Halloween Costumes

Well we finally decided on Halloween costumes. Angry Toddler has changed his mind about 50 times since August. That’s what happens when you are 3. I had to purchase costumes for Angry Toddler and myself.

I decided to go to the local Halloween store last Friday night. I had the full intentions of not walking out of there without a costume. I had to also buy a costume for me since I will be attending a party on Saturday, the 25th. Actually, it seems that I will be attending 2 parties now. I’m going with friends from work. Angry Husband is going go to stay home with Angry Toddler, cause he really doesn’t like to hang with my work peeps. Hanging around with a bunch of cops kinda gives him a headache.

I tried on this Tinkerbell costume first. I really wanted to be Tinkerbell. I thought it be cute with my short hair. I was going to spray some glitter in it. After trying it on, I realized how see-through, it really was. I would have to wear some kind of nude colored bodysuit underneath. I’m trying to be frugal with my costume. I don’t need to keep adding all these extra accessories on.

I then tried on this Dorothy costume. It looked cute in the package. Well the skirt was really super duper short. Plus, there was this itchy petticoat underneath it. I then went to tie up the bodice, and there was lots of space. Very sad, my boobies did not fill up the front.

I settled on this Flapper costume. It was perfect. It went with my short hair. I could sit down in it. I could actually move it in. Plus, it was under $40. I got some fishnet tights to go with it. Now, I just need to find some black heels and I’m set.

After I was done trying on all my costumes in the fitting room, it was time to look for Angry Toddler. I called Angry Husband at home. I gave told him to ask Angry Toddler what he wants to be. I told him that I would call back in 5 minutes looking for a decision. Angry Husband promptly came back with a Jedi. That was a good and very easy decision. We already have a light saber. There’s no hat. There’s no mask. PERFECT!

I will be sure and post pictures once the costumes are worn!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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