Silence in the House Last Night

For a couple of weeks, my mom has been asking to have Angry Toddler overnight. I ask her every Friday, “Is this going to be the night?” She gets a little skittish and back peddles her request.

My parents haven’t had Angry Toddler overnight since he was about 5-6 months old. He will be 4 in May. My mom and dad have heard our struggles with getting Angry Toddler asleep at night. I think they were more scared than anything. My mom watches Angry Toddler all day on Saturdays while Angry Husband and I are at work. By having Angry Toddler spend the night at their house, my mom actually gets to sleep in a little. My mom usually gets to our house at about 6:45am on Saturdays.

We picked Angry Toddler up from school yesterday and then did some errands at Costco. Angry Toddler wanted hot dogs and a churro from Costco, of course, for dinner. Gee, do you think we were going to say no? A less than $10 dinner for all 3 of us.

After we left Costco, I called my mom. She told us to bring Angry Toddler over. We promptly, ok, at an almost high rate of speed drove him to get some stuff for AT. I packed his blankets, and clothing..oh, and couldn’t forget the Hershey’s Syrup for chocolate milk. We dropped him off at about 7pm.

Angry Husband and I then proceeded to Sur La Table. This is his new favorite store. AH has really gotten into watching the Food Network lately. So he’s researching some gadgets. I think he’s narrowing down his wants/needs right now. We are probably going to buy a KitchenAid Mixer this week to get him started.

After browsing a little more, we headed over to Fashion Island. Fashion Island is an outdoor mall in Newport Beach. It was soo quiet there. Plus, there were lots of stores vacant. I was truly shocked to see that Pottery Barn was gone. We spent lots of time in the Apple store though, which will be a whole other post.

We finally both decided we were tired and went home. We ended up watching TV for a little bit and then we were both snoring about 10pm.

My mom said AT did great. He went to bed around 9pm and woke up at 8am! YAY!


I’m on Twitter. I’ve been here for a bit. I never did a blog post about it. So here’s the “Official Post”. I use it alot, especially since I have it on my Blackberry.

Here’s a linkee, @AngryJulie on Twitter.

Eau de Stripper

My co-worker came into work yesterday and starting laughing..I say what? She says that it smells like “Eau de Stripper” in our office. My co-worker, Jen and I, both have Victoria’s Secret Refreshing Body Mists in the “Love Spell” fragrance. It’s an inside joke amongst co-workers because alot of strippers use this as a cheap perfume when dancing. The guys like it.

I seem to get lots of comments when I have it on…It’s cheap and I keep it in my drawer at work. I spray it on every few hours. I have a love/hate relationship with Love Spell. Sometimes I like it, sometimes it makes my nauseous.

I just think it’s funny cause my co-worker says this every time I have it on.

Wahoo’s Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Wahoo’s Fish Tacos turns 20 Years old. Wahoo’s is a local favorite that started in Costa Mesa, CA.

Yesterday, they had a grand re-opening of their first restaurant on Placentia Avenue, in Costa Mesa. They had twenty cent tacos and gave away 200 prizes. People were also standing in line to meet and greet, Ryan Sheckler, a pro skateboarder and star of “Life of Ryan” on MTV.

I got there late, around 1pm. The festivities began around 10am. I was able to get some pictures of the crowd and also received some free Red Bull. Red Bull was there handing out free drinks.

Wahoo’s is one of my favorite places to eat. I probably eat there once a week while I’m working. I even have a purse from there.

Construction Going On @ Disney’s California Adventure

We had a very casual trip to Disney’s California Adventure on Wednesday this week. We were in Orange for Angry Toddler’s speech therapy evaluation, so we decided to head over to Anaheim for some lunch and fun, of course.

We got to Disney at around noon. It was already crowded. We were funneled through to the Simba parking lot. This is Angry Husband’s least favorite place to park at Disney. They have no tram service in the Simba lot and you have to walk, ALOT.

Angry Toddler wanted to go to California Adventure, which was fine with us. Disneyland looked very crowded. We wanted to go on Soaring, but the line was an hour long. Apparently the Fast Pass machines were not working.

We headed to the back of the park to go on the Jumping Jellyfish. I made Angry Husband go on the ride. While I was there, I was able to get some photos of the construction going on in the lagoon area. They have drained the lagoon and are prepping for their newest adventure, “Disney’s World of Color”. I was able to get some great photos while they were on the ride.

Angry Toddler was hungry after that, so we headed over to Taste Pilot’s for some food. After eating at Taste Pilot’s, we decided it was naptime. We spent almost two hours at DCA. It made for a nice sunny afternoon, since it’s been soo rainy lately.

Facebook and Family

This past week, everyone was in an uproar about Facebook changing their terms of service. I saw all kinds of posts on the forums, Twitter, blogs, and several web pages about it.

Here are some of the articles.
The Consumerist
Yahoo News
Amanda French

I read all the posts, and made myself aware. Facebook has back-tracked and decided to return to their old terms of service. I’m not too concerned because I have privacy settings on my page.

I have the Facebook for Blackberry application set on my cellphone. When I got ready to take Angry Toddler to preschool, I checked my phone for e-mails, texts, and Facebook messages. I saw that I had a new “friend request” from my Aunt. I freaked! I told Angry Husband, and we both agree, “Ohhh nooo.” This Aunt is known for her chain e-mails, craziness, and random e-mail updates. I’ve tried to step away from that side of the family, and have been successful for almost a year now.

When I finally got home from dropping Angry Toddler off at school, and going to the gym, I sat down at the computer again. I clicked on my Aunt’s profile (cause I’m nosey). I click on her “wall” to see what’s she’s got up there, and who she’s chatting with. I FREAK! She has (3) recent photos of Angry Husband, Angry Toddler, and I on her wall. Somehow she’s right clicked them from MY friends’ pages. These are all photos that I have either been “tagged in” or (2) I posted on my page. I had to go through all my “privacy settings” and make sure everything was set to “private”. Angry Husband and I are soo pissed. I even called my BFF, Stacey and she made sure that she changed the settings for pictures of me. Nice Aunt of mine, stealing photos by right-clicking them.

Everyone is worried about what Facebook is doing with our photos. I’m worried about family getting a hold of my pictures. In one of the pictures, I was wearing my work uniform, aka police uniform. I don’t want everyone is my crazy family knowing where I work. Seriously, that side of the family is CRAZY, with a capital “C”. That’s all we need.

I’m ignoring her friend request. Hopefully, she won’t keep asking me. I don’t think she got the hint when I didn’t send her my new e-mail address, almost 2 years ago. She was one of the main reasons that I changed my e-mail address in the first place.

Day Off with Angry Husband and Angry Toddler

I’m off today. Well, I’m always off Wednesdays. Angry Husband is also off. We are taking Angry Toddler to a speech therapy appointment. His speech has gotten much better in the past few months, ever since I made this appointment.

I almost cancelled this appointment last week. But then I remembered what a pain it was to even get the appointment. I had to fill out a ton of paperwork detailing this entire medical history. Then I had to sign waivers so that this new doctor’s office could get all of Angry Toddler’s medical records.

If it stays sunny, we are going to head over to Disneyland for some family time.

Oh and the parenting lesson for the day…document everything about your child, i.e. developmental stages, doctor’s appointments, illnesses. Because some day you might have to fill out a mountain of paperwork and you will need this information.

Hailing Rain in So. Cal this morning

I’m working overtime at work today. I got sent to Southern Orange County earlier. I was parked (very bad traffic) on the 5 Freeway. All of the sudden it started pouring rain and hailing.

Everyone was freaking out. Apparently, people in Southern California don’t know how to drive in the rain.
I finally reached my destination in one piece. But the hail was still all over the ground. I had my camera, of course. So I took a picture.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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