I always need to get a little running in. I can’t spend all my time running on a treadmill.
I have Run Club on Thursday nights, but I try and run at least 2-3 other times a week. I probably need to run more this week cause of all the Girl Scout Cookies I’m consuming.
My dogs have been very bored lately. And they are getting a little fat. They are kind of lazy like the rest of the people in my house. I think the only one in the house who has energy is Angry Toddler. So about two weeks ago, I started taking them on really long walks/runs. I usually do about 3 miles. I loop around the lake near my house.
Well today I thought I would do some speedwork. I would run from stop sign to stop sign. Then we would walk a block and run a block. I got some interesting looks from people driving by. They probably thought, “Why is this chick running with (2) 12 pound dogs?” Because I can. The dogs love it. It’s soo funny to watch their little legs trying to keep up with me. It really tires them out too.
The dogs have had to wear bark collars almost daily for a year now. They were barking constantly and we had Animal Control come out to our house. Luckily, I used to work with the Animal Control Officer. My neighbors were tired of the barking. Ever since I’ve been doing these walk/runs with them, the dogs are silent. They take really long naps after our jaunts.
I would post some pictures of Bruiser and Wolfie, but they need to be groomed really bad right now. Bruiser is a Maltese/Chihuahua mix and has the funniest hair. He needs to be shaved down badly. Wolfie just needs a slight trim.
So if you see my running around Orange County with the doggies, wave and laugh to yourself. Cause remember, a dog doesn’t have to be eighty pounds to run with you.