Went Shopping This Week

I haven’t been shopping with my mom since early December. I was trying to be good and I really didn’t need anything. I’m trying to be a little more practical, and a little less dependent on my mom’s funds..

We went to Macy’s and I got some Nike running gear on sale. I got two shirts at 50% off after the sale price and a coupon. One of the shirts matches a pair of Nike Tempo shorts that I already have.

We then went to Nordstrom. This is my favorite department store in the mall. I got some more Nike Tempo shorts in bright pink and bright blue, plus this fabulous jacket. I needed, ok wanted a sleeker jacket to put on after running and/or going to the gym.

After walking around the mall, I decided to step into J Crew. I haven’t been inside J Crew since my early college days. To be honest, I was a little too chunky to wear J Crew. J Crew is the land of all things preppy. Of course, I came across these fabulous critter wedge flip flops.

and my mom found these in her size:

I tried on this tee while there also. It was soo soft and very cute on. But I couldn’t justify the price. I knew that I could find a tee just as soft at Gap or somewhere else.

I finished off my shopping by looking at Gucci. I found this purse and instantly fell in love. It’s the perfect size for me now. I’ve eliminated alot of stuff from my purse and I really don’t need a big purse anymore. This one was the perfect size. It’s called the D Gold Hobo Large….swoon I’m in love! I had one of those I can look, but don’t touch moments. Ok, maybe I put my wallet in it, to see if it fit..it did.

Maybe the Easter Bunny will bring a Gucci?

Yummy Food for Your Superbowl Party

I get weekly e-mails from Pillsbury. Angry Husband and I are always looking for new things to make for dinner. Ok, well, Angry Husband does the cooking, but I can give suggestions, right? Anyway, you can sign up for these e-mails @ Pillsbury’s website.

I got this great newsletter with all kinds of yummy looking recipes. I’m highlighting some of the recipe ideas that they sent. Everything is made with simple ingredients.

Chicken Caesar Sandwich Ring

Mini Crescent Dogs

Crescent Layer Bars

Choco Peanut Butter Cups

Gearing Up for my First Race of 2009

My first race of the season is this Sunday. I’m doing the Surf City 5K in Huntington Beach. Yes, I’m only doing the 5K. I am working my way up to a 1/2 Marathon. If I would have trained more, I probably would have been ready by now.

Everyone around me who runs keeps asking me, “Are you doing Surf City?” I respond with yes, and then they say, “the 1/2 Marathon, right? I say, “Nope, just the 5K”. Then they give me that look.

I’ve been running alot over the past year. I haven’t done a road race since last September-ish though. I’ve kinda turned into a race snob. I made a vow to my running friends, that I will only do races now with timing chips. I made this vow after seeing the times on like 3 races last year. My official time was off between 2-3 minutes for every race. I knew my real times, and it shouldn’t really matter, but it did to me.

I don’t know when my next race is after that though. I haven’t decided yet.

I got a 4 mile run in today with my friend, Pesha. We ran around my neighborhood. It was quite frustrating though, cause we have lots of traffic signals. She brought her adorable daughter, Charlie, with her. We discussed The Real Housewives of Orange County while running. What a train wreck that episode was last night.

I’m trying to figure out the weather for this weekend. Should I wear pants or shorts. I really can’t stand running in pants. I was going to do this race last year…but I kinda broke my foot the week of the race. It was a good thing that I didn’t pre-register for it. Especially since it was pouring rain also.

Praying for Harper

Kelly, a fellow blogger, was blessed with a brand new baby, Harper, over a week ago. She had some complications after birth. She is now residing in the NICU. You can read the full story on her blog, over at Kelly’s Korner.

Looking for a New Book

I’m an avid reader, especially while I’m working. If there is some down time at work, I like to park the good ole’ van at a local park, and just sit and read. The only downside is, people always want to ask me stupid questions.

I usually have a stockpile of books to read. I get coupons from Border’s Rewards, and buy several at a time. I also pick them up at Costco and Target. Well, I just finished my last one. I probably don’t have a stockpile because I’m trying to stay away from places like Target and Costco. Don’t get me wrong. I love my stores, but I’m trying to be a little more frugal.

The book that I just finished was One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell. Bushnell also wrote Sex in the City. I bought the hardcover version of it (EXPENSIVE), but the soft cover version comes out on March 31. It was a decent book. Definitely my style.

I’m looking for some ideas of other books to read. Have you read anything good lately? I refuse to read any True Crime books, and/or Twilight (haven’t jumped on that bandwagon).

I know that there are people out there who actually read books still, right? I read my share of blogs daily. But I also read at least one book a week.

Oh and by the way, I’m trying to organize my life better this year. I’m giving away this book, One Fifth Avenue. Be sure and post if you want to receive my copy, and I will select someone at the end of the week. I swear it’s in almost perfect condition. Well, I might have spilled some salsa on it, I do eat Mexican food for lunch alot.

Why Spelling Is So Important

My co-worker, Kris, showed me this earlier this morning. We were all laughing. I had to have her forward it to me.


If U Seek Amy

I have always had a love for Britney Spears. I’m not hiding it. My friend, Lindsay, also loves Britney. I know that if I want to talk about Britney, Lindsay will always be there for me.

Angry Husband knows about my love for Britney also. I made sure that we had all of Britney’s albums downloaded onto our itunes, last week. I even made him sync it to our Apple TV.

So Angry Husband comes home the other night and says, “Did you hear about Britney’s controversial new song?” I was like no… He says it’s the song, “If U Seek Amy” on the Circus CD. I don’t really pay much attention to song titles. I just like what I hear. He then says, “sound it out….” Yea ok, I get it. He then tells me that it’s all over the radio that some stations are banning it/and or not playing it. I said dumb..

Angry Husband thinks Britney is trashy. I still like her. But then I had to Google about the drama involved with the song. I found the following stories.

Media Channel
Access Hollywood

I think there are far worse things out there in the media. I’m a mother and all. But I can’t stand censorship.

Of course, Angry Husband has me obsessed with this song now. I listen to it all the time. He says that he can’t even get it out of his head.

Trying to Organize

I’m sorry that I’ve neglected my blog for a few days. I’ve been trying to organize my house and life more. Part of my Spring ritual is listing all of Angry Toddler’s clothing on e-bay. So I organized it all last week and I did pretty good. I only had one tote full, which I usually have two to three.

I got all ready to start typing up my auctions the other night. I just couldn’t do it. I decided to subscribe to a Buy-Sell-Trade on a parenting forum. I spent all day on Thursday listing everything and pricing it just right.

I had such memories of last year going through the outfits. I remembered the events that we attending, and the places we went. I may not have the clothes anymore, but we always have our memories in the photographs. I don’t save any of Angry Toddler’s clothes, except for some small things, like Birthday shirts.

In April, we went to Legoland for the first time. We had never been there and Angry Toddler was soo excited.

Hanging out at The Little Gym in Stacey’s office. She sent me this photo. I had never seen it and never even knew she took it.
Or, the many Disneyland trips. We purchased Season Passes last year and it was one of the best decisions that we made. Angry Toddler loves going to Disneyland.

I’ve got almost 1/2 of my goodies sold. Which makes me very happy. My gardener will be happy too. I’m using the funds that I’ve made to pay him.

I encourage everyone to use e-bay, Craigslist, or other parenting forums. You might have something in your house that someone is looking for.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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