She did it again! It’s a good thing…

Kristin from Meringue Bake Shop baked these wonderful red velvet mini cupcakes for me. I had a Junior League committee function to attend. We were supposed to umm, bake red, white, and blue cupcakes. Yea, if anyone knows me well enough..Angry Julie doesn’t bake, cook, or prepare any food-type substances. She branches out to her resources aka calling people to do bake for her.. Kristin has been a great resource to me recently.

I’ve also contracted Kristin to make cupcakes for Angry Toddler’s birthday in May.

She is wonderful and her cupcakes are fabulous. Check out her blog for her Margarita Cupcakes she’s been working on.

She’s also on Twitter!

When Life Gives You Lemons, You Drink Wine

My poor BFF Stacey..she is the topic of many blog posts. I can’t help it, she cracks me up. I don’t think she realizes how funny she is.

Yesterday we were chatting via cellphone. She made a confession to me. She bought a bottle of wine at the grocery store, with a screw-off lid. She then also proceeded to tell me, she just might have screwed off the lid and drank some. This was during the afternoon. She was having a bad day already.

Last night was Tuesday night dinner. Stacey had a paper bag in her cute Coach Spring purse. Sure enough, she took the bag out of her purse, grabbed a cup from the pizza parlor, and poured some of that wine into the cup. She then also mentioned that she did not like the salad dressing at the pizza place. She brought out a bottle of salad dressing from her purse.

What else does Stacey have in her purse?

I told Stacey that her white trash-ness was coming out in full force. She laughed.

And she knew, yes she already knew I would be blogging about this.

Photo courtesy of gmonster25 from Flickr.

Sup for a Pup

A Wish For Animals is a 100% non-profit, no-kill rescue.

On Saturday, I attended a sample sale/fundraiser for “A Wish for Animals”. It was a great event, several people brought their dogs, and their non-fur children. Everyone was local to the area and came together to support this foundation.

Our dog, Wolfie, was a rescue dog. We went through a very thorough process when we adopted her. The rescue made sure that we were educated about what it takes to raise a rescue dog and Wolfie’s specific issues. I really embrace people who take out the time in their busy lives to donate time to volunteering.

From their found, Tori Eakes:

“A Wish for Animals” is a non-profit organization that has a big heart for animals. We rescue animals that are in need or in danger. We primarily rescue dogs and cats, but are always willing to try and help whenever there is an animal in need. We also provide medical assistance funds, food, vaccinations and spay and neutering to
low income families or families that can not afford large medical bills for their pets.

A Wish for Animals has been rescuing animals for the past 5 years and we are run 100% by volunteers so all of our funds go directly to the animals for food, medical and boarding until we are able to place them in a forever home.

Our mission is to help save as many animals as possible from suffering or death and to find them wonderful homes to spend the rest of their lives in. It’s so amazing to see where these animals came from and where they end up in their new homes with so much love. They are so grateful to have what so many of us take for granted every day!

A Wish for Animals is run 100% on donations and depends on them to continue in our mission. Thank you for helping us in our mission to save these wonderful lives!

Of course, I took some wonderful photos while at the event!

The businesses that participated in the sample sale/fundraiser!
Hinano Tahiti
StandUp Journal
Pro Bar

I enjoyed a great lunch from Wahoo’s that day and bought several raffle tickets!

I gave in!

I posted on April 6th about “Needing Caffeine”. I was doing so well. I hadn’t drank a Monster Energy drink since Fat Tuesday, the Tuesday before Lent started.

Like I said, I was doing so well…

But they are BACK! I had to give in. They were calling me. I swear. Everywhere I went, I saw Monsters…

I think I even got Suz addicted too. She was even twittering about Monsters this weekend.

I took the photo myself with Mac’s Photo Booth program. That’s why the writing on the can is reversed..

Dentists, Doctors, and Growing Up

Every year Angry Toddler has his “well check” at his pediatrician’s office. I always make it months in advance. I actually look forward to this check-up. I save all my questions up and we discuss the milestones. I love his pediatrician, and was so delighted last year when she stepped forward and left the big practice that she was part of. We got tired of the long waits and getting stuck with the nurse or someone else from the office.

I can’t wait to tell her that yes, he was potty trained last year. He knows his ABC’s. He can count to 35. And even the fact that he kicks butt at the Wii. Especially Mario Kart. I know she appreciates hearing all of this, because you see, Angry Toddler was a preemie. He has asthma, and has had over 15 febrile seizures. She will be glad that she hasn’t seen us since January, that he’s grown, and he’s doing excellent in pre-school.

But when the kids come into your life, you sometimes let your own health issues slip. We’ve (Angry Husband and I) have spent the last 4 years making sure that we had Tylenol, Motrin, asthma meds, and everything else in stuck 24/7.

But during this, we have also gotten sick. Angry Husband has had pneumonia at least 2-3 times. I’ve had several upper respiratory infections. But life goes on.

I don’t have a regular doctor. Every time I get sick, I hit up the Urgent Care. I wish I had someone like Angry Toddler’s pediatrician. Who actually cared about what’s been going on with me for the past 33 years. Someone who knows that I was actually hospitalized over 20 times as a child for bronchitis and several related issues. That I spent almost every Christmas singing Christmas carols with nurses.

This past week, I went to the dentist. This check-up has been cancelled at least five times. I finally went and discovered that I needed three crowns. THREE! Do you know how much money that’s going to cost? A lot. I’ve known about these crowns since last Spring. But I’ve been neglecting myself. I’m scheduled to get two of them done in about a week. If I don’t cancel the appointment, that is.

Now Angry Husband. He went to the dentist about two weeks ago. He has a ton of work to be done. He already has a follow-up appointment that was scheduled next week. Is he going to go? Nope. I already had to cancel the appointment.

Oh yea, and Angry Husband has pneumonia again. I made him go to the Urgent Care yesterday. He’s on meds, which I also forced him to pick-up.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve decided to stop neglecting my own personal health and take charge of it. It’s part of being an adult. The older I get, the problems just keep hanging around longer. Angry Husband knows this. I give him the same speech every time, “Well duh, you knew that, what are you going to do about it?”

Sometimes, I just want to be a kid again and have someone make these appointments for me, and drive me there at my allotted time.

Eat That Frog Giveaway Winners!

On Monday, April 20th, I announced my giveaway for the book, “Eat That Frog”. I had 44 entrants into the contest.

I asked people what they procrastinated on..most people wrote about something to do with cleaning their house. I definitely procrastinate on that too!

On to my winners!

#4 is Amy from Life of a Nguyener

#32 is Jinxy and Me

Please contact me with your name and mailing address for your copy of “Eat That Frog”.

Thanks to everyone who entered and commented!

San Clemente Carnival

After work, preschool, and everything else…we headed to San Clemente last Friday for their Carnival. It was a small carnival set up in the Talega area. We were meeting up with my BFF, Stacey, and her family.

Before we we went to the Carnival, we wanted to get some real food. We stopped over at First Class Pizza in the Talega Village Center prior to the Carnival. It was PACKED. FCP has a good thing going on. They are a family friendly restaurant. Everyone from San Clemente seemed to be there. Luckily we were there just in time to get a table. I highly recommend getting the Family Special there. It’s $26 and well worth it.

We then met Stacey and her family at the Carnival. I bought $20 worth of ride tickets…thanks Angry Toddler for that. I did not participate in the rides. I made Angry Husband go with Angry Toddler when it required an adult to be present.

Angry Toddler and Stella Enjoying Their First Ride

Stella and Angry Toddler on the Motorcycles..Stella was scared of the Creepy Castle in front of the Motorcycles.

Angry Toddler and a Pink Elephant

Stacey and I..We both look crazy..ack look at those lines in the corners of my eyes.

What I Learned This Week

I always learn something new every week. I got excited when this Blog Carnival first got started. It’s been going on for a couple of weeks, but this is my first post.

1. One of the major things I’ve learned this week is the you are your best advocate. I had a doctor’s appointment this week. I actually got into an argument with a doctor. He then threw his pen down and put his hands up in the air. I was finally sticking up for myself. I said I know myself, this is my body. You are wrong. Can you trust me on this? Please give me a chance for 30 days. He is giving me that chance.

2. I get things done when I speak up. I deal with a lot of conflict when I’m at work. I want to sit on the sidelines sometimes when I’m on my own time. Sometimes it feels nice to not be so confrontational. Angry Toddler was having some issues at school with another kid. I finally had enough and went to the school’s director. I can’t stand her. No one likes her. I knew that she would throw Angry Toddler’s issues from last year back at me. I was ready for that. Every time she came at me with something about Angry Toddler, I came back at her with something. I did not get emotional. I did not let her control the situation and bully me. This was last Thursday. By Friday, the problem was solved.

3. I’m also learning about dealing with Angry Toddler ADHD. I know that I’m in this for the long run. I’m reading a lot about ADHD. I know that AT needs structure and guidelines. I’m also educating Angry Husband about what I’ve learned. He is also learning to be firm with Angry Toddler.

What Have You Learned This Week?

Please check out Musings of a Housewife for what other people have learned this week!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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