Presidential Cabbage Patch Kids

Auction Cause has (4) Special Edition Presidential Cabbage Patch Kids on e-bay right now. 100% of the profits goes to the United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots program.

They have McCain, Obama, Palin, and Biden.

I saw these on e-bay’s main page this morning.

Just thought I would share!

Halloween Par-tay!

I attended (2) Halloween parties this past Saturday. I wore my flapper costume. I was quite conservative compared to some of my counterparts. I thought I would share some of my pictures. I’m including one of Monique and I. Mo is my running pal and I have posted pictures of her before. I could post a ton more pictures, but you know, working in law enforcement and such…some people are actually undercover.

At the beginning of the parties!Getting my drink on!

Ok, so I had a few drinkee-poos!

We all had some good times!!! I haven’t drank like that in a long time and I definitely felt it the next day.

Halloween Costumes

Well we finally decided on Halloween costumes. Angry Toddler has changed his mind about 50 times since August. That’s what happens when you are 3. I had to purchase costumes for Angry Toddler and myself.

I decided to go to the local Halloween store last Friday night. I had the full intentions of not walking out of there without a costume. I had to also buy a costume for me since I will be attending a party on Saturday, the 25th. Actually, it seems that I will be attending 2 parties now. I’m going with friends from work. Angry Husband is going go to stay home with Angry Toddler, cause he really doesn’t like to hang with my work peeps. Hanging around with a bunch of cops kinda gives him a headache.

I tried on this Tinkerbell costume first. I really wanted to be Tinkerbell. I thought it be cute with my short hair. I was going to spray some glitter in it. After trying it on, I realized how see-through, it really was. I would have to wear some kind of nude colored bodysuit underneath. I’m trying to be frugal with my costume. I don’t need to keep adding all these extra accessories on.

I then tried on this Dorothy costume. It looked cute in the package. Well the skirt was really super duper short. Plus, there was this itchy petticoat underneath it. I then went to tie up the bodice, and there was lots of space. Very sad, my boobies did not fill up the front.

I settled on this Flapper costume. It was perfect. It went with my short hair. I could sit down in it. I could actually move it in. Plus, it was under $40. I got some fishnet tights to go with it. Now, I just need to find some black heels and I’m set.

After I was done trying on all my costumes in the fitting room, it was time to look for Angry Toddler. I called Angry Husband at home. I gave told him to ask Angry Toddler what he wants to be. I told him that I would call back in 5 minutes looking for a decision. Angry Husband promptly came back with a Jedi. That was a good and very easy decision. We already have a light saber. There’s no hat. There’s no mask. PERFECT!

I will be sure and post pictures once the costumes are worn!

Wordless Wednesday: Asleep after shopping

Angry Toddler on the couch after shopping on Saturday.

The Hills

I was catching up on my TV shows via the Internet last night at work. I had missed two episodes of MTV’s “The Hills” . Apparently my DVR at home did not tape them. MTV has a pretty good viewer online. Actually, I think it is one of the better sites to view full episodes. Usually there are no breaks in the shows, and they don’t lock up.

I’m really getting sick of the “The Hills”. It is truely a train wreck. They attempt to call this a reality show, but I don’t think there’s much reality to it. Seriously, it’s really really bad acting.

Everyone is starting to get on my nerves. It seems like they “set-up” the people to be in certain situations. It’s like, today, we are going to talk about “this topic”, etc. I can’t stand Heidi and Spencer. They are the most fake people on that show. Does anyone actually work? Besides the fake jobs that MTV created for these people.

I still do love Lauren Conrad though. She has let fame go to her head, but I feel in love with her when she was on Laguna Beach. Boy has she changed from her high school days.

Saturday Morning with the Kiddos

In my previous post about Fashion Island, I stated that I would add in some photos of the kiddos. Stella is Angry Toddler’s BFF. He’s known her since birth. Well she is 2 months older.

Stacey and I love watching them grow up together. It’s soo damn cute. I really love our Saturday morning tradition that we’ve started. Even though, I’m half awake, and my hair usually looks like a rooster.

They really tire each other out. Usually on Saturdays, Angry Toddler takes a 4-5 hour nap. Seriously, I don’t know why, but Stella really tires him out.

Just getting to the mall, they were very excited. We told them to hold hands and they obliged us.

We told them to hug each other. Can’t you just feel the love in this picture?

Angry Toddler’s version of a hug. I think he will be an outstanding football player.

You can really see Angry Toddler’s military-style haircut in these pics. His jeans are rolled up cause they were way too big. They were a size 4T, and he’s definately a 3T. The poor child has extremely short legs like my side of the family. I only have a 26 inch inseam. We were at the mall to buy him some jeans. I didn’t have any clean ones for him to wear.

Fashion Island

I had to devote a post just to talk about a local mall. We have several malls around here in Orange County. My BFF, Stacey and I, decided we needed to take a trip to Fashion Island, here in Newport Beach. Both of our kiddos needed jeans. We were being cheapskates, and headed to Fashion Island to go visit the local, The Chilren’s Place. Seriously $11.00 for a pair of jeans is a good deal. Angry Toddler has been wearing jeans almost every day for the past week. I love babyGap’s jeans, but at $24.50, they get quite expensive.

Stacey drove us all to the mall. She knows that I’m barely awake on Saturdays. She put her extra carsear in her Volvo, so Angry Toddler can have somewhere to sit. He loves that pink Britax Regent. She parked on the top level of the parking structure. It was a beautiful day in Newport Beach. I usually have a camera in my purse, so I had to pull it out to take the pictures below. Seriously, this was the view from the parking structure.

As I was taking pictures of our view, I looked down. I saw a huge dirt lot. There used to be a Macy’s Women’s store at the place of the dirt lot. I got a little tear in the corner of my eye. I used to work loss prevention at this paarticular Macy’s. I would actually call it the start of my law enforcement career. Anyway, I looked further, and got the most fantastic feeling in my chest. YESSSS!!! They are building a brand new Nordstrom. It will be finished in 2010. Yes, that’ over a year away. But all my favorite stores will pretty much be at this mall. I love walking around here. There is some awesome people watching.

I’m going to do a seperate post to show some photos of the kiddos while we were shopping.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this show. I had a couple of episodes saved on my DVR. I’m a huge fan of “The Real Housewives of Orange County”. I really could not connect with “The Real Housewives of New York”.

I’m still unsure on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”. I think this show is like a train wreck. Seriously, these women love to flaunt their money. I thought New York was bad, but I think this “new money” Atlanta wins the prize for most flaunting the money. The Orange County girls liked to flaunt their “things” more than anything.

There is also a “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” being filmed. Apparently, “The Real Housewives” is a kind of franchise. Every show has a different film production and crew taping them.

Here’s the background on the cast of Atlanta (from Bravo):

DeShawn Snow
— Snow and her husband Eric, captain of the Cleveland Cavaliers, recently moved to their dream home in Alpharetta, GA. Mother to three boys: nine-year-old EJ, six-year-old Darius and five-year-old Jarren, Snow is an active member of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. She exercises her faith by running The DeShawn Snow Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on improving self-esteem in teenage girls. She is a regular on the Atlanta social circuit and extremely active in local philanthropy, sitting on the board of three different charities, all while expertly juggling her busy social calendar with being an NBA wife and keeping up with her boys.

Kim Zolciak — Zolciak lives in an exclusive gated townhouse community in Duluth, GA with her two children, 11-year-old Brielle and six-year-old Ariana. Zolciak is single, but happily dating with hopes to marry again in the near future. She also has her sights set on fame in the music business as a country singer, and is currently working with Grammy award-winning mega-producer Dallas Austin and will begin recording an album later this year. A staple on the Atlanta scene, Zolciak balances life as a single mom with a vivacious social life.

Lisa Wu Hartwell
— Hartwell, a resident of a luxurious country club community in Duluth, GA, is a busy career woman who wears many hats – she owns her own real estate firm, Hartwell & Associates, a jewelry line called Wu Girls, a baby clothing line, Hart 2 Hart Baby, and juggles a budding acting, modeling and writing career. She’s a devoted wife to her husband, NFL player Ed Hartwell, and their three children 13-year-old Jordan, ten-year-old Justin and one-year-old EJ. When she’s not running one of her many businesses or running after the kids, Hartwell is very active in Atlanta’s social scene.

NeNe Leakes
— Leakes is an active member of Atlanta society. She resides in the upscale Sugarloaf area of Atlanta with her husband Gregg, a successful real estate investor and business consultant, and their two sons, 18-year-old Brice and nine-year-old Brentt. Leakes donates her time to various foundations and is the founder of The Twisted Hearts Foundation, which brings awareness to domestic violence against women. Never one to sit still, the outspoken social butterfly also hopes to open a luxury boutique hotel in the very near future.

Sheree Whitfield — Single socialite Whitfield, a resident of the exclusive Sandy Springs area of Atlanta, juggles her busy home life with a packed social calendar. She is a busy working mother to three children -Tierra, Kairo and Kaleigh. Whitfield prides herself on her fashion sense, and owned her own upscale clothing boutique – Bella Azul – for years before closing up shop to focus on her next business venture, a clothing line called “She by Sheree.” Whitfield is opening a new chapter in her life as a single mom while balancing her entrepreneurial spirit and active social life.

I’m going to keep watching this. It’s on Tuesdays on Bravo. Check your local listings for times.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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