Angry Turkeys and Other Things

So ya, Angry Julie attempted to bake, yet again. At least I tried. I made these Pillsbury Cookies that Jennifer posted. I couldn’t find any blue candies, so I had to use red candies for the eyes. I also made a mistake and gave the turkeys angry faces, instead of happy ones. Seriously, I didn’t do it on purpose. Angry Husband called them Angry Turkeys from Hell.

We had a pretty good Thanksgiving. My parents came over so it was the five of us. Angry Toddler was being pretty good. He was actually awake to eat this year. Last year, he was taking a five hour power nap. He liked the food. We didn’t bake the food from scratch. We ordered a meal from Claim Jumper. We did that last year too. It was quite yummy. My stove is inconsistent and it never cooks things properly.

I went shopping on Black Friday. It was the quietest year ever. We took Angry Toddler to Stacey’s The Little Gym for Parent’s Day Out. He had a great time. There wasn’t anything particular that my mom and I were looking for. We did make some purchases though. I went to Costco last night and spent over $500 on gifts though. I just want to get this all done.

I placed an Amazon order last night too. I finally got my Garmin 305. It was my birthday present from Angry Husband. This was the best price I’ve ever seen on the Garmin. I also purchased some things from Amy at Tote and Tee.
I just lounged with Angry Toddler today. We watched some TV and hung out. I’m at work now just trying to catch up with life.

November Birthday Bash

Last Wednesday, we have a birthday bash for some of my work peeps. We went to Dave and Busters, here in Orange County. It’s a great place for adults. You can play video games and drink alcohol. You can’t get any better than that.

Before the festivities, my friend, Monique, came over. We exchanged some presents. I was very excited, cause Monique got me lots of goodies. She got me a special edition version of the Harvey’s Seatbelt Purse, (3) shirts from Ann Taylor Loft, an itunes gift certificate, and a Wahoo’s food gift certificate.

After doing gifts, we headed to Dave and Buster’s for some fun. We had a great group.

Here’s Jen and Monique with some Evil wine. Monique’s nickname is Evil Mo.

And here’s the rest of the girls!

Almost Thanksgiving

Seriously, November is almost done. I can’t believe it. It’s gone by soo quickly. It seems like last week we were dressing up for Halloween and now it’s Thanksgiving. It’s been soo busy at work and here at home lately, I’ve barely had time to get my thoughts together.

I attended Angry Toddler Thanksgiving Feast earlier this afternoon. All the kids were wild and crazy. They sang some cute songs, I say they, because Angry Toddler was hanging in the corner. We ate some sugar free, no taste food, and then it was time to go.

All the mommies at Angry Toddler’s school want to have playdates with us. We keep getting phone numbers on post-its in his folder. I’m barely awake on the weekends. I don’t even know if I’m the playdate type. Seriously, it’s kinda hard to bring up the fact that ya, umm, I’m barely awake with three hours sleep. The other mommy will be like, we watched some family oriented movies last night. Oh, ya, Angry Julie took pictures of some assault or traffic accident. I find it very hard to converse with normal people most times. Maybe I should try being a little less snarky, but hey that’s what you get.

I’m quite excited though for tonight. Tonight is the premiere of the new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. I can’t wait.

Treadmills and Toys

I had the repair company come out today to look at my treadmill. The repairman told me that the rear roller, walking belt, and computer board need to be replaced on it. Apparently, this is a come issue with this particular Precor model. I had to pay $110 for the diagnosis. Ugh… So I called Precor and asked them about this “upgrade”. The Precor representative advised me that they (Precor) will pay for the parts and labor issue for this issue. So I call the treadmill repair company back. They tell me, that yes, Precor, will cover the labor, but not for the initial consultation.

Ya, ok that makes sense. I pay $110 for a consultation, to diagnose a common issue with this particular issue. So ridiculous. Luckily, it will only cost me $100 to get it up and running.

I then received my Amazon order. I must have not been paying attention when I placed my order the other day. I ordered (2) of one of my items. So I have to mail back this huge box, at an additional cost to me, for an item that had free shipping originally.

My Weekend Recap

Last Friday was my Birthday. I had a total meltdown but overcame it around 6pm that night. I then worked Food and Wine Night for the Junior League. I had a great time hanging out with new friends, networking, and it took my mind off some things.

Saturday, I took Angry Toddler out for a haircut and some donuts. I finally found someone that can cut his hair the way I like it. It’s the local Barber in the city I work in. They are cheap too! Much better than those kid’s haircutting places. I worked Saturday night and it was sooooooo busy.

Sunday, well, I slept, went to the gym for a quick work out, and then well, worked again.

Monday. I hung out with Angry Husband during the day. I did some Birthday shopping for a friend and we went to lunch. Then, I worked again. We solved a pretty big case last night so I am over the moon!!!

I finally went to the place where I bought my treadmill last night. I’m still having issues with it. Luckily, it’s covered for parts for 10 years, but not labor. They are sending someone out tomorrow to come and see what the problem is. They said 50% of their issues were routine maintainance. I hope so. I miss my treadmill. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like getting in my car and driving to 24 Hour Fitness.


Would it be bad, if let’s say, one person who was home alone…

Ordered Domino’s Pizza and ate half a thin crust pizza while watching Gossip Girl?

Just wondering….

I might know someone who did this today….

Hypothetically speaking of course.


Yep, it’s official….


I hate when I’m an odd number. The OCD in me freaks out. For an entire year, I will be an odd number.

I have a love/hate relationship with my Birthday. If you ask my mom, she will tell you that I cry every year. It’s predictable and routine. I guess I have reached that age where there are no more surprises.

My mom usually buys my gifts when we are shopping or out and about. I’ve tried giving her lists, they are never followed..

I like clothes, but gee, I would rather have a watch, or that Tiffany necklace that no one asked me about.

I have the day off work, but I’m volunteering with the Junior League. There will be food and alcohol….

What’s Your Fix?

Do you have a go-to drink or food item? Is there something you have to have everyday to function?

I’m have a serious addiction right now to Monster Black Ice Slurpees from 7-11. Of course, they have to be the 40 oz. variety. They are Slurpees made from the Monster Energy Drinks.

I get one every day on the way to work. I visit with my peeps at 7-11 and chit chat about what’s going on in the city. Today, the one employee even commented that I was running late. He was like it’s 3:45, you only have 15 minutes till work. That’s pretty scary that the 7-11 employees know my schedule. I’m a bad influence too, I’ve even gotten a co-worker, N, addicted to them too.

I always laugh when I watch Weeds, cause Nancy usually has her ice-blended mocha from It’s a Grind.

My Slurpees are my crack. I have to have them to function. The scary thing is, that they are actually only a limited edition item. Someday soon, they will be discontinued and I will have to find another addiction.

P.S. I have a little secret though. My 7-11 ordered lots of extra supplies so they will be stockpiled for a long time. It’s a big hit in their store.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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