Will these make me look fat?

We are having a fund raising event (formal event) for the Junior League soon. One of my friends from the JL sent me a link to these jeans. This was her comment in the e-mail.

“Should I get these for the Spring Fundraiser? I figure I could wear them with a sequins top? -Sara”

I’m not sure what I would wear with them, though. I imagine one of those bikini-clad girls at the car shows wearing them now. Oh car show people, you totally know what I’m talking about.

I think my muffin top would spill out the top, or well, perhaps the sides. I should have waited to post this tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.

What would you wear with these jeans?

Link to Jeans!

My Latest Karma Event

Over a week ago, I went to an OC Blogger/Twitter meet-up at the wonderful California Pizza Kitchen. I was happy because this was the second meet-up within a month. I had to leave the last one early, because I had furniture being delivered.

The day before this meet-up, I told my 24-Hour Fitness Instructor, Doris, that I was going to try out her spin class the next morning. This was my original plan: drop kid off at school, go to spin class, shower and get dressed at gym, go to meet-up. It sounds like a perfect plan, right? So I got up extra early that morning. I asked Angry Husband to take the kid to preschool, because um, I was going to do that spin class with Doris. He agreed but vented how hard it was for him to take the kid to school and get to work in time. What do you think Angry Julie did that morning? Oh, she did some light house cleaning, and sat on the computer all morning. Ooops, yep, I missed the spin class. My legs were pretty sore from running the day before. I was going to use that excuse.

I arrived at the meet-up in time to meet all the girls. We had a lovely lunch. I had a salad. Suz commented on how they only had Pepsi from a gun at CPK. She has a thing about Pepsi in general. I like to make funny Twitter comments about that. I ordered a salad, not because I was trying to save calories. But because salad actually sounded good that day.

One of the gals, Kristin makes fabulous cupcakes. She brought each of us a cupcake as a little gift. I ate the cupcake after we left (ok, so I ate in while in the parking structure). It was so good. When she gave us our cupcakes, I took mine out of the box and set it in front of me. I wanted to take a picture for Twitter, of course.

This is where my Karma comes in. As I’m trying to take the picture, I look up. There is a Starbucks right next to CPK. Guess who I see walking out with a coffee? Yep, that’s right Doris. I say hello, an apologize for being a work-out flake. Of course, she noticed that beautiful cupcake in front of me. I knew that I would hear about it later!

Thursdays are my hard work-out days. I do a 24-Lift class in the mornings, and I have Lululemon Run Club at night. Yes, I do both events every Thursday. I’m a little nuts. And of course, Doris runs both events. Oh boy did I hear about. I knew this was coming. I love Doris no matter what. She is inspiring to everyone around her. She announced to the entire Lift class about running into someone, and of course it was me. We heard all about it at run club too. I’ve found that Orange County is a small world. Sometimes when you try to lie or flake on things, karma will get you. I always say, “Everything happens for a reason.” I will know better next time. I will not make promises I can’t keep.

But back to the meet-up. I loved the conversations and our intimate little gathering. It was great to hang with everyone: Suz, Marcy,Rochelle, Kristin, Dana, and my BFF, Stacey.

Oh, and I couldn’t forget this lovely photo taken of me. You wonder why my blog is titled, “Angry Julie Monday”? This is my usual pose. Even on vacation, I can’t get away from work.

Cupcake photo courtesy of Suz.
Angry Julie photo courtesy of Marcy.

Vans Pier Classic 2009

On Wednesday, I headed to Huntington Beach with my mom aka Angry Nana or Angry Grandma. She was actually in a good mood. I had a laundry list of things I wanted to do in HB, and she went along.

We parked in the parking structure on Main St. I hate parking in structures with my huge SUV. The Angry Toddler is kind of hard to park in those tiny spots. I also have a history of hitting parked cars, in my work vehicle, not the Angry Tahoe. We wandered around the shops on Main St. We also stopped for some yummy food at Wahoo’s. I swear I eat at Wahoo’s like 2-3 times a week.

We then headed towards the beach. I knew that there was a surfing competition, Vans Pier Classic 2009. I follow Vans on Twitter, and some other companies. They have been talking about the competition for the past few days. It was a beautiful day in HB. The weather was perfect although the waves were a little flat. My camera was rocking though. I’m finding the my camera is really working great outdoors lately. I’m getting some perfect shots. I really like going to these Action Sports Events and taking some candid photos. I even opened a Flickr account the other day. I’m going to post some of my better photos there.

I really need to get some photo software for my new MacBook. I’m just using the basic iPhoto right now to edit. I need some recommendations for photo editing software. I would love to get Adobe CS4 or something like that, but unfortunately that’s the price of my car payment.

Here are some of my candid shots. Enjoy!

Baby Shower Invites and a Great Designer

If anyone knows me well enough, you know that I’m a procrastinator. I’ve always been like this. When I was in college, I used to stay up all night long writing papers at the last minute. I even wrote a 20-page research paper in one night, starting at 6pm. I got an A though, that’s got to count for something.

I told a co-worker that I would host her baby shower. I love baby showers, as long as they are not for me, ha.

I’m still on vacation and one of the things I’m doing is re-organizing and Spring cleaning. I drag all my work crap stuff in those bags from the mall. You know the handled ones that can hold a lot of stuff. We have a shelf in our garage where I let the bags accumulate. Well I was going through my bags, and realized that…oh crap..I had not done the baby shower invites yet. The shower is mid-April, so I had to get to it.

I started searching on Etsy and found this really cute invitation. I contacted the seller, Kim, she explained the process involving the invite. I gave her the information for the invite and she designed it. She then e-mailed the file to me and then I uploaded it to Costco Photo Center. I picked up the invites and hour later. Kim was really and I’m happy that I got to work with her. I wanted to tell her how much I appreciated it, by doing a little highlight on my blog about her.

Kim is a graphic designer living in Orange County, CA. She has been designing custom cards and items for close friends and family for the last few years. She saw a need for affordable and personal cards and creations. After becoming a stay at home mom last year, Kim became determined to make time each day to do something she loves. The only time to make sure it would happen was while “the bubsie boy” was sleeping, therefore “bubsiedesigns” was born. After getting multiple requests, Kim recently decided to open a shop on Etsy. It is her priority to make each design modern, personal, and affordable.

Stop by Kim’s Etsy Shop, “bubsiedesigns“. She has great invites, save the dates, and even blog headers~

Harvey’s and some new Limited Edition Seatbeltbags for Spring

I got an e-mail from Harvey’s Seatbeltbags the other day. It included this graphic with three new limited edition designs. There are only 250 handbags being made with each design.

I love my Harvey’s Seatbeltbags. I have two of them right now. I seem to use them more now than my Gucci, or Louis Vuitton purses. I think they are getting a lot more popular now also. I gets searches on my site for them daily.

They are very durable and easy to take cure of too. I’ve had one of my purses for about four years and it still looks brand new.

Robotic Rabbits

Today was a bonding day for Angry Toddler and me. Angry Toddler slept in and I played on my new Macbook this morning. He asked for some waffles when he got up. Thankfully, we had bought stock in waffles awhile ago. Actually we didn’t buy stock, but one of those HUGE boxes from Costco. The kind that doesn’t fit in a normal freezer, so you have to take the individual packages out.

I was stumped and what to do. The weather was yucky and I had no desire to go to Disneyland or watch Angry Toddler play the Wii all day. I hadn’t worked out since Thursday so I took him to 24Hour Fitness. I love their $3 Kid’s Club. While I was driving there, my mom called and told me to meet her at the mall at noon. So that’s what we did. Angry Toddler me that he was not hungry and just wanted to shop, ok random.

We went into Pottery Barn Kids, one of my usual stops. They have been clearancing out some of their floor models. A great time to catch a deal on an otherwise expensive piece of furniture. I’ve been searching for a small table from PBK for about a month now. We are going to set up a small table in our office so that we can build a computer station for Angry Toddler. He’s really into computers right now, and we are tired of him messing with our desktop. Well, I walked in and there was the holy grail of furniture. An espresso colored large farm table. They were selling the table for $54. This table is $219 retail. It is the exact color I was looking for also. There were a few scratches and nicks. I can fix those blemishes with one of those stain sticks from Home Depot. We bought the table and a blue chair to go with it. While we were debating on getting the table, Angry Toddler grabbed a book from their display, and sat down at the table with it. That’s what really sold us on it. He can read books at the table and use the computer.

After leaving PBK, we started walking around. My mom eyed the Easter Bunny. She gave me that, “Should we try again this year?” look. I said, “why not, we have nothing to lose”. Last year, he freaked and ran crying from the rabbit. I can’t blame him, it’s kind of freaky to me too. This Easter Bunny is not an ordinary Mall Easter Bunny. Oh no, this is a robotic rabbit. The employees program it with your child’s name, and it talks to them. Angry Toddler sat down and had an entire conversation with it. He didn’t want to leave.

We bought our pictures and walked away. My mom got annoyed as usual. Angry Toddler is doing a funky smile right now for pictures. He has this same smile in any picture he takes lately. It’s just a phase. I told her, just wait, until he has to smile with missing teeth.

I’m still creeped out from Robo-Bunny, even after 2 years of seeing him.

I’m going MAC!

I got a brand new laptop from Dell last February, 2008. I picked out the color especially for me, pink of course. I was very excited to get a new gadget. Except, it had Windows Vista on it. Vista was brand new and I did not know much about it. Angry Husband knew that it used a lot of memory and that was about it.

I received the laptop and started playing with it. I got frustrated with it the first week, but kept using it. I mostly used it for the internet. But slowly over time, it turned into a really expensive DVD player. It was sooo slow because Vista really uses alot of memory to function.

Everyone around me is going Mac. My next door enighbor has been using Apple products for years. I’m on my 3rd iPod. We have AppleTV. The next decision is obvious. We are going Mac. I vented to Angry Husband about a month ago that I wanted to throw my laptop on the 405 Freeway. He agreed. He told me that for Christmas, we would buy a iMac and that would be our gift to each other. I agreed that was a good decision.

When we received our tax return, Angry Husband told me to go and buy a Macbook. He knew that I was going to BlogHer in July and that I would need a reliable notebook. We had originally set aside money to buy a DVD system for my Tahoe. I was in shock. I felt a little guilty about spending that much money on myself. I did set aside a portion of money in my savings account. What have I been doing to get the rest of the funds? Craigslist! I sold my Dell laptop on there, plus other goodies (Louis Vuitton planner). I’m still a little short for the money, but I should have the rest of it by this weekend (Angry Julie gets paid!).

I’m very excited. I have been stalking the Apple store at least once a week for the past month. I can’t wait to get my MacBook.

The Ultimate Leprechaun

I had to do a blog post dedicated to St. Patrick’s Day. And I found the perfect stuff to blog about, extreme sports, of course! I love living in So. Cal. We have such a variety of things to do here. We are within driving distance of snow, sun, and even sometimes rain. We can surf one day and snowboard the next. I’ve come to the fact and acknowledged it, that yes, Angry Toddler will be involved in some extreme sport in the next few years. Because he is extreme. He loved the skateboard show on Saturday and is still asking about it.

I have Freestyle as one of my contacts that I follow on Twitter. They sell watches and sunglasses for that extreme lifestyle we all seek. It just happens that I went to high school with one of Freestyle’s peeps. I follow him on Facebook and got the link to their blog. I saw a preview of their St. Patrick’s Day surprise with the photo posted above. Isn’t that photo great!

They released their surprise today. It was an awesome video of The Ultimate Leprechaun. It’s the leprechaun being extreme of course, by snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing!

Freestyle is also releasing their Lucky Green Shark Watch. The green is so bright. I wish I could wear a bright watch like this to work. I think the supervision would question it though. They already don’t like the Hello Kitty pen sticking out of my uniform pocket.

They also have this new watch, releasing April 15th for little groms (aka kids). I’m sure Angry Toddler would like it. Perhaps for his birthday in May. After looking at all the watches, I think I’m probably going to get this one for work. I know that it’s not a woman’s one, but my job really isn’t too girly.

I love promoting Orange County businesses. It’s my heritage and I love it here!

I hope everyone has a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t drink too much green beer. Cause remember, I may be on vacation but my peeps are still out there!

Photos Courtesy of Freestyle and their wonderful blog!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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