
Angry Husband told me to chill out on Christmas Day. I was running around cleaning, and doing laundry. I knew that the next few weeks would be busy and that I wouldn’t have time to do laundry, etc.

Well that week has come. When we started running out of things. I’m one of those people who can use the same towel for 2-3 days. Angry Toddler and Angry Husband use 2-3 towels A DAY. I can’t keep up.

Angry Husband went into the garage this morning looking for towels. I yelled from the couch, “There isn’t any, use one of Angry Toddlers”. Yep, Angry Husband had to use one of Angry Toddler’s Pottery Barn Kid’s Animal Towels.

Well I went running and returned this afternoon. I haven’t had time to do laundry since I was gone all day. Guess what kind of towel I used?

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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