Pacsun clash at Clairemont 3

Yesterday, Angry Toddler, my mom, and I were given the hook-up by RockDaMullet at Pacsun’s Clash at Clairemont 3. It was a skateboard and bmx show benefiting Grind for Life and Krause Family/Mission Valley YMCA Bike and Skate Park.

As soon as we got to the event, we were given VIP parking and entry passes. Way cool. We all had purple wristbands. Angry Toddler had his first experience with a porta-potty. That was entertaining for my OCD child. We then went to the entry. Angry Toddler was very excited by the huge Monster Energy truck. He called it a Monster Truck.

Angry Toddler sat and watched the kids skateboarding on the ramps, rails, and stairs at the park. He kept screaming, “I wanna skateboard now”. We promised him for his 4th birthday, he can finally get a skateboard. Geez kid. But there were kids not much older than him, grinding away. So, Angry Toddler decided that he would just climb the ramps and slide down.

After walking through the crowds and vendors, we headed up some stairs to the VIP area. We were able to catch some of the kids just hanging out. It was pretty cool to see how bold they are. I’m glad that Angry Toddler has that boldness still. He’s not scared of anything. Sometimes, it has been a bad thing.

After chowing on some awesome food from Chipotle, we headed over to the Vert Ramp. This was the big attraction of the show. It was covered with net on both sides. To prevent injuries from flying BMX bikes and skateboards. I was able to get some great pictures from behind the net.

Angry Toddler had already ventured around and pimped himself out to the vendors at the show. Notice his collection of stickers. They all thought he was hilarious and took pictures of him.

A little bit later, I took Angry Toddler to the car. He needed to chill for awhile and eventually fell asleep. I headed back to the show and I was able to capture some great pics.

At the end of the show, I was anticipating a raffle that SCS, SoCal SkateShop was putting on. I bought $20 worth of tickets, because hey it was for charity. Well I ended up walking away with two skateboard decks and a set of wheels. Angry Toddler was sadly disappointed though. He wanted to win the “pink skateboard”. There was one complete skateboard that had pink on it. He instantly fell in love. For some reason, I think his dinosaur bedroom is going to slowly turn into a skateboard room. I think Angry Husband is going to mount the decks on Angry Toddler’s wall.

I just want to say what an awesome experience this was. We met a ton of great people, had some laughs and Angry Toddler was in heaven. I hope that we can experience more fun events like this.

Once again, I want to thank RockDaMullet for letting us in on this. I would have never heard of this fantastic event without him.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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