Angry Husband This Morning

I’m officially working nights now. Yesterday was my last day shift at work. Today I am off. I have a function to go to, but it’s not until 8:30am. Which means I can sleep in since I don’t have to be at work at 6AM!

Angry Husband had to get up early for a meeting at work. I think he was afraid he was going to be late. The man started rolling around at 4am this morning. It was not a good start.

His alarm then started going off at 5:45am. Of course he hit snooze. Then at 6am, it went off again. Snooze. Finally, I said, turn it off.

Then he started getting ready. I swear he was actually trying to be loud today.

I finally got up since I was awake already. Then the questions started.

Where are my cellphones? He has two: one for personal use, and one for work.
Have you seen my bluetooth?
Can you check the laundry for my bluetooth?

Ugh! He finally left. It’s nice and peaceful.

I hope I have at least an hour of peace until Angry Toddler wakes up. That would be nice.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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