Preschool Language

Angry Toddler goes to preschool five days a week. He loves it, we love it. It’s a perfect match. But over the past month, the things that come out of his mouth are just plain awful.

This is how our night usually goes.

AT: Smell my butt.
Us: No
AT: Smell my feet.
Us: No
AT: Ewwww, smell my poopy butt.
Us: Umm, we don’t talk like that. You do not use those words.
AT: Smell my eyeball.

He has become quite obnoxious. It’s almost like we are living with a 7 or 8 year old boy in this 3.5 year old’s body. One of his teachers even warned me. She said that the boys in the class have been awful with language lately.

I think one or some of these kids have older brothers or sisters. This was such a sweet group of kids during the summer. They have now turned into stinky, talking about their butt boys.

Oh, and can’t leave this one out. The key word for last week was “pussy”, yes “pussy”. The teacher advised me that Angry Toddler wasn’t one of the kids saying it though. That’s all we need.

Digital Pictures and Picture Frames

We’ve decided to give digital picture frames to the grandparents this year for Christmas gifts. So that meant that I needed to organize my digital photos. We have a ton, except, I think they are on three or four computers. We’ve had several computers die on us. I don’t think Angry Husband got the photos off some of those computers, we have a void of pictures from November of 2006 to mid 2007.

I went through and deleted all the crappy photos and flipped the ones that weren’t right. I also noticed there is barely any photos of Angry Husband and I. It truly makes me very sad. Angry Husband always pressures me to take the camera when we go places. I don’t mind, but seriously we have thousands of pictures of Angry Toddler but none of us. That’s really sad.

We have never even taken a family picture either. I asked Angry Husband to take a family picture about a year ago and he agreed. But, we still don’t have that picture.

So hopefully, Angry Husband will get the old photos off the other computers this weekend so I can finish these digital frames. This is one thing he can’t blame on me for not getting it done. I’m at a stopping point and can’t go any further with this project.

Revamping My Workout Routine

So I have been on this night shift aka swing shift for 3 months now, almost 4. Luckily I go back to day shift in early January. It has really wrecked my metabolism and work out routine. I tell everyone that I gain weight on nights and no one believes me. Luckily,I’ve managed to maintain my weight loss. BUT, I haven’t lost anything either.

My treadmill will finally be fixed on Wednesday, aka tomorrow. It took a really long time to get the parts. It’s probably the warranty issues with Precor. I’m going to try and rely on my treadmill for bad weather and/or cold days.

I’m a member of 24 Hour Fitness. I have been for quite some time. I really started using my membership last January. I’ve kinda got bored with my routine at the gym though. My friend, Lindsay, who is a super tri-athlete type chick recently recommended a class to me. She said that I needed to try the 24Lift class at 24 Hour Fitness.

I haven’t done a fitness class since I was in college. I took some of those 1 credit classes to beef up my units so I could graduate. But, I said, what the heck, I will try it. So last Thursday, I attended my first 24Lift class. 24Lift is a class that “utilizes barbells and hand weights to strengthen and sculpt all muscle groups”.

I got to the class as a newbie not knowing what to expect. Luckily there was a very nice woman to help me out. I asked her what a need. She told me that I need to set up a step bench, load the barbell with some weights, and grab (3) different sizes of hand weights. So I set up all the equipment and was ready to go. The instructor was very informative. It was very easy to keep up with the class as someone who had never done one. I hate that jumping into a class, where everyone knows everything and everyone type feeling. It was really one of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done. I laugh because one of her quotes during the class was, “On Friday morning, you are going to wake up and your hamstrings are going to say, Hello, It’s Friday.” I definitely felt that way on Friday and all throughout the weekend.

I re-evaluated myself on Monday. I realized that I loved this class and want to try and do it at least two times a week. I figured Tuesday and Thursday were the best days for me, since they are my days off until 2010. I don’t want to go at night, because the gym is EXTREMELY crowded then. So I got up at 5am today, and went to a 5:30am class. Yes, I’m crazy.

I went through the class and came home in time to take Angry Toddler to preschool. I went to breakfast and then came home. I was sooo tired from the class, that I took a 4 hour nap. Working out really tires me out.

Ok, Finally Got our Christmas Card done

I’ve been playing with our Christmas card on Shutterfly for at least a week now. Of course, I wanted to have the perfect Christmas card. Is that wrong?

I always procrastinate on getting photographs done for Christmas. Angry Toddler’s First Christmas, I had photos taken in November. His second Christmas, November, yet again. Ya, the past two years, not soo much.

We were going to take Christmas photos last night. I had an appointment with Sears. I was even going to meet up with a friend. But, unfortunately, Angry Toddler had the puke monster going on inside his stomach, and well, ya ruined my plans.

So frustrated. I headed to Shutterfly. I found a collage card that had 8 slots for photographs. I took 4 photographs of Angry Toddler and each of us parents, then 4 seperate ones of Angry Toddler by himself. I have sooooo many cards to send out. I had to order 50. Yikes, very expensive. This is what I get for waiting. I should know better. I’ve missed out on a ton of discount codes. I did use a free shipping code, so that will save me a little money.

I would show you all the card, my all my internetz tricks aren’t working today.

Naughty and Nice

Stacey, my BFF, and I took the kiddos to the local outdoor mall last weekend. We bought them coordinating shirts from Amy at Tote and Tee. I also had some custom bows made by one of my mommy friends, Becky, Allybug Bowtique. Oh, and I borrowed the red pettiskirt from another friend, Stacie. I’m such a planner.

We never know how the kids are going to be. We promised them a train ride if they were good and took pictures. I took over 200 pictures. Alot of them were craptastic, due to lighting, etc. But I thought I would share some of the better ones. Even though, I take photographs at work 40+ hours a week….my photography hasn’t improved. Learning to work my camera is one of my New Year’s Resolutions among other things.

Tis’ the Season Meme

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know me. I got this e-mail from Angry Husband’s cousin, Jackie. I love her like a sister. Instead of forwarding this as an e-mail, I’m doing a Blog Meme. Feel free to cut & paste this for your blog. I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you feel like you’re in the Spirit, copy it!

Happy Holidays!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I flipped out a couple of years ago and now I try and wrap everything. It seemed to me like everyone was being lazy by just throwing the gift in a bag. I love all the pretty wrapping paper out there. It takes a little more time to wrap stuff, but I love it.

2. Real tree or Artificial?
Artificial unfortunately. I have pretty bad asthma. Angry Husband bought a real one a couple of years ago. I was a complete snot monster until it was gone from the house. He told me the other night, he wanted to try and buy a real tree again. I gave him that look, you know the look.

3. When do you put up the tree?
We just put ours up Thursday. I would really like to put it up Thanksgiving night.

4. When do you take the tree down?
We took it down Christmas night last year. Usually before New Year’s though.

5. Do you like eggnog?

6. Favorite gift received as a child?

I think it was probably my first Cabbage Patch Kid. My best friend and I got them the first Christmas that they were out.

7. Hardest person to buy for?
My mom. She has everything or she buys everything for herself.

8. Easiest person to buy for?
Angry Husband. He’s always wanting something, so I pay attention.

9. Do you have a nativity scene?
We are really not religious type of people.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail. Reminds me, I need to do mine.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Can’t think of any.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?

Christmas Vacation.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Usually Novemberish. Although I bought Angry Husband a gift in October this year.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
I can’t recall of any.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
I love peppermint bark. Especially the homemade kind.

16. Lights on the tree?
Our tree is pre-lit with white lights. We added colors ones too.

17. Favorite Christmas song?
No favorite. But I kinda secretly like when the Rock Stars re-do classic songs.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
At home.

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer’s?

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Nothing right now. I’m still looking for the perfect topper.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Christmas Day.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
The crowds at the mall and people all looking for the same gift.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color?
All of our ornaments are from my childhood. Alot of them are handmade, or made especially for me.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
Nothing particular.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
To instantly lose 25 lbs. Can Santa bring me that? No, just to see Angry Toddler’s eyes light up when he opens his presents.

My New Design

Don’t you just love it? I do!!!!

I’ve waited a long time for this new design. I am now able to post bigger pictures and You Tube videos. I liked my 3-column but really really really needed some change.

Courtney from Judith Shakes Designs came up with this AWESOME design for me. She is the greatest. I sent her some ideas and she ran with it.

I need to add some things to my widgets in the next couple of days. If you want to be added to the blogroll, stop on by, give me some comments. I love reading new blogs.


The blog is current in the process of being tweaked. I’m trying not to make any posts, because of the tweaks. Believe me, it will be worth it. So I’m aimlessly sitting on my hands while this occurs. I have soo many things to write about….

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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