We left Orange County around 7:30am to drive to Carlsbad. Carlsbad is in San Diego County, so it was about a one hour drive. The drive is not to bad because most of the time you get an ocean view from the Freeway. Plus I wasn’t driving, Monique was. We ended up parking on a side street a few blocks away from the race start.
We were able to walk around the vendors and even check out some of the races that had started earlier. Our start time was not until 10:20am, because we were in the 30-39 age group. There were so many people that they had to divide everyone into different groups with various start times. Additionally, we had to work around the train schedules. There were 8,609 registered runners for the race.
It finally got to our race time. The sun had popped out and was blazing down on us. I hit mile 1 and was looking up thinking, what the hell? I was very tired from running Seal Beach the day before. It really hit me at mile 2, how sore I was. I kept looking forward to street signs and cars. I kept thinking, “If I make it to this street sign, or red car, I’m good.” I finished with a decent time, not my best, but hey I finished.
I waited at the end of the race for my friends, Monique and Anna. They were not far behind me. Plus, we needed to take some end of race photographs.
I wore another running skirt for the race. Do you did the cheetah print? It was from runningskirts.com, along with the tank top too. I wore running skirts for races a lot last year, they are very comfortable.
My next race is in May. It’s the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, “Reaching for the Cure”. I’m running this one with my run club that I do on Thursday nights.
That’s the end of my race report. I hope it was eventful for you..