Yep, We got on the cupcake bandwagon!

We hopped up on the cupcake bandwagon this past weekend. Saturday, is Operation Entertain Angry Toddler so I can sleep day. Stacey, my BFF, and I took the kids out to breakfast at IHOP (nasty, will never ever set foot in that establishment again!) and then went to a little mini-mall area in Newport Beach.

While we were leaving breakfast, Stacey asked where Sprinkles Cupcakes was? I said, ohh, the land of the almost $4.00 cupcake. Well I gave her the directions and we went on our way. We did some walking around when we got there.

I found all kinds of lovely things that I wanted at Tommy Bahama. I wish everything wasn’t $100+. Me and my expensive-ass taste. It always gets me in trouble.

So we finally arrived at Sprinkles. Stacey got (3) cupcakes for her family and I got two. Angry Toddler picked out the vanilla one and I picked out the coconut flavor.

I made Angry Toddler wait until we got home to eat the cupcake. For $3.25, he was going to ENJOY IT. Ok, well maybe I wanted to enjoy mine. Angry Toddler ate (2) bites of his when we got home. Angry Husband ate most of mine, as I only ate one bite. I’ve brought Sprinkles home before, and Angry Husband was not very impressed. It seemed like he liked their stuff this time.

Little Girl Hair Blog

I have a boy so I don’t get to do all those cute hair-dos like my other friends do. Sometimes, I think that’s better. I remember my mom and friends trying to brush my rats nest head of hair out when I was a kid.

One of the women on my parenting forum posted this blog, She Does Hair. She has (3) daughters and photographs/illustrates all kinds of awesome hairstyles for little girls.

So all you girl mommies, you gotta check her out!

I’m amazed at her creativity.

An Award from Naomi

Naomi at Confessions of Dr. Pepper Addict awarded me the Kreativ Blogger award on October 23rd. It’s quite pathetic that I’m just getting to it now. Naomi have been chatting through e-mail lately and it’s quite scary how much we have in common. I love reading her blog and hearing all about the Diva. I’m going to list 6 things that make me happy. I think everyone has been pretty much tagged for this award lately. I’m behind on the times. If you want to snag this award and pass it along, please feel free!

1. In the morning when Angry Toddler wakes up, he does this peek-a-boo thing. He hides under the blanket and then starts giggling. Lately, he does it for a second and then jumps out of bed and heads for the potty.

2. When Angry Husband, Angry Toddler and I are all home together. It’s been very rare lately due to our schedules. Someone is always coming or going.

3. Reading a good book. I get immersed in my books and fell like I’m living in the character’s lives.

4. Getting a pedicure. My feet are always soo yucky from running and my work boots.

5. A clean house. It’s just soo hard to keep up with our house. We have it professionally cleaned every other week.

6. My comments from all my blog readers. I get a big smile when I see those e-mails coming into my inbox on my Blackberry. Keep the comments coming!

First Name Basis

For the past week, I keep hearing a little voice…He’s saying, “Julie, Julie”.

Yes, Angry Toddler is calling me by my first name. We were leaving the house today with Stacey and Stella. He called Angry Husband by his first name too, “He said bye, Mike.”

When we were in a store, Angry Toddler was walking around screaming, “Julie, Julie, Julie” looking for me.

It just ain’t right!

Had a Parent-Teacher Conference Today

Angry Husband picked up Angry Toddler at preschool on Monday. He saw a note to sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences. I got the “hey, you need to sign up for a time frame” comment Tuesday morning.

I had the meeting this morning at 9:30. Angry Toddler is doing well. Six months ago, the kid was running around, biting kids, not listening, and basically just being a little turd.

Today, he was “our brightest kid in the class, he has excellent fine motor skills, he knows all his numbers, and letters”. I’m soo proud of him.

Plus, as of November 1st. He’s OFFICIALLY potty trained.

His teacher recommended that we work with Angry Toddler more at home. Apparently the kid is trying to himself to read and write. I didn’t know that they did that at 3. So of course, I went to the teacher supply store and spent $35 on workbooks and shit. Like a good mom!

Oh, and the damn teacher, also told me that tomorrow is her last day. Can I get a heck ya. She totally annoyed Angry Husband and I. Plus, the woman didn’t even know what ADHD was when I met with her today. Bye, bye, bye!

Mickey’s Treat at Disney’s California Adventure

Angry Husband’s family was in town last week. We did 3 days at Disneyland. I didn’t want to spam my blog with pictures. So I thought I would post a few at a time. We went to Disney’s California Adventure “Mickey’s Treat” last Wednesday. This was where we did our Trick or Treating for Halloween time.

Angry Toddler hanging out with his pal, Adonis

Baby John as Pluto. Poor thing, he hates his stroller right now. I wish I could have people push me around in a stroller. He doesn’t realize how good he has it.

Pointing out some paw prints on the nature trail

Trick or Treating

Isn’t he adorable. Look at those eyes.

Hanging out on the Tram on the way to go home

Recap from last week

Last week was a busy week and I’m still recovering. Luckily, I got about 7 hours of sleep last night. I think I’m “back” now.

Here’s my recap:


I worked and did some things around the house. Angry Husband was home.


I had a Junior League Meeting and then went into work. My co-worker called in sick, so I got a little greedy and went in for some overtime.


I hung out like a lazy sloth. I was soo tired from working all weekend. Angry Husband’s cousin was in town. We met her at Disney’s California Adventure. Angry Toddler was dressed as a Jedi and we Trick or Treated. I promise to post some pictures later.


Angry Husband’s grandmother flew in from Northern California. We met Angry Husband’s cousin at Disneyland and hung out. Angry Toddler was in a very good mood.


We went to Disneyland again. It wasn’t actually that busy. We were there for the entire day. It was fun to see all the kiddos all dressed up.

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday

Well I got back to the grind and worked.

I promise to post lots of pictures throughout the week!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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