Ever since I bought my new MacBook, I take it everywhere with me. It’s attached to my hip. I use it for everything. I have everything integrated into it now. I rarely use my PC anymore. Too bad that we are still making payments on it. I think Angry Husband is over the PC now.
Unfortunately, he still has to use the PC to program remote controls for work, etc. He also likes to play computer games, and he says that it takes forever for them to be on Apple. His loss. He barely knows how to work Mr. MacBook, which is probably a good thing.
I have sort of a problem though. With all of my usage of Mr. MacBook, it’s starting to look a little icky. I’m completely freaked out about cleaning it. I don’t want to screen the beautiful screen on it.
This is what I texted Angry Husband last night:
Umm, what do I use to clean the MacBook?
His response:
A micro-fiber cloth
My response:
Well I’ve done that. But how do I get all the water spots off the screen and the ick off the keyboard?
His response:
My response:
Do we have any? Where do I buy it?
Well folks, I came home early in the morning and found a bottle of it on our kitchen table. Angry Husband bought it at Best Buy.
Angry Husband works in the home theater biz. He has me completely freaked out about cleaning our monitors, LCDs, and Plasmas in the house. He says that you ALWAYS should clean them with a micro-fiber cloth and a product like Monster ScreenClean or something similar. He has seen so many TVs damaged from using the wrong products on them.