My first race of the season is this Sunday. I’m doing the Surf City 5K in Huntington Beach. Yes, I’m only doing the 5K. I am working my way up to a 1/2 Marathon. If I would have trained more, I probably would have been ready by now.
Everyone around me who runs keeps asking me, “Are you doing Surf City?” I respond with yes, and then they say, “the 1/2 Marathon, right? I say, “Nope, just the 5K”. Then they give me that look.
I’ve been running alot over the past year. I haven’t done a road race since last September-ish though. I’ve kinda turned into a race snob. I made a vow to my running friends, that I will only do races now with timing chips. I made this vow after seeing the times on like 3 races last year. My official time was off between 2-3 minutes for every race. I knew my real times, and it shouldn’t really matter, but it did to me.
I don’t know when my next race is after that though. I haven’t decided yet.
I got a 4 mile run in today with my friend, Pesha. We ran around my neighborhood. It was quite frustrating though, cause we have lots of traffic signals. She brought her adorable daughter, Charlie, with her. We discussed The Real Housewives of Orange County while running. What a train wreck that episode was last night.
I’m trying to figure out the weather for this weekend. Should I wear pants or shorts. I really can’t stand running in pants. I was going to do this race last year…but I kinda broke my foot the week of the race. It was a good thing that I didn’t pre-register for it. Especially since it was pouring rain also.