Nike Tempo Track Shorts

With all my running lately, I’ve purchased some workout clothes. I thought I would share some running shorts that I feel in love with. They are the Nike “Tempo” Track shorts. Usually I have to wear compression shorts under my running shorts. I have “bigger” thighs. If I don’t wear compression shorts, I spent 1/2 my run pulling my shorts out of my thighs.

I have worn these shorts a couple of times and I’m in love. They are cut perfectly. They don’t ride up and I don’t have to pull them out of my thighs. They are decently priced too. They average around $28.


Etsy is the new cool place for handmade things. I love soo many things on there. I have all kinds of stores saved as my favorites. I thought I might share some of my recent purchases.

Holy Pumpkins Address Labels
-The seller shipped these soo fast. They are perfect for my Halloween cards. I will be buying more from here. I love the look of round labels.

Childrens Capes Custom Superhero Kid Cape
-Angry Toddler wanted a Superhero Cape in a catalog. The thing was like $50. Seriously, too expensive. I knew I could find a cape somewhere cheaper and probably much better quality. I like this cape. I had it done with a star and Angry Toddler’s first initial.

Tropical Mommy Calling Cards or Business Cards

-I always have people at Angry Toddler’s preschool asking me for my 411. It’s really nice to have something to give to them. I actually ended up giving these out at a Junior League meeting recently, cause I didn’t have any of my work business cards on me. These are great quality, and they shipped really fast.

Vintage Everyday Housewife Apron
-I purchased this for Angry Husband’s cousin as a wedding shower gift. She is into all things vintage. She loved it. I actually had Londie help me in picking out. I love the color scheme too.

Britax Regent

So I went shopping Friday morning with my mom. We went to our local baby store to check out the restraint systems carseats for Angry Toddler. My mom kept asking when he could he fit into a booster like our friend’s daughter. Umm, this kid is going to be in a 5-point booster seat as long as he fits in one.

I see all kinds of car accidents daily at work. I’m a total car seat freak. Everyone at work sees the same car accidents, yet they put their kids in crappy seats. I just don’t get it.

We ended up getting the Britax Regent. It’s a great seat and goes to 80 lbs. Angry Husband helped me install it in the Tahoe. We centered it in the rear bench seat. It’s alot better than my previous seat, a Britax Marathon.

I left my Tahoe with Angry Husband last night so that he could put AT in the new seat and try it out. AH said that AT did not like the seat and he wanted his old one back. Well gee, I wonder why? Angry Toddler was pissed because he couldn’t figure out how to get out of his carseat. I thought that it was very funny.

I took Angry Toddler for a haircut earlier this morning. He sat in the seat fine. I even asked him if he liked the seat. He said he liked the seat and that it was just like Stella’s. Stella is the daughter of my BFF, Stacey.

Oh and the haircut, he asked for it to be short in the back and spikey on the top. He looks like he came straight out of the US Marine Corps Bootcamp. Actually, he kinda reminded me of Angry Husband when I met him. Angry Grandma, my mom, flipped when she saw his hair. She thinks that we should grow it out. Umm, nooo, he has major cowlicks in the back.

Engineer or Career Criminal?

I think these are the future career options for Angry Toddler.

Seriously, this kid is very smart and figures out how things work easily. Last year, we got a new carseat, a Britax Marathon. Well, there’s a flap on the front on the front of the carseat. The flap covers a metal mechanism which ables you to loosen the chest straps and/or make them tighter. He figured out how to reach forward, and un-velcro it within a week of getting the carseat. So he was able to loosen the straps and get out of the seat. I promptly used some industrial thread and sewed the flap down.

Well about two weeks ago, Angry Toddler figured out how to completely removed the cover while he was strapped in, so he can reach the metal lever to release himself once again. I’ve tried everything and there’s no way I can secure the cover to make it safe. So I am going to go shop for another carseat today. Angry Husband did not believe me that Angry Toddler was doing this again. Well he saw it first hand last night. I can’t drive around with AT doing this, it’s not safe.

Here is a picture of how the carseat looked after I dropped him off at preschool this morning. This happened during a 5 minute car ride.

This is not the first time, we’ve had to deal with the Little Evil Genius. We’ve had to Angry Toddler Proof anything. I went around our house and took some pictures of how we’ve had to make “improvements” in our security.

Let’s start with the kitchen/dining room area:

We had to tie the chairs to the dining room table. He would take the chairs and move them around the house. He would use them to climb into things and over the baby gates. He would also pull them up to our salt water fish tank so he could dumb things into the tank. Not a good thing. Angry Husband used some rope and tied all four chairs to the base of the kitchen table.

Next would be the baby gates for the actual kitchen entrances. There is a fixed one in the hallway. We had to put a screw in it, to permanently keep it closed. Angry Toddler figured out how to open it. The main kitchen entrance one is secured closed with a black zip tie. Angry Toddler knows how to open it and we had to secure it closed with the zip tie. Now we have to hop over it to get into the kitchen. When Angry Toddler is not home, we cut off the zip tie and leave it open.

He also figured out how to open door locks. He knew how to unlock the access door between the garage and the house. We caught him one day. He unlocked both locks and went into the garage. He then figured out how to pop the garage door open.

We had to mount the garage door button higher. Angry Husband also had to flip the locks on the access door. There is now a keyed lock on the inside of the house. We put the key on a hook way above the door so that Angry Toddler cannot reach it. It’s a real pain in the butt, but at least he can’t get out.


We have a gate across the office also. He loves to get into our computer equipment. We used to have a screw holding the gate closed permanently. We took the screw out because he hasn’t realized that the screw is gone.

And one of my favorite pictures of all time. Angry Toddler “breaking into” the bathroom. We used to lock all the interior doors in our house. This was before he was potty trained. Now that he’s trained, we leave the doors open. But he found a screwdriver one day, and used it to unlock the door.

Halloween at Williams-Sonoma

I get snazzy e-mails from Williams-Sonoma probably every day. They like to spam like Pottery Barn. Gee, I wonder, they are from the same parent company. I unsubscribed from Pottery Barn’s e-mails a couple of months ago.

These have these items featured for Halloween. They look yummy. I don’t know though. I worry about the freshness of the items. Has anyone ever bought their pre-made goodies from online or through their catalog.

I love Williams-Sonoma though. I would buy more stuff from there, but I don’t cook enough, I mean cook. I couldn’t justify all the great stuff.

My son’s imagination

I love kids and their stories. Angry Toddler loves to tell stories. Most of them do not make sense. He’s very fictional.

Well this morning I dropped him off at pre-school. His teacher asked if we were going camping? I laughed at said, “Umm no”. She told me that he only took short naps the past two days because after wake-up time, we were going to pick him up and take him camping.

Where does he get this from? Angry Husband does want to go camping. We’ve been talking about it for awhile. Both we both agreed to wait until Angry Toddler was fully potty trained and that we wanted to buy the camping equipment first.

Yea, and I’m still trying to recover from my first and only camping trip from 1994. The Kappa Sig Spring Break River Trip. This was a Fraternity planned river/camping trip. Um, Julie does not camp. My sorority sister, Suzanne, and I purchased a tent especially for this trip. We were 18 year old college freshman. Our first priority was drinking lots of beer. They even had special mugs made for the trip. You know those Fraternities and their beer mugs. Well we made it through Day 1 of the trip. It was hot, sticky, and dirty. We all chipped in for a hotel room in town. We rented that hotel room to take hot showers. So much for camping.

Angry Husband wants to know why I never want to camp. Well duh, I don’t like getting dirty like that. I think I would need one of those $100,000 recreational vehicles to go camping. Poor Angry Toddler, maybe he can go camping with daddy….

Pumpkin Patch

Angry Toddler, Angry Husband, and I went to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday. We went with my BFF Stacey, and her daughter, Stella. I think we are starting a Saturday morning ritual. The kiddos had a great time. I took like 400 pictures, just trying to get one decent picture. Angry Toddler kept turning his head, or running away. I would like to get some decent pictures, just once.

Angry Toddler and Stella got to go into the bounce house and the train ride also. They really liked it. Angry Toddler kept kicking the pumpkins though. He was kicking them like soccer balls.

Here are some pictures of our fabulous Saturday morning.

I’m a Winner!!!

Amy from Life of a Nguyener awarded me this, a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been totally busy lately and I haven’t had time to post about it.

I’ve pretty much given awards to everyone I know. So I’m just going to hold onto this one for a bit.

But I would like to Thank Amy, and all my other blogging buddies. You keep me entertained when I’m working my long hours at work. You make me smile. And you make me realize, that I’m not alone and there are other people out there like me.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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