My Weight Loss Milestone Today

We all have our varying weights from our adult life. I can’t recall how much I weighed in High School though. I think I’m permanently blocked that out of my mind. I was soo traumatized in High School. You would think I was huge then, but I wasn’t. I was probably in the 140’s.

I gained some weight when I started college which carried through until I was about 21. When I turned 21, I discovered a wonderful thing, Phen-Fen. Oh my, the wonder drug. I think I lost 30 lbs. in umm, about 2 months. I was a wild girl then. I was taking 18 units in college, and working 2 jobs. Plus, I had recently discovered country music, bars, and line dancing. It was some very good times. I think I dieted down to 145-ish, except I had some damn huge ass boobs.

Slowly, I started gaining my weight back over the years. Marriage and working full-time does that too you. In 2001, I had breast reduction surgery. Unfortunately cause my BMI (Body Mass Index) was higher, my insurance, a nasty HMO, wouldn’t pay for it. I did self-pay and I’m glad I got it done. After having the surgery, I felt alot lighter. I was able to work out with pain in my shoulders, etc. I also started doing WW aka Weight Watchers at that time. I got down to a weight of 166 that year. I felt great, I looked great. Everything was awesome.

Well, I plateaued for a long time and I kinda gave up on WW. Bad me. The pounds started creeping up again. After taking Clomid for 6 months to try and get pregnant, I added on, oh let’s see about another 30 lbs, before I got pregnant.

I had my son in 2005. I lost some weight right away. I even joined WW again. I lost like 15 pounds. I gave up again.

Well this Janaury, I started a new regime. I will wait until my goal weight to go into it, but alas as of today, I had my WW low weight. Yes, folks, I hit 166 lbs. today. I try and think of this as my lowest adult weight. Cause seriously, before age 25, it’s all metabolism. After 25, I think it’s all me working it, not nature.

I still have about 40 lbs. to go to my goal, but I wanted to take in this milestone today and enjoy it.

To celebrate, I went through my closet again. I got rid of everything that had XL on it. I even went through my coat closet too. I placed everything in bags and it’s all in the back of the Angry Julie Tahoe. I will be taking it all to the Goodwill tomorrow.

I can’t wait to go shopping for my goal clothes. I know that my weight loss has dramatically slowed down lately. The last 40 or soo pounds are going to be hard to get off. I expect or will try to hit my goal by the first of the year.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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