Life is incredibly busy for me right now. At the beginning of May, actually Mother’s Day, I switched shifts at work. I’m now working weekend nights. It’s a pretty hard shift when you have a family. Luckily, I only work this shift about 4 months out of the year. It really messes with my body. When I get really busy, I find it very hard to motivate myself when I have some downtime. Downtime, what’s that? I work Fridays-Mondays. Angry Toddler has gymnastics on Tuesday nights. Almost every Wednesday, I have something planned, and Thursdays I have run club.
I really have to write everything down to get myself organized. Luckily I have my Blackberry which has an awesome calendar function. I sync it with my Google Calendar. This really saves me from over-programming myself. I almost signed up for some overtime this week on a day that I had a very important Junior League meeting.
I’ve trying to get especially organized with my Blog lately. It’s really coming together and I have a good feeling about it. I have all sorts of ideas in my head, but not enough time in the day. I could literally do two to three blog posts a day if I wrote down everything that goes on inside my head. Thankfully, for Twitter, I can post my ramblings. Kirsten from Wright Creativity gave me a great tip today. She told me that she writes down her blog posts on a calendar. She’s able to organize her posts, which gives her a guideline for her website, etc to follow. I always want to participate in blog carnivals, but there are so many out there. By writing things down on a calendar, I’m able to pick and chose when and how I will write my blog posts. I will still so some random posts, but I needed a little structure. Thanks Kirsten!
I also learned how to properly clean the screen and keyboard for my new MacBook. It had umm, sneeze dots all over the screen. I like to call them “water spots”, but really they are most likey “sneeze dots”.
I’m sure that there are other things that I have learned. I truely belives that I learn something new everyday. But really, the ADHD takes over and I get forgetful. That’s why I started doing a calendar for my blog posts today!!