The New Accessory for Californians

July 1st, a law went into effect here in California. You have to be hands-free while driving. While that caused an influx of sales for Bluetooth Cell Phone Accessories.

Now, everyone I see around here has a Bluetooth hooked on their ear. People, it’s for while you are driving. It seriously drives me crazy when I see people walking around with their Bluetooth headset on their ear. It is not a fashion accessory.

You can take it off and put it away while you are not on the phone. Are you really that important that you need to have it on 24/7?

Just curious.

Baby Prayers

I went to pick up Angry Toddler from preschool today. He was sitting at a table with one of his friends. They had plates and dishes scattered all over the table. I think they also had some play food.

The one little boy went to grab for the food and Angry Toddler caught his hand. They both then put their little heads down, put their hands together, and said some kind of little prayer. All I heard it “Thank You God…or something”.

I think they are praying before meals at his preschool. I don’t know but I’ve never seen Angry Toddler do that before. But I thought it was soo cute.

And believe me, we are not the praying type around here.

The New Me

So I’ve called 2008, Operation Hair Grow Out. I’ve literally fought with my hair for the past 2 months. I’ve been growing it out since January-ish though. I had a moment last week where I wanted to shave my head.

I then did when I typically do when I’m contemplating a new hair do. I put out the pictures. I went through all my photo albums, Shutterfly, Snapfish, and even polled my friends. Really, Julie is much better with shorter hair.

I have that inner voice though. The voice that says long hair is pretty, and feminine. Ya, not soo much. Long hair is frizzy and a pain in the ass for Julie. When my hair is past my shoulders, all I do is wear it in some sort of pony tail.

So I made the appointment. I took in two pictures with me. My hairdresser knew this was coming. I had it cut off. I still need some color added. I was too lazy to sit for some highlights though.

So, here’s the before-Julie. This was taken about two months ago and almost 10 lbs. ago too:

and here’s the after-Julie. WARNING! It’s short, very short.

Fall Clothes

If anyone knows me, you know that I have a huge clothing addiction for my son, Angry Toddler. I love to dress him up. Since he’s gotten older, he’s been quite opinionated about his clothing. It has gotten very frustrating to me. I have really slowed down my shopping and stuck to such brands as: Gymboree (cause Angry Grandma works there, duh), Gap, Small Paul, Quiksilver, and Mini Boden.

Mini Boden is a British company that I fell in love with about a year ago. Everyone was raving about it, but I failed to jump on that bandwagon. I did the Spring/Summer pre-order this year and loved it all.

Well for Fall, I did my pre-order in June. You get 20% and free shipping/free returns if you do the pre-order. Well I finally received the last bit of my order last week. I love it all, but we are not keeping everything. I have to sort through it and pick the best outfits.

I took some pictures of the last of my loot. I also took a picture of Angry Toddler wearing some of his goodies. His outfit does not go together, but it’s what he wanted to wear. I needed to try it on him for sizing.

Oh, and some people will say that Mini Boden is expensive. Cause really it is. But it has excellent re-sale on e-bay.

Project Clean the Office

Our home office is kinda been the dumping place for awhile. We put everything in there that we have no place for. For the past two weeks, its been also the “toys taken away from Angry Toddler cause he’s bad and not getting them back” storage place.

Well, it’s time to clean it up. Seriously, out of control. Also I have my e-bay crap everywhere too.

I thought I would post some before pictures for you all to see how much I need to clean. I really really need to get off the computer now…

My Weight Loss Milestone Today

We all have our varying weights from our adult life. I can’t recall how much I weighed in High School though. I think I’m permanently blocked that out of my mind. I was soo traumatized in High School. You would think I was huge then, but I wasn’t. I was probably in the 140’s.

I gained some weight when I started college which carried through until I was about 21. When I turned 21, I discovered a wonderful thing, Phen-Fen. Oh my, the wonder drug. I think I lost 30 lbs. in umm, about 2 months. I was a wild girl then. I was taking 18 units in college, and working 2 jobs. Plus, I had recently discovered country music, bars, and line dancing. It was some very good times. I think I dieted down to 145-ish, except I had some damn huge ass boobs.

Slowly, I started gaining my weight back over the years. Marriage and working full-time does that too you. In 2001, I had breast reduction surgery. Unfortunately cause my BMI (Body Mass Index) was higher, my insurance, a nasty HMO, wouldn’t pay for it. I did self-pay and I’m glad I got it done. After having the surgery, I felt alot lighter. I was able to work out with pain in my shoulders, etc. I also started doing WW aka Weight Watchers at that time. I got down to a weight of 166 that year. I felt great, I looked great. Everything was awesome.

Well, I plateaued for a long time and I kinda gave up on WW. Bad me. The pounds started creeping up again. After taking Clomid for 6 months to try and get pregnant, I added on, oh let’s see about another 30 lbs, before I got pregnant.

I had my son in 2005. I lost some weight right away. I even joined WW again. I lost like 15 pounds. I gave up again.

Well this Janaury, I started a new regime. I will wait until my goal weight to go into it, but alas as of today, I had my WW low weight. Yes, folks, I hit 166 lbs. today. I try and think of this as my lowest adult weight. Cause seriously, before age 25, it’s all metabolism. After 25, I think it’s all me working it, not nature.

I still have about 40 lbs. to go to my goal, but I wanted to take in this milestone today and enjoy it.

To celebrate, I went through my closet again. I got rid of everything that had XL on it. I even went through my coat closet too. I placed everything in bags and it’s all in the back of the Angry Julie Tahoe. I will be taking it all to the Goodwill tomorrow.

I can’t wait to go shopping for my goal clothes. I know that my weight loss has dramatically slowed down lately. The last 40 or soo pounds are going to be hard to get off. I expect or will try to hit my goal by the first of the year.

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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