthday Party…I got to have a very special blogger meet-up. I finally got to have a meet-up with the infamous JJ of The BLAH BLAH BLAHger. JJ came over to take some photographs of Angry Toddler. It has been awhile since I actually got some good photos of Angry Toddler. JJ was amazing with him. He wasn’t shy at all.

She took a ton of fabulous photos and e-mailed me a few the next day along with a link to preview them later. They turned out beautiful. Angry Husband was definitely impressed. He told me that I need to hang out with JJ more.

Here is the link to JJ’s photography site, Jen Johnson Photography. Here are the photos that she took of Angry Toddler.

This was the very first time that I met JJ. Even though we live relatively close to each other. I met JJ through my friend Lindsay, from Living with Lindsay. Lindsay and I met through a parenting forum a few years ago. Lindsay went to Grad School with JJ. I’m glad that I’m friends with both of them now. I think Lindsay needs to make a trip out here to Cali.

I asked JJ to do a little bio about herself, and all of her fabulousness….

JJ is the BLAH BLAH BLAHger and blah blah blahs on DIY projects, conquering her fear of the kitchen, learning photography, creating a castle out of a condo, entertaining, and life in the OC. She loves wine, weddings, trashy novels and chick flicks, Diet Coke, her niece and nephew, Candice Olson designs, Jesus and Mariners Church. During the day, she toils away as the director of public affairs for a land developer, who forced her to take golf lessons and therefore created a monster…she’s no good, but loves spending her days outside on the golf course. She also spends WAY too much time on her blahg, creating a photoblog for a soon to be open photography side business, and catching up with her boyfriend TiVo. Want to know more? Poke around a bit and you’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know OR feel free to email her at!

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Angry Julie Monday


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