That’s right. Angry Toddler was #2 wrapping paper salesman in his entire preschool. I’m soo proud of me, I mean him. I mean really, like the kid was out pimping people for money. I hit up everyone at my work to buy some wrapping paper and chocolate last week.
Pre-child, I used to buy from everyone who was selling something for their kid’s schools. I decided that it was their turn and made every one of those people buy from me. We sold over $300 of goodies.
AT’s classroom also won #1 class. They were able to get $250 worth of things for their classroom. AT, I mean I, got a $25 gift certificate to Starbuck’s for being #2. I went and retrieved that gift certificate this morning. I wish I liked coffee, because it was a definitely a caffeine morning. Instead, I got some yogurt and a blueberry muffin. They were still yummy though.