Do you have a go-to drink or food item? Is there something you have to have everyday to function?
I’m have a serious addiction right now to Monster Black Ice Slurpees from 7-11. Of course, they have to be the 40 oz. variety. They are Slurpees made from the Monster Energy Drinks.
I get one every day on the way to work. I visit with my peeps at 7-11 and chit chat about what’s going on in the city. Today, the one employee even commented that I was running late. He was like it’s 3:45, you only have 15 minutes till work. That’s pretty scary that the 7-11 employees know my schedule. I’m a bad influence too, I’ve even gotten a co-worker, N, addicted to them too.
I always laugh when I watch Weeds, cause Nancy usually has her ice-blended mocha from It’s a Grind.
My Slurpees are my crack. I have to have them to function. The scary thing is, that they are actually only a limited edition item. Someday soon, they will be discontinued and I will have to find another addiction.
P.S. I have a little secret though. My 7-11 ordered lots of extra supplies so they will be stockpiled for a long time. It’s a big hit in their store.