
Last Wednesday night, I went to see the live version of Grease on stage at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. I went with my parents. Angry Husband said that he would stay home with Angry Toddler.

I wanted to see Grease on stage ever since we watched the show, Grease: You’re the One That I Want on NBC. Angry Husband and I loved that show. After seeing it, I vowed to get tickets when it came to a theater in our area.

I had to a Junior League function prior to going to Grease. You should have seen me running around. I dropped off my cupcakes, said some hellos, and mingled with everyone. Then I was out the door.

We arrived at the Performing Arts Center about ten minutes before it started. We purchased orchestra seats, because my mom is apparently a theater snob now and she will only sit in orchestra. We were a little to far to the right side though. It was hard to see some things from where we were sitting.

The show opened with a song. I’m totally used to the movie, so I’m a little jaded on how “Grease” should be. There were some new scenes and songs for the live show. They also re-arranged some of the songs from the original movie.

I love the songs from Grease and was silently singing along. Apparently the guys behind us didn’t realize you were supposed to sing in your head. Yes, once again. My pleasurable night at the theater was somewhat spoiled by annoying people behind me. We had two guys behind us and they were speaking another language, the ENTIRE time. The one guy was translating the whole show, and was even singing the songs in translation. Why does this always happen to me?

Even though I had the commentary going on behind me, I still loved the show. My dad commented that the actors sounded a little, “squeeky” on stage. I will have to agree with that, a little. I will never tell my dad that though, don’t want him to think that we agree on something.

I loved the costumes. I can’t get enough of those fifties style outfits. Especially the dresses they had on at the dance.

If this show comes to your town, I highly recommend going. And if you live in Orange County, go see it here. It’s at the Orange County Performing Arts Center until May 10th.

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Angry Julie Monday


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