Today was not so bad after all

After finally waking up from my morning coma, I decided that I COULD NOT stand watching Noggin for five hours until my mom came over. I put a plan into action. I would take Angry Toddler to the park. This is a feat in itself right now. We are still in the midst of the potty training and I don’t like taking Angry Toddler in public, in unfamiliar places right now. I really don’t want to clean up his accidents.

I ended up taking Angry Toddler to Angels Playground in Costa Mesa. It’s the first ever playground in Costa Mesa to allow children with disabilities to play side by side with their peers. I thought AT would really like it. I forgot that my parents took him there last month, mommy brain, oops.

Well he played on the playground umm, literally 10 minutes. I was more excited than him. And then he spied the most fabulous thing in the world, a bounce house. There were some guys setting up one for a birthday party that was gonna happen later. Luckily they were really nice. They let AT play in it for 20 minutes. The kid hated bounce houses at 2 and now at age 3, they are the best thing ever.

After bouncing, Angry Toddler moved onto the trails surrounding the park. He had me climbing up dirt and rocks. His real mission was to chase the ducks though. Those poor ducks. I chased him around the park for over an hour. I even took some pictures with my Blackberry. If anyone knows me, I always have it with me. I even sent some pictures to Angry Husband. He was actually shocked that I took AT to the park without him.

Unfortunately, AT did not want to leave the park when it was time to leave. So I had to do the “grab him by the waist and put him under my armpit while kicking and screaming” walk to the car. Good times. He was ok once we got to the car though.

I’m going to have to figure out some early Saturday morning excursions for the next couple of months. I will have him all to myself on those days and won’t be able to handle sitting in front of the TV for all that time.

Gaming Widow

Angry Husband and I argue about “computer time” every day. This is the reason he bought me a laptop. Some times, I just feel more comfortable using the desktop. One of the reasons we fight over the desktop is because he has his “games” installed on it.

YES, my husband is a gamer. His computer gaming almost caused a divorce several years ago. He was playing that game, Everquest, almost 10 hours a day. It was pre-Angry Toddler but it still pissed me off. He would ignore everything in his life to play that game. He even started calling in sick to play. And to make things worse, his best friend played it too. So both of them would make plans to meet up and play online together. It was really frustrating. They would schedule these “raids” and play all night long. Finally, we had it out one day and he deleted his account and broke the CD for the game.

Well for the past few weeks he has been talking about a new role playing game. As he would expect, I roll my eyes when he talks about it. Well two days ago, he bought Warhammer Online. He played it for a few minutes on Wed night.

But last night, I wanted to kill him. Angry Toddler was starting to fall asleep on the couch. Angry Husband puts on one of those headset things with the mouth pieces and starts yaking away. Seriously dude, you are LOUD. He was talking to one of his co-workers on it. I could hear both conversations. I gave him my Angry Julie look from the front room, he gave me another one back.

Finally, Angry Toddler fell asleep and we moved him to his bed. I told AH, “Do you realize how loud you were? This can’t go on every night.” Angry Husband responded, “It’s the headset, I need a better one.”

He doesn’t get it. Thankfully, I work the next 4 nights and won’t have to endure this. Poor Angry Toddler.

Quote of the day from Angry Toddler

I think I shall randomly start posting some quotes from Angry Toddler. He’s always got something entertaining today.

Angry Toddler had some Gymboree pirate underwear on today. Then all of the sudden, he wanted his shark underwear. I said, “No, they are dirty. You wore them yesterday.”

He goes in the laundry and finds the shark underwear.

He promptly holds them up, while smelling them and says…

“These underwear are not dirty. I smell no poops. They is clean.”

Ummm, yea. He settled for the Gymboree Halloween ghost ones….

Angry Husband’s Cousin

AH’s cousin, Jackie, got married this weekend. Her wedding took place in San Gregorio, CA, which is in Northern California. Unfortunately, the Angry Family was unable to attend due to work conflicts, finances, and well, umm an Angry Toddler who likes to misbehave at weddings.

Jackie sent me a sneak peak of her wedding photographs. Her photographer, Kerry Ling, posted some on his blog. The photos are under September 13, 2008: Jaclyn and Brandon Wedding.

Jackie loves “Vintage” themes and all “Things” Vintage. I think her theme was beautiful and perfect for her.

I didn’t want to steal any photographs or anything, that’s why I linked the blog. But, you can click on the link, and see for yourself, how beautiful is was.

Kerry Ling Photography

Angry Husband This Morning

I’m officially working nights now. Yesterday was my last day shift at work. Today I am off. I have a function to go to, but it’s not until 8:30am. Which means I can sleep in since I don’t have to be at work at 6AM!

Angry Husband had to get up early for a meeting at work. I think he was afraid he was going to be late. The man started rolling around at 4am this morning. It was not a good start.

His alarm then started going off at 5:45am. Of course he hit snooze. Then at 6am, it went off again. Snooze. Finally, I said, turn it off.

Then he started getting ready. I swear he was actually trying to be loud today.

I finally got up since I was awake already. Then the questions started.

Where are my cellphones? He has two: one for personal use, and one for work.
Have you seen my bluetooth?
Can you check the laundry for my bluetooth?

Ugh! He finally left. It’s nice and peaceful.

I hope I have at least an hour of peace until Angry Toddler wakes up. That would be nice.

Price Comparisons for Christmas Shopping

Angry Toddler received a catalog from Young Explorers yesterday. He picked out the Bruder Recycling and Garbage Truck from the catalog. The truck is priced at $79.95. YES, that is pricey, but I know that Bruder makes great trucks and they are very durable.

Well luckily, I’m a pretty savvy shopper. I’ve already found the truck cheaper at the following sites:

The Golden Apple Learning Store-$59.95

Image Toys-$64.95

Play Fair Toys-$65.95


I could potentially save over $20 for this truck by just shopping around. There are also lots of sites with Free and/or Reduced Shipping. If you start shopping early enough, there are deals out there.

I just wanted to type this, because luckily for the internet, we are able to bargain shop and we don’t even have to leave our houses!

Mud Run Photo

So I did some Google-ing tonight. I found one SBSD Mud Run photo so far. It was taken by the San Bernadino County Sun. That’s me, in the blue tank top. I had just passed mile 2.

I had no idea that there was still much, much, much more to go!

One of the Hardest Things I’ve Ever Done

Yesterday was my first ever mud run. I ran the 5K portion of the SBSD Mud Run. I had never ever done a mud run. My co-workers participated in Camp Pendleton’s Mud Run, 2 years ago and they really liked it. I mean, who would do this again, if they didn’t like it, right?

Monique, my usual running partner got me prepped for the race. I work black compression shorts, Nike shorts over the compression shorts, a tight black sports bra, and a tight fitting running tank top. I pair it with a pair of old shoes (well I retired my current shoes, due to mileage), and some thinner socks. I was stream lined as I could be. She told me that you don’t want to be wearing any type of cotton, cause it only gets heavier when you’re wet and muddy.

So we lined up to start the race. Before it even started, a firetruck pulled up alongside us. They turned on their hoses and sprayed the entire crowd. I was soaking wet by that point. We then started the race. The first obstacles that we hit were some cement barrels, and hay bundles. We had to hop over them. We then started running uphill. After we hit the peak of the hill, we made a left, and started on some obstacles. We went up and down little hills, at the bottom of the hills were mud ponds. Seriously, the mud was as thick as quick sand. I got stuck several times, but luckily there were lots of strong boys to help me out. This went on and on, until we had to climb another steep hill. Really, you couldn’t run it, you just had to walk it, it was straight up.

Once, we ran down the steep hill, you thought you were at the Finish Line. Oh no, there were still tons of obstacles to go. We climbed over many steep hills, stomach crawled through some ponds, hopped wood walls/fences, and belly climbed some more.

When all was said and done, I was covered in mud on every inch of my body. My eyes were stinging from the mud, and my legs were throbbing. I look down at my knees and they were bleeding. They looked like hamburger.

We then waited in line for the showers. Yea, umm they sucked. Seriously, they were like tiny sprinklers suspended about 12 feet over our heads. We did not get clean at all. We then noticed that there was some kind of water truck over to the side. Well we walked over there and finally got semi clean. They had this water truck open like a fire hydrant on a hot summers day. We then had to walk back to my car and change our clothes. What a mess. Everything was caked in mud. We had to put everything in trash bags.

We all went to eat some lunch and then went home. I took a long shower when I got home including a nice 2 hour nap. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I cursed out loud and to myself several times during this race. Just when you thought you were done, another obstacle came along.

Everyone who had done the Camp Pendleton Race, which is a 10K, agreed that the obstacles were much worse in this one and that it was alot muddier. I don’t know if I will ever do this run again, but I might try the Camp Pendleton one sometime in the future.

Monique brought along one of those disposable waterproof cameras along the way. She’s going to take it in to be developed this week. Also, the official race pictures won’t be up until Tuesday.

But here’s some sample pictures to show what a Mud Run consists of.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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