A Saturday Afternoon with Angry Toddler

I was really stumped the past few weeks on how to entertain Angry Toddler on Saturdays. I usually only get a few hours of sleep right before he gets up in the morning.

My gal pal, Stacey, surprised me this week and wanted to bond with us. Her daughter, Stella, is Angry Toddler’s bestest friend. They’ve known each other since birth. I love watching them interact because they are soo funny together.

Stacey and I rarely get to meet up anymore, since she opened up a new business last March. She’s been really busy getting it up and started.

We took the kiddos to breakfast and then for some shopping. Angry Toddler even picked out his outfit for the day. He is hilarious. He’s got quite the fashion sense now. He’s leaning towards a “skater” look.

Raspberry Oatmeal Bars

I received this recipe last week. It is going to be in a cookbook that I will be talking about more next Spring-ish. Anyway, the people who know me best, know that I do not bake, cook, or do anything in the kitchen.

Here’s the recipe if you all want to try it. They are pretty easy to make.

* 1 1/4 Cups quick oats, uncooked
* 1 1/4 Cups all-purpose flour
* 1/2 Cup firmly packed brown sugar
* 1 Teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 Teaspoon salt
* 1 3/4 Sticks butter, unsalted melted
* 1 Cup raspberry jam or preserves
* 3/4 Cup white chocolate chips, divided
* 1/4 Cup chopped almonds

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Combine oats, flour, brown sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Stir in butter until mixture is moist. Reserve 1 cup of the crumb mixture; set aside. Press remaining crumb mixture into bottom of an 8″ x 8″ square pan. Bake 10 minutes.

Spread raspberry fruit evenly over baked crust to within 1/4″ of edges. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup white chocolate chips. Combine reserved crumb mixture with ramaining 1/4 cup white chocolate chips and almonds. Sprinkle over fruit mixture, pressing lightly into fruit, and all te way to the edge. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack. Cut into squares and serve.

Makes 16 servings.

Ignoring Other Blog

Poor Angry Toddler. I have ignored his blog alot in the past year. I got so caught up with this blog. Apparently other people have noticed. Angry Toddler’s Great Grandparents rely on his blog for updates, since we are really bad about calling them.

Angry Husband yelled at me this week for not updating his blog.

YAY!, I did four posts tonight on it.

I find it hard to update his blog when I have no photos of him. It’s really hard now to get a normal picture of Angry Toddler. He runs away or covers his face with his hands. What happened to my cute toddler who would say “Cheese” for the camera?

#2 in the Entire Preschool

That’s right. Angry Toddler was #2 wrapping paper salesman in his entire preschool. I’m soo proud of me, I mean him. I mean really, like the kid was out pimping people for money. I hit up everyone at my work to buy some wrapping paper and chocolate last week.

Pre-child, I used to buy from everyone who was selling something for their kid’s schools. I decided that it was their turn and made every one of those people buy from me. We sold over $300 of goodies.

AT’s classroom also won #1 class. They were able to get $250 worth of things for their classroom. AT, I mean I, got a $25 gift certificate to Starbuck’s for being #2. I went and retrieved that gift certificate this morning. I wish I liked coffee, because it was a definitely a caffeine morning. Instead, I got some yogurt and a blueberry muffin. They were still yummy though.

Air Conditioner Nazi

My mom is a total air conditioner nazi. She does not have air conditioner in her house. She doesn’t think she needs it. Oh my god, it is soo hot in my parents house though. Seriously, every time I go over there, I’m sweating. She thinks that they get an afternoon breeze there, umm no. They actually own three houses and no one of them has air.

I am quite different than that. Having air conditioning is one of my guilty pleasures. I love it. I run my air 24/7 during the summer and warmer months.

My mom is currently freaking out about finances. This woman has no need to freak out. But, she called me this morning and was like, “Have you turned off your air? It will lower your electric bill. It’s going into the Fall months.” Umm no mom, I like my house to be at the temperature of a hotel room. I can’t sleep when it’s hot in my house.

We live in a one story house that gets extremely hot. There is no breeze. Plus, we have a 125 gallon salt water fish tank. We need to buy a chiller for it. A chiller cools down the water. Unfortunately, Angry Toddler still gets into everything, and we don’t want him to break the chiller. So we just crank the AC on so that the fish tank won’t get too hot.

You can tell when my mom has been in the house too. Everytime she comes over to watch Angry Toddler she turns off the AC. Angry Husband always comes home and announces, “Dammit, did your mom turn off the AC, it’s like 80 something degrees in here.”

I’m sure she will turn off the AC and give me the lecture sometime this weekend too. Mom, we still have another month of heat in California, maybe more, please let me enjoy my AC.

Teeth Makeover

I don’t know why I didn’t do a post on this months ago. I was going through my Photobucket account and looking at the pictures again. I guess I thought people would find me too vain, but hey what the hell, I am kinda vain. Ever since I was in my early teens, I started having alot of problems with my teeth. I can’t tell you how many crowns, filings, and root canals I’ve had, but I know it’s alot. Some of my teeth I’ve had worked on 2-3 times.

I went to a new dentist, Dr.Padideh Shafiei, here in town. The practice is brand new, but she has years of experience. I was having problems with my old dentist and wanted a fresh start. We started with some x-rays, and went over my dental history. She found that two of my crowns/root canals had problems, go figure. I knew that there was something wrong with them, but nobody could figure it out. My teeth have alot of problems, cause I was sick all the time as a kid (asthma, bronchitis, etc.). I was given some many prescription drugs, that the enamel was being eaten off my teeth. I paying for it as an adult.

Dr. Shafiei asked if I ever thought about cosmetic dentistry. Of course, I have. I live in Orange County, the land of cosmetic procedures. Well we discussed porcelain veneers. I was hesitant about the price, but I knew that I could make payments. I came home and discussed it with Angry Husband. He gave me his usual response, “If it’s something you want to do, do it, I’m not going to hold you back.” Well I decided to get them done, EIGHT teeth.

I then started going to Dr. Shafiei for the preparation procedures. We have to take lots of molds of my teeth, prep my gums, and some drilling. It was a very long and painful process. Seriously, I’ve never been in some much pain in my life. I couldn’t even chew hard food for a couple of weeks, cause I have my temporaries in.

I had this done in April/May and I’m soo excited about the results. Seriously, the pain was all worth it. I remember how painful it was still, but I have no issues with them now. I do have a problem of smiling too much. My co-workers always make fun of me. One friend, Kim, says that I need to give a normal smile and not the fake smile I like to give now. I just can’t help it.

Getting my teeth done, was part of my whole Angry Julie Makeover. I’m going to post some pics. You can tell that I’ve lost weight between the before/after pictures, plus I will include a now picture also. I know alot of people think about getting this done, but never know anyone who’s actually gotten it done.




P.S. Please ignore my jacked up lipstick in my afters. My mouth was still numb and I barely got it on there.

Harvey’s Seatbelt Bags

I admit that I’m a total bag snob. I guess since I wear a uniform, 40+ hours a week, I have turned my clothing obsession into a bag obsession. I have Coach bags, Burberry bags, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, but I think that my most favorite is Harvey’s Seatbelt Bags.

I only have one bag from Harvey’s, but I’ve had it for about 3 years. I originally purchased it from Nordstrom. Harvey’s is an Orange County company, so I don’t really think the word has gotten out about how cool they truly are.

This is the bag that I currently own.

This is the bag that I covet. I’m going to ask for it, for my birthday in November. It’s a multi-colored. I saw it in person last week and I LOVE it.

I wish I would have known that they had diaper bags when Angry Toddler was smaller. I found this on their website, and I think it’s so cool and practical. It’s the perfect size to put lots of stuff in it.

I think I’m hooked on these bags, because of all the colors and patterns that they have. They have some neat stuff coming out for Fall. I go into the Louis Vuitton store every week. I used to dream about their purses. Even if I had the money, there is NOTHING that I like in their store right now.

A runner like you, mama

As we were leaving the park today, Angry Toddler saw a woman running on the street. He got all excited and pointed. He said, “Mama, mama, she’s a runner like you, mama”. I can’t tell you all how good that felt. Seriously, when you’re child sees someone soo athletic and thinks of you. I want those thoughts to stay in his head. I’m glad he will never be able to remember the lazy, larger Angry Julie.

I actually haven’t ran much this week. I usually track my running with the RunLogger application on Facebook. It’s pretty nifty. I’ve ran over 21 miles this week and averaged 4.79 miles on each run. That is not too bad. If I ever want to run a 1/2 Marathon, I need to get my miles up though.

I finally went to the doctor on Thursday this week, after having some issues for a couple of days. Ugh, I was right all along, and had a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). I seriously think it was from running; either from the long mileage and not showering right away (within the hour), or issues related to my mud run, which seems forever ago. I’m on all kinds of drugs right now, which make my stomach hurt.

Hopefully, I can do alot more running next week. I’m glad that the weather is getting cooler, cause I might be encouraged to run outside a little more.

I don’t have an races planned right now either. I think I’m going to do one on Thanksgiving with my pal, Mo.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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